"Hmph, you also have to have this strength." Qingyun sneered, "I might not be as good as you if you compete in Dan Dao, but if you compete in Array Dao, no one can do it."

"So you think Guo Fengchun, the young master of Zhen Pavilion, is not as good as you." Zhao Yang asked with a smile.

Qingyun was startled.

"I didn't say that." He explained hastily.

"But you think so." Zhao Yang said lightly.

Qing Yun quickly looked at Guo Fengchun and said, "Senior Brother Guo, I have absolutely no intention of doing that."

"Junior Brother Qingyun, as the young generation who are determined to forge ahead, what's the point of being arrogant? I thought the god kings of the older generation were not as good as me when they were young." Guo Fengchun laughed loudly.

He pretended not to care, but there was a cold light in the corner of his eyes.

He was dissatisfied with Qingyun.

But he couldn't speak.

"Do you think you can provoke the relationship between our brothers and sisters with a few words?" Qingyun forced himself to calm down.

"If the relationship between your brothers and sisters is really that good, why should I provoke you?" Zhao Yang deliberately changed the subject when he said this, "Come on, aren't you here to challenge me?"

Zhao Yang changed the topic on purpose, he didn't give Qingyun a chance to explain.

"I heard that your formation technique is dominant in the younger generation, but I don't believe it."

"I think I still need to explain, first of all I never said such a thing."

"What? Scared?" Qing Yun looked at Zhao Yang sarcastically.

"As we all know, I am the law enforcement history of Dan Pavilion. As for the array, I only dabble occasionally." Zhao Yang changed his voice at this point, "But I don't think there is much problem in defeating you."

"You...arrogant." Qing Yun spat out a few words through his teeth.

"Hehe, tell me, what's the comparison?" Zhao Yang said lightly.

"Since I'm here to challenge you, of course you have the final say on the rules, otherwise everyone will think I'm bullying you." Qingyun said without thinking.

He has absolute confidence in the lane.

"Is there any famous figure here?" Zhao Yang looked around and asked indifferently.

"This old man used to be the honorary elder Su Mingzi of the Zhen Pavilion. If Mr. Zhao can trust me, how about I preside over it?" After Zhao Yang's voice fell, an old man with white beard stood up.

"Yes." Zhao Yang nodded.

"This old man is Huang Yutong, the owner of the Jiuzheng Pavilion. He has been immersed in the formation for thousands of years. I wonder if Mr. Zhao can trust me?" Another old man came out.

"Thank you." Zhao Yang said.

"This old man is Meng Tiande, a casual cultivator. He has been studying the Dao for these years. I am confident that even a famous elder may not be as accomplished in Dao as I am." A plain-looking old man came out, "I don't know Mr. how do I?"

"Please." Zhao Yang made an inviting gesture


After these three celebrities came to the stage, Zhao Yang looked at Qingyun and said, "What do you think of these three seniors?"

"The three seniors are all famous people, I believe in the three seniors." Qing Yun said loudly.

"Then ask the three seniors to come up with questions." Zhao Yang looked at the three old men and said.

"Two wait a moment, the three of us have to discuss before deciding what to assess?" Huang Yutong said in a deep voice.

After the three celebrities had a discussion, Meng Tiande said, "After our discussion, the assessment is divided into three sessions. The first assessment is a written test. Each of the three of us will give one hundred questions, that is, three hundred questions. Whoever gets the most correct answers wins.

"We will build a formation for the second assessment. You need to crack our formation, and the winner will be determined by the time of cracking."

"In the third assessment, you each use formation runes to build a formation, and you need to break each other's formation."

Speaking of this, Huang Yutong looked at Zhao Yang and said, "Do you have any objections?"

"Yes." To Qingyun's surprise, it was Zhao Yang who spoke.

"You said."

"I don't want any external interference when we break the formation or test questions." Zhao Yang stared at Qingyun and said.

Qingyun is like a cat whose tail has been stepped on, "You... what do you mean?"

"Do you think I don't know who's inside you?" Zhao Yang sneered, "If it tells you the answer

If so, how can our assessment be fair? "

"Your assessment will not have any external interference." At this moment, an old voice sounded in midair, "Whoever dares to transmit the sound, I will take action."

Everyone was terrified.

Danzu actually spoke.

"Yes, no one is allowed to interfere with your game." At this time, a voice came from the distant sky.

Everyone knew that it was the voice of the ancestors.

At this time, the two powerful god kings had spoken, so Zhao Yang had nothing to say.

"Please also ask the two god kings to isolate the space around us." Su Mingzi shouted into the air, "In this way we can focus on arranging the test questions."

"it is good."

"it is good."

Following the pronunciation of the two great kings one after another, the three examiners began to draw up the examination questions.

Everyone found that two tyrannical divine senses cut off the surrounding space of the three examiners. They could only vaguely see the outline, but couldn't see more clearly.

About two hours later, the space separated by Liang Da's spiritual sense dissipated, and everyone saw the figures of the three examiners clearly.

"Are you two ready?" Su Mingzi said in a deep voice.

"Ready." Zhao Yang and Qing Yun replied at the same time.

"You two, please answer the questions. The time is half an hour." Su Mingzi and Meng Tiande stood up and handed them the test papers.

Zhao Yang and Qingyun answer

When they were asking questions, two more divine senses separated their surroundings.

Everyone could only see them answering questions in a hurry.

Halfway through the time, everyone saw Zhao Yang stop.

He folded the test paper and looked around.

When Qingyun saw this scene, his heart sank.

Is this guy's theory so solid?You know he only finished two-thirds of it.

He tidied up his mood and continued to write, but he still consciously speeded up.

In this way, 10 minutes later, he also stopped.

"Are both of you finished?" Meng Tiande asked.



"If that's the case, then hand in the test paper." Meng Tiande and Su Mingzi got up and put away their test papers.

Then the three examiners began to check.

After half a quarter of an hour, under the gaze of everyone, Meng Tiande said, "Qingyun answered 280 out of [-] questions correctly."

Hearing this number, Qingyun's face revealed a look of arrogance.

He felt that even Guo Fengchun could not achieve this result.

"Zhao Yang answered [-] questions correctly." When Meng Tiande said this, Qing Yun opened his mouth wide in astonishment.

"Impossible." Qingyun stood up abruptly, "Do you know how tricky your questions are? Why did Zhao Yang answer all of them correctly?"

(End of this chapter)

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