Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1669 Arrogant Zhao Wudi

When Changsun Wuya was laughing and chatting with everyone, Changsun Huanghua rushed in.

"Patriarch, something happened."

The expression on Changsun Wuya's face froze, "But Mingyue?"

Mingyue is the key to the rise of the Changsun family, and the eldest grandson Huanghua has always been responsible for Mingyue's safety.

"Mingyue's husband is..."

"Who is Mingyue's husband?" Changsun Wuya's heart sank.


A command arrow suddenly appeared in the direction of Mingyue's room and flew upwards.

"It's over, Mingyue is sending the signal." The eldest grandson Huang Hua said with a pale face.

"Quickly explain who Yue's husband is?" Changsun Wuya roared at Changsun Huanghua.

"Dan Pavilion Law Enforcement History Zhao Yang."

Hearing this name, Changsun Wuya was frightened.

And the guests present seemed to realize something.

"Brother Wu Ya, your grandson won't rob Dange's law enforcement history's wife?" An old man changed his face.


Are you trying to trick me?

"Brother Wu Ya, you're playing big."

"Brother Wuya, what's going on?"

Just when several old men questioned, a huge warship appeared above Mingyue's room.

A figure stood on the bow of the battleship.

Who else is it not Zhao Yang?

"Husband." Mingyue saw Zhao Yang flying over.

Zhao Yang hugged Mingyue's waist, his gaze

Looking coldly at the front hall, "The eldest grandson family, you guys are quite courageous."

Changsun Wuya was almost scared to pee.

He ran under the battleship in a panic, "I don't know that Miss Mingyue's husband is you. If I knew, even if you lend me a hundred guts, I wouldn't dare to do it."

Changsun Wuya felt that he was wronged.

Mingyue, if you had said earlier that your husband was Zhao Yang, I would have to treat you as my uncle, okay?

"Mingyue, you didn't say anything." Zhao Yang looked at Mingyue in surprise.

"I'm worried that the eldest grandson's family will take the risk and tear up their tickets." Mingyue nodded and said.

"Where's Changsun Yunkong?" Zhao Yang asked in a deep voice after pondering for a while.

A young man in a brocade robe stood up tremblingly.

"It's true that my wife didn't say that her husband is me, but she clearly told you that she is married, but your eldest grandson's family still persecuted her." Zhao Yang paused at this point, "Then I will spare you. "


The warship fired a cannonball at Changsun Yunkong, and Changsun Yunkong turned into pieces without even making a scream.

After killing the eldest grandson Yunkong, Zhao Yang looked at the eldest grandson Wuya, "Actually, I should kill you, but I also know that if I kill you, your eldest grandson family will be finished. Save your life this time, In the future, if I find out that the eldest grandson family has committed many crimes, then I will uproot your eldest grandson family."

After saying this sentence

The ship headed in the direction of Dan Pavilion.

After the battleship was far away, Changsun Wuya looked around the audience and said, "I believe you have heard Mr. Zhao's words, right? From today on, no one in the Changsun family will be allowed to do things that are not worthy of the table. If I find out , Mr. Zhao does not deal with you, I will deal with you."

The members of the Changsun family despise Changsun Wuya.

Why didn't you see you showing off your power when Zhao Yang was here just now?

Dan Pavilion!

After Zhao Yang took Mingyue to his residence, he introduced Mingyue's identity to Caidie and Zhang Yan.

"Caidie has met Miss Mingyue."

"Zhang Yan met Miss Mingyue."

Mingyue was originally the top beauty in the Immortal Realm, even after she came to the God Realm, she was still beautiful.

Both Cai Die and Zhang Yan were inferior.

"Where's Caihan?" Mingyue looked around.

"Caihan is at Wanshenmen."

"Why doesn't Caihan come here?"

"Caihan wants to get the inheritance of Wanshenmen."

"I will follow my husband from now on."

The arrival of the bright moon has added a lot of color to this place.

Zhao Yang's mood also improved a lot.

After Mingyue's cultivation broke through to Death God Realm, Zhao Yang asked Mingyue to choose a new exercise.

"The Great Dream Heart Sutra is still the King Wu Heart Sutra."

"Can I choose both?" Mingyue said after thinking about it.

"Okay, but King Wu

The Heart Sutra is somewhat difficult. "

"Is it more challenging if it is difficult?" Mingyue said with a smile, "I mainly use the Great Dream Heart Sutra."

"Alright, you can always ask me if you don't understand."

Zhao Yang's aptitude is really too high, the Heart Sutra of King Wu is difficult for a god king, but is that the case for Zhao Yang?

Central God Realm!

After the bright moon soared, Tang Yiren became the Suzerain of the Yanhuang Sect.

The Lizard Clan has been very honest these years, and has never launched an attack on Yanhuangzong again. Even if they got the information that Lin Caihan had ascended, the Lizard Clan still had no plans to attack.

"The defense line of the Lizard Clan has been shrinking over the years."

"The various tribes have formed alliances, large and small, and have launched attacks on the lizards one after another. Over the years, the lizards have lost at least [-] million."

"Where do they dare to provoke our Yanhuangzong again?"

Lin Caihan left some hole cards before leaving, Mingyue left some hole cards before leaving, and now Tang Yiren is building some hole cards, it can be said that the current Yan Huangzong is stronger than before.

At this time, a soldier suddenly told a man named Zhao Wudi to come to visit.

"Zhao Wudi?" Tang Yiren was stunned.

"Why is Zhao Wudi still in the Central God Realm?" The third princess asked in puzzlement.

"He doesn't have the adventure of a husband." Tang Yiren said this and looked at the soldier, "Bring Zhao Wudi over here."

Not long after, a young man in brocade robes

Nian walked in.

He was still as arrogant and defiant as before.

Perhaps the only one in Yanhuangzong who likes Zhao Wudi is Lin Caihan, who is a mother.

He glanced at the audience and said, "Where is my mother?"

"Caihan has already ascended." Tang Yiren said lightly.

"Ascension?" Zhao Wudi was a little confused.

He felt a little unbelievable.

You must know that Zhao Wudi felt that he had entered the territory very quickly after arriving in the Central God Territory.

But what's the situation now?

Why did Lin Caihan soar up before him?

"Brother." Zhao Qingqing called out sweetly.

Zhao Wudi glanced at Zhao Qingqing, and then threw her a brocade box, "I prepared this for you. It will be helpful to you after you ascend in the future."

Zhao Qingqing opened the brocade box and found that it was the No. 13 dead sage.

"Why is it No.13?" Zhao Qingqing said with some dissatisfaction.

"Do you think No. 13 is a Chinese cabbage? I got it after a lot of effort." Zhao Wudi said angrily, "Remember to look for me when you arrive at the Upper God Realm in the future, okay, I'm leaving .”

Zhao Wudi left as soon as he said it, without giving Tang Yiren and others any face.

"Is this guy still so arrogant?" The third princess couldn't see it.

"If this little guy knows that what my husband has prepared for us is the resources of the God King Realm, what do you think he will think?" Tang Yiren giggled.

(End of this chapter)

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