Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1687 I'm Waiting For You

Hearing this, Zhao Yang looked at Bai Ning speechlessly and said, "I said, did you make a mistake? Do you think I'm here to snatch a marriage?"

"Isn't it?" Bai Ning looked at Zhao Yang in astonishment.

"Your sister Baixue was my handyman when she was in the Central God Territory, but can I treat her as a maid? This time I came here to see how she is doing?" Zhao Yang's words caused an uproar among the monks in the audience.

What did Zhao Yang say?

The daughter of the palace master of Shangyin Academy is Zhao Yang's handyman.

You must know that handymen are not as good as even maids.

Ouyang Xiaona shivered in fright.

She felt that she had encountered a neurosis.

"Do you want to die?" Bai Ning's eyes became cold.

"Can you tell me about the origin of this ancient clock?" What Bai Ning didn't expect was that Zhao Yang raised this question.

"The origin of this ancient clock can no longer be investigated." Bai Ning explained while suppressing his anger.

"How many times did it ring when you shot?"

"Six tones."


"Trash? Do you think six tones are easy? This means that in the future I can become a powerful existence. If I go further, I can become a giant, you know?" Bai Ning felt that Zhao Yang was too ignorant.

"Are you interested in witnessing miracles?" Zhao Yang asked with a smile.

"It's up to you?" Bai Ning said with a face of disbelief.




When the ancient clock rang five times in succession, Bai Ning's expression changed drastically.

The monks present also counted one by one, and all of them became serious.

Get back up.

What does five strokes represent?

It means that Zhao Yang can become a mid-level existence in the Living God Realm in the future!


When the sixth tone sounded, Bai Ning's expression became ugly.

How can it be?

This kid has the same potential as himself?

Before saying that, I really underestimated him.

"Even if you can ring six times, it's okay?" Bai Ning was shocked to find that the ancient clock vibrated again, and at the same time, a sound wave resounded through the whole world.


The seventh crisp bell chime rumbled, and at the same time a dazzling golden light rose into the sky.

"Seven chimes."

"Another existence at the level of a child of God appeared."

"This disciple is mine."

"Immortal, don't even think about it."

All the upper echelons of Shangyin Academy were alarmed.

They came to the mountain gate immediately.

But when they saw the figure standing in front of the ancient clock, they were stunned.

"Is it him?"

"In the early stages of the God Realm."

"What does a god son of this level come to our Shangyin Academy?"

"I'm curious too."

The senior officials of Shangyin Academy did not hide their words, so Bai Ning and other monks could hear them clearly.

"In the early days of the God Realm, how could you have reached this level?" Bai Ning stared at Zhao Yang dumbfounded and said.

Because he is still struggling at the high level of Death God Realm.

"Young Master." At this moment, Bai Xue's figure appeared at the gate of the mountain. When she saw Zhao Yang

shouted in surprise.

She threw herself into Zhao Yang's arms and began to cry.

Zhao Yang gently stroked her hair, "Why, aren't you happy staying in Shangyin Academy?"

Bai Xue just cried and didn't say anything.

"Let go of Bai Xue." A figure appeared in midair in the distance, and he saw Bai Xue threw herself into Zhao Yang's arms, with a gloomy face about to drip water.

"Not good, the road is far away." Bai Ning's face changed drastically when he saw that figure.

Bai Ning is very aware of how rebellious that guy Lu Yuan is, and he also knows how cruel and domineering that guy is.

But because he is the son of God, even the palace lord gave him three points.

"Zhao Yang, let go of Bai Xue quickly." Bai Ning shouted in a low voice.

It's a pity that Zhao Yang turned a deaf ear to it.

"Are you crazy? That's Lu Yuan. If he makes a move, you deserve it if he kills you. Do you know that?" Bai Ning felt so angry at this moment, I was doing your best, but you ignored me.

"I said let go of Baixue." When Lu Yuan said this, his monstrous murderous intent almost turned into substance, and everyone noticed that the sunny sky just now suddenly turned dark.

"Shut up." At this time, a graceful and luxurious middle-aged woman appeared in midair. Her appearance was about six or seven percent similar to Bai Xue's, but the years had left some marks on her face.

"Palace Master, what did you say?" Lu Yuan looked at the middle-aged woman in a daze.

It seemed that the Palace Master was yelling at him.

"Do you know who he is? You can also scold him?" Bai Lu wished he could slap Lu Yuan to death.

you pretend

Beep is fine, but don't pretend in front of this guy.

Bai Lu's words shocked everyone.


Could it be that Zhao Yang still has an amazing identity?

At this moment, Wen Ji came to her senses, " are Zhao Yang, the law enforcement history of Dan Pavilion?"

Ouyang Xiaona also reacted.

She finally understood why Zhao Yang patted Wen Ji on the shoulder, and Wen Ji passed the examination?

He also understands why the person in front of him has the same name and surname as Dan Ge's Law Enforcement History?

There is no such thing as the same name and surname, they are originally the same person!

Bai Ning was also confused at this time.

what's the situation?

Dange's law enforcement history is the one I once looked down upon?

Bai Xue raised her head from Zhao Yang's arms at this time, "My lord... are you the law enforcement history of Dan Pavilion?"



"Really, I'm still wondering why you didn't come to me?"

"I thought it was the same name and surname." Bai Xue said shyly, "It's my fault for saying it, I should verify it. But I also feel that he is the son of a high god, how can he talk to me?"

"Aren't you happy staying in Shangyin Academy?"

"The palace lord forced me to marry Lu Yuan. I don't like that guy at all. That guy is rebellious and not a good person." Bai Xue pouted and said coquettishly to Zhao Yang.

In Bai Xue's heart, Zhao Yang is her backer.

What she didn't know was that this would bring disaster to Lu Yuan?

"You want to marry Bai Xue?" Zhao Yang's eyes fell on the road.

far body.

Lu Yuan only felt that a world-shattering coercion fell on him, and he was suppressed and fell from mid-air to the ground.

He struggled to get up, but he couldn't even do the simplest movement.

"Aren't you just relying on your cultivation to suppress me? If we are at the same level..." After being at the same level, he really wanted to say "slaughter the dog", but he couldn't say it no matter what.

He had heard about Zhao Yang's deeds.

Jiutong from the Jiuyou lineage and Cangyuan from the Cang clan, those two are not weak in the Shenzi realm, but they still willingly recognize Zhao Yang as their eldest brother.

Zhong Feiyang, the god king of the first pavilion, was so powerful among the sons of gods, but he was still defeated by Zhao Yang.

"I think you are not far from breakthrough." Zhao Yang said and threw a time shard to Lu Yuan, "This time shard is five times the speed of time flow. Let's fight again after you break through in a year."

Fragments of time?

Looking at the time fragments in front of him, Lu Yuan showed surprise.

Just when he was about to grab it, he was scolded by the egret.

"Master Zhao, Lu Yuan is messing around, please forgive him for my sake." Bailu knew very well that as long as Lu Yuan took this time fragment, Zhao Yang would definitely kill him a year later.

"I need it." What made Bailu confused was that Lu Yuan actually grabbed the time fragment, "I will be able to break through within a year, and then in another four years, I will be able to stabilize my realm and let my cultivation level go further At this point, madness flashed in his eyes, "I will win, and I will let the world know who is the strongest son of God."

(End of this chapter)

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