Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1659 Can't Wait

"A high-level divine phoenix born in the divine realm."

"Is the law enforcement history of Zhen Pavilion standing on the Divine Phoenix?"

"Seems to be."

Just as everyone stretched their necks to see who was coming, the huge Divine Phoenix slowly landed in the middle of the field.

Qing Yun, who was wearing a blue tunic, jumped off the Divine Phoenix lightly.

Fluttering like a banished fairy.

His handsome appearance made the woman scream.

"Qingyun, I love you."

"Qingyun, I want to warm your bed."

"Qingyun, is it okay for me to be your maid?"

Seeing that many women commit nympho, the women on Wanshenmen quit.

"No vision, this guy doesn't look good, does he?"

"That's right, it's completely incomparable with Caihan's husband."

"A group of nympho."

"It's disgusting to look at."

Lin Caihan smiled back.

Regardless of whether these women are sincere or false, they are all speaking for her husband at this time.

"Zhao Yang, I'm here, how about you?" Qingyun asked towards the distance with his hands behind his back.

Qingyun's clothes fluttered, and the light in his eyes was dazzling.

He has an extraordinary demeanor that makes people admire him involuntarily.

"I'm busy, wait for a while." A lazy voice came from the depths of Dan Pavilion.

The whole audience was stunned.


you are busy?

Are you sure you're not joking?

law enforcement

Shi Duqian is here, you said you are busy at this time?

"Zhao Yang, don't you disrespect my array?" A figure drove a bronze chariot through the air, and that figure was also wearing a dark blue array robe. He was like an ancient god, making people feel daunting.

The aura on his body flowed wantonly downward like a nine-curved Yellow River.

"Young Master of the Zhen Pavilion."

"Guo Fengchun is in Qingyun town."

"Qingyun's face is not small."

While everyone was discussing, three dragons suddenly appeared in mid-air in the distance. The three dragons were pulling a pair of luanjia, on which sat a young man in a gold robe with four claws.

The youth is as immobile as a mountain, but its breath is majestic, overwhelming the younger generation present.

"The Son of God of Yuhua Dynasty."

"I didn't expect Yubayashi to take care of Qingyun."

"Now Zhao Yang is ashamed."

Yu Lin, the prince of the Yuhua Dynasty, turned towards Zhao Yang and said, "Can't the three of us please you?"

"Habayashi, who gave you the courage to talk to my elder brother like that?" What no one expected was that a voice of sarcasm exploded between the sky and the earth, and then three black unicorns appeared in the distant sky, and the black unicorn pulled There is a Luanjia, and a tall man stands on the Luanjia.

His body is permeated with monstrous power of death, which is purer than any Death God Realm.

His appearance made all the monks

A look of horror appeared on his face.


That's right!

The one who descended was a soldier from Jiuyou.

Who doesn't know the unfathomable depths of Jiuyou's lineage!

"Jiutong, what are you doing here?" Habayashi said in surprise.

"My elder brother convinced me in Jiuyou back then, even though the elder brother didn't recognize me as a younger brother, I still recognized this elder brother in my heart." Jiu Hun changed his voice when he said this, "Who dares not give my elder brother face, That's not giving me face."

"Do you think you deserve the face from the three of us?" Guo Fengchun said with a gloomy face.

He didn't expect that Jiuheng from Jiuyou's lineage would come to help Zhao Yang's town.

"Your formation pavilion can't cover the sky with one hand, can you?" Guo Fengchun's voice just fell, and a figure appeared above the Dan Pavilion driving a pitch-black battleship.

At the bow of the ship stood a hulking young man.

His head is tall and his face is rebellious.

"Cang Yuan, son of the Cang clan." Guo Fengchun was stunned, "What are you doing here?"

"Zhao Yang is my elder brother. Today I came to help my elder brother take care of the place." Cang Yuan said indifferently, "Are you satisfied with this explanation?"


This title stunned the monks present.

You must know that the two people who came to help Qingyun Township are just friends, but Jiuheng from the Jiuyou family and Cang Yuan from the Cang clan call Zhao Yang the eldest brother.

Sit down!


Yun's face was also not good-looking.

He originally wanted to slap Zhao Yang in the face, but Zhao Yang reversed the situation.

Just when he was about to say something, a small boat appeared in midair without any warning, and a handsome young man in green clothes stood on top of the small boat.

"The god son of the Ji family came to cheer for Mr. Zhao by the order of my lord god king."

The young man's words resounded throughout the audience.

"The son of the Ji clan?"

"The god king of the Ji clan has returned."

"Strange, how did the Ji family get involved with Zhao Yang?"

"Zhao Yang's background is too strong, right?"

The appearance of Ji Lingtian, the god son of the Ji clan, made Qingyun completely lose power.

Qingyun invited two god sons with great fanfare, but three god sons came to Zhao Yang's side.

"Zhao Yang, aren't you showing up yet?" Qing Yun scolded towards the depths of Dan Pavilion.


What Qingyun didn't expect was that Zhao Yang appeared in front of Ji Lingtian in an instant.

"Ling Tian met Uncle Zhao." Ji Lingtian saluted Zhao Yang in a polite manner.

But at this moment, Ji Lingtian's title stunned all the monks present.


When did Zhao Yang's seniority become so old?

"How is my sister?"

"The Divine King has recovered his cultivation and returned to the Ji clan." Ji Lingtian said in a deep voice.

Only then did everyone realize that Zhao Yang called Ji Qingcheng's sister.

"what's the situation?"

"Ji Qingcheng recognizes

Zhao Yang as his younger brother? "

"Sister God King?"


Song Baoyu's heart was in a mess at this time, and he also came with the head of the Wanshen Sect.

At the beginning, he saw that Qingyun invited two sons of gods to help out, and he was still secretly happy in his heart.

But who would have thought that Zhao Yang would invite three sons of God in the blink of an eye.

What surprised him even more was that Zhao Yang had a god-king-level god-sister.

If it was said that he still had some unrealistic thoughts about Lin Caihan before, then at this moment, there is no more.

"Baoyu, don't have any unreasonable thoughts about Caihan in the future, otherwise the sect will not be able to clean up the sect in order to take care of the overall situation." The master of the Wanshen sect sent a voice transmission to Song Baoyu.

The master of Wanshenmen was also frightened by Zhao Yang's connections, so he quickly confessed to Song Baoyu.

"Even if you don't tell me, suzerain, I don't dare to have the slightest unreasonable thought." Song Baoyu said with a wry smile.

"That's good." The master of Wanshenmen nodded.

And those nympho girls in the field before looked at Zhao Yang with obsessive eyes.

They suddenly realized that Zhao Yang was better than Qingyun.

"Zhao Yang, do you still compare?" Qing Yun roared angrily.

Zhao Yang's repeated ignorance made his lungs explode.

Only then did Zhao Yang's eyes fall on Qingyun, and he walked towards Qingyun step by step, "Qingyun, are you so impatient to taste the taste of failure?"

(End of this chapter)

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