Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1617 make a lot of money

"My lord, are you going to play?" Cai Die asked softly.

"Not yet." Zhao Yang shook his head.

No matter how stunning those women are, are they still comparable to Lin Caihan and others.

"Besides the brothel, it's the casino." Chu Xiaoxue said at this time, "Is the city that never sleeps going to take away the god stones of these guys?"

"Little girl, don't say that, casinos rely on skills." Ye Mei said lightly, "There are also people who make a lot of money."

Zhao Yang thought for a while and walked towards a casino.

Eight monks came here.

The dealers in the casino looked at them with fiery eyes.

Apparently they were treated as lambs to be slaughtered.

Zhao Yang didn't act immediately, but was observing the operation of the casino.

It didn't take long for him to realize that it was luck.

But the casino takes a cut.

It’s fine if you lose, as long as you earn, you will get a 5.00% commission each time.

In fact, this draw is terrible.

You win one and lose one, repeat twenty times like this, and your principal will be gone.

As long as you keep playing here, the casino will not worry about losing.

After understanding, Zhao Yang came to a gambling table, and saw the croupier shake the cup violently for a while, and then put it down.

"Buy and leave."

Zhao Yang sent a voice transmission to Nine Heavy Swords, "Can you see through it?"

"The cup is made of special material, even I can't see through it." Nine Heavy Sword said in a deep voice.

Zhao Yang couldn't help

I watched and burst into tears.

I saw tears shaking slightly, and then tears condensed into a number.


After seeing this, Zhao Yang threw the Qiankun bag over.

The croupier's divine sense swept over him, and his face immediately changed, " bet [-] million?"

"Is it not possible?" Zhao Yang looked at the croupier puzzled.

"Yes, yes, but there are too many." The croupier said solemnly.

The odds of twelve are six.

If you lose, you will lose 18 billion!

The rest of the monks also looked at Zhao Yang in surprise, they thought Zhao Yang was too insane.

How could there be such a bet?

Cai Die's heart was in her throat, didn't she expect Zhao Yang to be so courageous?

"Then open it." Zhao Yang said lightly.

"Is there anyone else to bet?" The croupier looked at the rest of the monks.

The eight monks hesitated for a moment but still did not dare to place a bet.

They dare not mix.

It's too much to play.

"Since there are no more bets, let's open the cup." When the croupier really wanted to open the cup, his heart trembled unavoidably.

That's right.

He was shaking.

It's fine if it's not twelve, but if it's twelve, it's a big deal.

When the cup was opened and he saw the three dice inside, his heart slowed down by half a beat.

Three, three, six.

The whole audience was even more in an uproar.


Six, twelve. "

"He guessed right."

"I made a profit of 18 billion."

"Even a big boss-level force doesn't have that much money, right?"

"The treasury of the big boss-level forces is about [-] million to one billion, and it can be said that there are almost no forces with more than one billion."

"That is to say, the divine stone on Zhao Yang's body is now equivalent to a powerful power."

"It can be said that it is of course at the bottom, but this is the accumulation of people's powerful forces over the years."

Sweat dripped from the croupier's forehead while the monks present were discussing.

"Give it to him." At this time, a middle-aged man with a hook nose said calmly standing on the railing on the second floor.

The dealer looked at the waiter beside him.

The waiter hurried away.

Not long after, the waiter handed Zhao Yang a universe bag, "Please check it."

Zhao Yang took a look and nodded, then his eyes fell on the croupier, "Continue."

The croupier couldn't help looking at the figure on the second floor.


Only then did the croupier shake again.

This time he shakes longer.

It took him a while to put it down, "You can place your bets."

Zhao Yang pondered for a moment, then threw both universe bags on the number eighteen amid everyone's shocked expressions.

There is only one possibility for the number eighteen.

Three six.

That is leopard.

And the odds of three sixes are up to

To eighteen times.

It's fine if you win, but if you lose...

At this moment, the boss on the second floor couldn't calm down anymore.

He stared at the dealer.

The croupier's face was full of uneasiness.

To be honest, he doesn't know what number the dice are?

The cup isolated everything, even he couldn't spy on it.

"Open." Zhao Yang said lightly.

"Anyone else bet?" The croupier looked at the crowd.

Who dares to bet?

The dealer had no choice but to open the cup.

His face turned livid when he saw the three numbers in the cup.

There was a roaring sound in the audience.

"Six, six, six."


"He guessed right."

"How did he do it?"

Everyone's faces were full of disbelief.

At this time, the boss on the second floor stared at Zhao Yang, then shouted loudly, "Catch him."


Several majestic figures appeared beside Zhao Yang.

And the moment they wanted to catch Zhao Yang, a clanging sword intent erupted instantly.

The several figures were knocked back without even touching the hem of Zhao Yang's clothes.


They staggered back, blood streaming from their noses and mouths.

"Is that why you can't afford it?" Zhao Yang suddenly raised his voice an octave when he said this, and his voice pierced into the sky like thunder, "I still can't afford it in the city that never sleeps."

Middle-aged man

His face suddenly became ugly.

He didn't expect that there was such a terrifying existence beside Zhao Yang. You must know that the few people who just started are all big boss-level existences.

"Do you want to die?" The middle-aged man pointed at Zhao Yang.

"I think you want to die?" With a soft voice, Ye Mei's figure appeared at the gate.

She looked at the middle-aged man with cold eyes and said, "Have you forgotten the rules of the city that never sleeps so quickly?"

"He draws a thousand." The middle-aged man pointed at Zhao Yang.

"Is there any evidence?"

"He bet [-] million in the first move, and [-] billion in the second bet."

"I asked you if you have evidence?" Ye Mei interrupted him.

"No..." The middle-aged man's voice weakened.


"I...the casino doesn't have that much money."

"Take out all the casinos, and I will help you pay for what is not enough. Of course, you will have to pay back the interest in the future."

Hearing this, the middle-aged man smiled wryly.

He left here and took out all the funds of the entire family, but in the end he only got together 88 billion.

Ye Mei gave Zhao Yang another 56 billion.

"140 billion has been paid to you." Ye Mei said with a smile, "Do you want to continue?"

"Luck can't be good all the time, I think that's enough." Zhao Yang smiled slightly.

"Is it really just luck?" Ye Mei blinked at Zhao Yang.

(End of this chapter)

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