"I come from the Wu family, and the Wu family is similar to the Chu family, but the old man of the Wu family is at the early stage of the God Realm." Caidie said carefully, "I come from the second room of the Wu family, but my mother is a maid, so at home no place..."

Following Cai Die's talk, Zhao Yang finally understood how strong the seemingly strong woman in front of her was.

"You desperately want to be recognized by the family?"

"I used to think so, but not now."


"My dream in this life was to reach the high level of Death God Realm, but after I got the resources to step into the middle level of Life God Realm in the future, I suddenly felt that my previous pursuit was ridiculous." Caidie said slowly.

"Actually, both you and Xiaoxue have overlooked one thing." Zhao Yang interrupted Caidie at this time.

"What?" Caidie was startled.

"You have indeed obtained the resources that can step into the mid-level of the living god realm in the future, but it does not mean that you will be able to step into the mid-level of the living god realm in the future." Zhao Yang looked at Cai Die and said, "I will give you an example, such as you, you Your cultivation base is the middle level of the Death God Realm, but it gives you the resources to step into the high level of the Death God Realm, is it useful?"

"It's useless." Zhao Yang said without waiting for Caidie to answer, "Why? Because you can't reach the end of the middle level of Death God Realm, even if you have the resources to step into the top rank of Death God Realm, it's useless."


Butterfly froze.

"You don't have the potential to match it, even if you get the top-ranked resources, it's useless." Zhao Yang said with a slight smile.

Cai Die is not well.

Seeing her mournful face, Zhao Yang patted her on the head, "Don't you forget what I do?"

"Dan Pavilion's history of law enforcement?" Cai Die suddenly realized.

"Although the role of alchemists has weakened now, it doesn't mean that alchemists are useless." Zhao Yang said arrogantly, "No matter how poor your potential is, I can improve you."

The beautiful eyes of the butterfly are shining.

"Let's go, go to Wu's house, some debts should be settled." There was a trace of coldness in Zhao Yang's eyes.

Since Cai Die followed Zhao Yang, Zhao Yang had to find a place for Cai Die.

The Wu family has masters at the early stages of the Divine Realm, and this fact alone already exceeds 90.00% of the forces. Therefore, the Wu family's territory occupies a radius of about [-] kilometers.

Zhao Yang saw tens of thousands of monks patrolling with swords in hand.

"The Wu family has 30 soldiers and [-] reserve soldiers." Cai Die said softly, "Of course most of these monks are below the Death God Realm."

What if they were all in the God of Death realm?

Cai Die is the third generation of the Wu family, even if she has no status in the Wu family, the guards dare not lose face?

a dilapidated courtyard, a

A delicate-looking woman was hung on the beam, and two girls in maid uniforms held whips in their hands, and they were wantonly whipping her body.

Every blow left a bloodstain on her body.

"Caiyun, what do you think we should say about you? Who in the entire Wu family doesn't know that Second Master's wife is a jealous woman, and you still dare to seduce Second Master?"

"Second Mistress told me that this time, she will beat you for three days and three nights, so you should bear it."

The two maids whipped Caiyun while talking.

"Stop." Seeing that Caiyun was about to pass out, Caidie ran in from the outside.

When she saw the tragic situation of Caiyun, her eyes showed shock and anger.

She didn't expect these two maids to have the audacity to beat her mother.


Cai Die kicked a maid flying away, and that maid let out a scream and fell to the distance and sprayed a mouthful of blood.

Another maid pointed at Cai Die and shouted, "Cai Die, how dare you do anything to us? Do you want to live?"

Cai Die appeared in front of the maid in a flash, Cai Die grabbed the maid by the throat and said, "Have you ever wondered if you can live?"

"I am Second Mistress's maid. If you kill me, Second Mistress will not let you go." The maid said with difficulty.

"Do you think I can let Yunxia go?" Cai Die cut her throat as she spoke.

Looking at the maid who fell to the ground, Caiyun was frightened, "Caidie, you..."

Caidie took out her dagger and cut off the rope, "Mother, Caidie won't let you be wronged again in the future."

"Stupid child, as long as you are fine, it doesn't matter what mother does." Caiyun said with some pity.

How could she not know how hard Caidie has worked all these years?

"By the way, if you killed Second Grandma's maid, Second Grandma will not let you go." Caiyun woke up suddenly, "Let's go, leave Wu's house quickly."

The reason Caiyun didn't leave before was because she wanted to have the protection of the Wu family, and of course she also had a glimmer of hope for that man.

But now she realizes that staying here will kill her.

"You can't run away." At this moment, the maid who fell to the ground looked at Caiyun coldly and said, "I have already notified Second Mistress."

Caiyun's face changed drastically, "Caidie, let's go quickly."

"Go? Where are you going?" A cold voice cut through the entire courtyard from a distance, and then a graceful and luxurious middle-aged woman rushed in aggressively with a dozen guards.

Caiyun saw that the middle-aged woman's face turned extremely pale, and then she knelt down in front of the middle-aged woman with a plop and said, "Second Mistress, every mistake is my fault, I will admit it no matter how you punish me. For the sake of the fact that Caidie is of the Wu family's blood, please spare Caidie."


Wu family blood?Hahaha. Hearing this, the middle-aged woman seemed to have heard the best joke in the world, "Caiyun, have you ever wondered why your daughter takes your surname?" "

Caiyun fell silent.

"Second master didn't even bestow a surname, what do you mean you still don't understand?" The middle-aged woman pointed to Caiyun and said, "I have sent maids to humiliate me many times over the years, and the reason why you don't leave is because you think that one day the second master will Can you change your mind?"

Caiyun's lips twitched a bit, but finally said nothing.

"My maid has humiliated you all these years, do you think the second master doesn't know?" The middle-aged woman's eyes turned cold when she said this, "You should never seduce the second master."

"I haven't." Caiyun raised her eyes and said in a deep voice.

"Do you think I will believe it?" The middle-aged woman changed her voice when she said this, "But it doesn't matter now, your mother and daughter killed my maid, and you two need to pay for her life."

"I killed your maid, so what does it have to do with my mother?" Cai Die said coldly.

She noticed the wording of the middle-aged woman.

"I said it was your mother and daughter who killed them, so it was your mother and daughter who killed them." The middle-aged woman waved her hand and said, "Kill them."

More than a dozen maids rushed towards the two of them like wolves and tigers.

"My lord, help me." Cai Die suddenly shouted.

(End of this chapter)

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