Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1623 I'm Going

"It's ridiculous. Among the three generations of children, your aptitude is the worst. Giving these resources to you is the biggest waste." Chu Xiaoyuan also tore his face at this time, which could affect his future.

"Enough." Chu Gaoxiong said furiously at this moment, "Is now the time to fight for these things?"

Chu Xiaoyuan and the Chu family did not dare to say anything.

"Xiaoxue, these resources are of great importance. Give me the resources first, and I will make arrangements then." Chu Gaoxiong looked at Chu Xiaoxue.

"Grandpa, I bought these resources with my life." Chu Xiaoxue was simple-minded, but she was not stupid.

"These resources are of great importance. Is it safe to put them on you?" Chu Gaoxiong said with a straight face.

"I am protected by this battleship, I don't believe anyone can steal it?" Chu Xiaoxue pointed at the battleship.

"This battleship belongs to the family." Chu Gaoxiong said in a deep voice.

"I am already bound to this battleship." Chu Xiaoxue emphasized.

"Just cancel it."

"I said, this battleship is mine." Chu Xiaoxue blushed.

"Xiaoxue, why don't you have any family concept." Chu Gaoxiong scolded angrily, "You don't know what's going on with the Chu family now? With this warship, the family can stabilize the situation. How can you be selfish? Take it for yourself?"

"I don't understand what grandpa means? The battleship is in my hands, isn't it in the hands of the family in disguise?" Chu Xiaoxue finally understood why Zhao Yang

So that's it.

Everyone in the family coveted the battleship and the resources they got.

"As a woman, is it appropriate for you to have these resources?" Chu Xiaoyuan scolded, "Besides, you are going to get married in the future."

"That's right, when you get married in the future, my Chu family will make wedding dresses for other families." The Chu family nodded and said.

"What does this battleship and these resources have to do with the Chu family?" Chu Xiaoxue said with some frustration.

"If you didn't have the resources of the Chu family, would you be able to get to where you are today?" Chu Gaoxiong looked at Chu Xiaoxue with red eyes, "I didn't expect you to say such a thing?"

"Okay, don't talk about it." Chu Xiaoxue said with a look of disappointment, "This battleship belongs to me, and these resources are also mine. I will definitely not let it go." Speaking of the battleship's main gun and The three auxiliary guns were activated, and the terrifying murderous intent locked on Chu Gaoxiong and others.

"Xiaoxue, what are you doing?" Chu Gaoxiong changed his expression.

"This main cannon can severely injure or even kill the existences in the early stage of the living god realm. Of course, it can also fire three shells in succession that seriously damage or kill the high-level god realm." Chu Xiaoxue explained, "The three secondary cannons can simultaneously fire nine Cannonballs, each cannonball can seriously injure or kill a middle-level existence of Death God Realm."

Speaking of this, Chu Xiaoxue looked around and said, "I just wonder if the Chu family can withstand this wave of attacks?"

Chu Gaoxiong trembled in fright, "

Xiaoxue, what are you doing? "

"Yes, Xiaoxue, what are you doing?" Chu Xiaoyuan said hastily.

"What am I doing?" Chu Xiaoxue looked at Chu Xiaoyuan angrily and said, "I want to ask you what you want to do? To snatch my warships and my resources? Do you know that I got it by taking my life?"

"Xiaoxue, you misunderstood what Grandpa meant." Chu Gaoxiong said with a pale face, "Grandpa just wants to keep it for you, and has no other intentions."

"Forget it." Chu Xiaoxue was very disappointed with Chu Gaoxiong and the others at this time, she looked at a middle-aged woman in the distance and said, "Mother, come with me."

Guo Xiujuan nodded, "I don't want to stay in the Chu family for a long time, so let's go back to your grandfather's house." Guo Xiujuan told the two maids to pack up.

"Xiaoxue, do you really want to leave the Chu family?" Chu Gaoxiong said anxiously, "So, as long as you don't leave, the position of the head of the Chu family will be given to you in the future, how about it?"

Chu Gaoxiong is coveting Chu Xiaoxue's resources, but she knows that Chu Xiaoxue can't leave, otherwise the Chu family's decline is doomed.

"I will continue to stay at the Chu family. I am worried that I will die someday." Chu Xiaoxue said lightly.

"How come? You are the blood of my Chu family." Chu Gaoxiong said in a deep voice.

Chu Xiaoxue was too lazy to say anything more.

Seeing this scene, the senior members of the Chu family tried to persuade them.

Chu Xiaoxue was silent the whole time.

half an hour later

Guo Xiujuan landed on the battleship with two maids, "Xiaoxue, we can go."

"Xiaoxue, do you really want to leave?" Chu Gaoxiong showed regret on his face at this moment.

"In the future, maybe I will come to see Chu's house, but now I must go." Chu Xiaoxue said here a gentle force forced Chu Gaoxiong and others back.

Immediately, the battleship rowed across the sky and headed for the distance.

Chu Gaoxiong and the others stared blankly at this scene and remained silent for a long time.

"You are too impatient." Chu Gaoxiong said after a long time.

"Father, why aren't you?" Chu Xiaoyuan couldn't help but said, "If your food wasn't so ugly, how could you force Xiaoxue to leave?"

Chu Gaoxiong opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

Chu Xiaoxue on the battleship introduced Zhao Yang and Caidie to Guo Xiujuan.

Guo Xiujuan quickly saluted Zhao Yang.

Secretly, Chu Xiaoxue informed Zhao Yang of her hidden identity.

Dan Pavilion's history of law enforcement, the existence of a child of God.

"Xiaoxue, are you going to your grandfather's house?" Zhao Yang asked.

"Yes." Chu Xiaoxue nodded.

"The fact that you obtained battleships and resources today will soon spread to your grandfather's family. Do you think your grandfather will not be tempted by the warships and resources that can reach the boss level? Will your grandfather's family be indifferent? tempted?"

Chu Xiaoxue was stunned.

"My father shouldn't know it, right?" Guo Xiu asked.

Juan said uncertainly.

"Don't test human nature. Few people can resist this kind of temptation?" Zhao Yang said lightly, "If you insist on testing, then this relative will be completely lost."

Guo Xiujuan was silent for a while, then looked at Chu Xiaoxue, "Young Master Zhao is right, let's not go to your grandpa's house."

"Then where are we going?" Chu Xiaoxue asked in a daze.

"The world is so big, where can you go?" Zhao Yang said with a smile, "You have this battleship in the early stages of the living gods, do you still need to worry about safety?"

"Xiaoxue, let's find a place to hide our name." Guo Xiujuan thought for a while and said, "We will come out when your cultivation reaches the level of a big boss in the future."

"Alright." Chu Xiaoxue nodded.

With a wave of his hand, Zhao Yang summoned the mid-level battleship of the Living God Realm obtained in the City that Never Sleeps.

"We should go." Zhao Yang looked at Chu Xiaoxue.

A trace of reluctance welled up in Chu Xiaoxue's heart, "My lord, can I stay by your side?"

"My side is destined to be unstable." Zhao Yang shook his head, "You should find a place to practice silently."

Then Zhao Yang and Cai Die jumped onto his battleship.

The mid-level warships of the Living God Realm are not at the same level as the battleships of the early stage of the Living God Realm, and Chu Xiaoxue's warships were thrown to the ground in an instant.

"Cai Die, which sect are you from?" Zhao Yang looked at Cai Die.

(End of this chapter)

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