Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1670 Treasure Map

"I now seriously suspect that my brother is an ignorant god king." Zhao Qingqing said with a smile.

Look at the resources Zhao Yang prepared for them, which one is not a god-king level?

As a result, Zhao Wudi gave him the No.12 resource, and he thought it was a great gift.

"I think so too." Tang Yiren blinked at Zhao Qingqing.

Dan Pavilion!

Zhao Yang broke through.

After staying in Dan Pavilion for more than 20 years, his cultivation base once again ushered in a breakthrough.

Zhao Yang, who had reached the state of living god, felt stronger.

This is also normal.

Because his origin has once again been promoted.

After Zhao Yang reached the state of living gods, he said that the happiest was his soldiers.

Especially the soldiers who have reached the initial stage of the life god state.

They were finally able to improve their strength.

Zhao Yang didn't let them down either, he helped those in the early stage of the Living God Realm upgrade the formation, and gave the early stage of the Living God Realm the elixir to improve their origin.

I am afraid that the only ones who are unhappy are Wang Xun and the two deputy commanders.

no way.

Who let their cultivation base be in the mid-stage of the living god state?

"Wait patiently. Next time I want to break through again, it will take more than a little bit of time." Zhao Yang patted Wang Xun on the shoulder, "But what I can assure you is that I can send you to life." A high-level divine realm."

After getting Zhao Yang's guarantee, Wang Xun couldn't be happier.

do everything

I am motivated.

After appeasing Wang Xun, Zhao Yang came to the sad-faced Bai Jinghao.

"What are you thinking?"

"Nothing?" Bai Jinghao said quickly.

"Are you thinking of breaking through to the resources in the early stage of the living god state?"

Bai Jinghao, who had been seen through his thoughts, looked at Zhao Yangdao in astonishment, "History of Law Enforcement, you... how do you know?"

"Do you think I didn't pay attention?" Zhao Yang said lightly, "There will be an auction tonight, and you will go with me then."

"Many powerful forces will come to tonight's auction, and I think I'm probably hopeless." Bai Jinghao shook his head.

He knows his means.

"You won't be allowed to pay." Zhao Yang said angrily.

Only then did Bai Jinghao realize it.

Zhao Yang is bidding for high-level resources for himself.

At the beginning of the night, the auction hosted by Dan Ge started, and the masters and successors of all parties entered the venue one after another.

As the law enforcement history of Dan Pavilion, Zhao Yang can naturally get a box.

"Our Dan Pavilion holds an auction every ten years, and the items in each auction are the top choices, so the competition among all parties is very fierce." Bai Jinghao explained, "Tonight is destined to be a battle between dragons and tigers."

Zhao Yang is still there.

There are tens of billions of sacred stones on him, should he worry about not being able to afford it?

As time went by, more and more monks came to the venue.

probably in the past

After half an hour, an old man appeared in the center of the auction house.

This old man is none other than the second elder of Dan Pavilion.

From this, we can see how much Dan Ge attaches importance to this auction.

The second elder was polite for a while before starting the topic.

"The first item to be auctioned tonight is Yun Lily, ranked No. 11, which can step into the early stage of the God Realm." Following the second elder's voice, all the monks present were shocked.

"Dan Pavilion is such a big hand."

"That's right, appearance is such a precious thing?"

"The No.11 resource will have the opportunity to hit giants in the future."

"No matter how high the price is, we will win it."

Seeing this scene in the private room, Zhao Yang asked in surprise, "Why doesn't he use this kind of resource Dange?"

"Many items in the auction are not necessarily Dange's. Some monks will send their own things for auction, and Dange will charge a certain handling fee." Bai Jinghao explained.

Only then did Zhao Yang understand.

"You can bid for the auction later." Zhao Yang said lightly.

The second elder saw that the atmosphere in the audience had been mobilized, so he said with a smile, "I think everyone knows the value of Yun Baihe. The base price is 8000 million, and each increase must not be less than 100 million."

Hearing this, Zhao Yang suddenly realized how conscientious the auction house in the city that never sleeps is?

And this price did not affect everyone's enthusiasm for bidding.

"Eight thousand one

million. "

"Eighty three million."

"Eighty three million."

Soon the price climbed to [-] million.

After reaching this price, Bai Jinghao was already a little nervous.

"1000, [-]." It was Song Baoyu from Wanshenmen who opened his mouth to bid.

Song Baoyu came here this time because of these resources.

"2000 million and [-] million." Just after Song Baoyu's voice fell, a faint voice came from a box.

"Habayashi, the divine son of the Yuhua Dynasty."

"It's hard to compete with him."

"Yeah, offending the Son of God, maybe the sect is in danger."

Song Baoyu didn't dare to bid anymore, even if he still had the money he had prepared.

Bai Jinghao looked at Zhao Yang.

He didn't dare to bid rashly.

"Two hundred million." Zhao Yang said lightly.

Yu Tong immediately recognized Zhao Yang's voice, "So it's Mr. Zhao, since you want it, I'll give it up."

"In the auction field, the one with the highest price wins." Zhao Yang said indifferently, "Young Master Yu, don't worry about me, just shoot if you want."

Zhao Yang didn't want to show his favor.

Yu Tong smiled and said nothing.

The rest of the monks present also stopped bidding, mainly because it was not worth the price.

Soon the first lot was delivered to Zhao Yang's box.

After paying [-] million divine stones, Zhao Yang threw them to Bai Jinghao, "Cultivate well in the future, and don't disappoint my trust."


Jing Hao knelt on the ground with one knee, "From now on, Jing Hao will only follow Mr. Zhao's lead."

Zhao Yang nodded.

"The second item to be auctioned this time is a battleship in the mid-stage of the Life God Realm." The second elder began to introduce it eloquently.

Zhao Yang is not interested.

It's fine if you're a high-level student of the God Realm, but forget it if you're in the mid-stage of the Life God Realm.

The third piece!

The fourth piece!


Just when Zhao Yang was bored, a treasure map that the second elder took out caught Zhao Yang's attention.

"This treasure map was entrusted to us by a monk for auction. It is rumored that this is the dojo of a god king. As for whether it is true, it depends on your eyesight."

Zhao Yang stared at the treasure map.

Guqin and wooden sword are also staring at the study.

"I have some impression of context." Guqin said suddenly after a while.

"Can you find it?"

"it should be OK."

"Then take a picture." Zhao Yang said decisively.

The second elder saw that everyone was not in a good mood, so he said bewitchingly, "This is the dojo of the king of gods. I don't know that there are skills and resources that defy the sky. Aren't you tempted?"

Some monks felt hot in their hearts, while others sneered in their hearts.

Only one corner of the treasure map was exposed.

And they didn't recognize this corner at all?

That is to say, the treasure map photographed with a lot of money may not be found anywhere.

(End of this chapter)

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