Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1616 Illusory Array

Then her eyes fell on Zhao Yang.

When she saw that Zhao Yang was number 99, she was very happy.

To be honest, she didn't want Zhao Yang to be selected.

How could she not see the change in Zhao Yang's attitude towards her last night?

But she thinks she deserves it, Zhao Yang is too narrow-minded.

Seeing that Zhao Yang was not chosen, a sneer appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"It drives you crazy, should you cry now?"

"For those who are selected now, each monk will give a mid-level warship of the living god realm. This is a reward for you." The girl wearing a cat face mask said that a hundred ships of the living god realm appeared in mid-air Intermediate battleship.

A mid-level battleship in the God Realm?

Fang Fei jumped on a battleship in surprise.

When she saw Zhao Yang buying a battleship of this level before, she felt envious in her heart.

But now she has one too.

"Hmph, the strongest in the family is only a high-level Death God Realm. After I drive this battleship back, I will be the strongest in the family. I want to see who will dare to bully me in the future." The battleship headed towards the city gate.

And when Fang Fei walked out of the city that never sleeps, her consciousness suddenly became confused.


Nabi's mother is a maid, so she has a low status in the family.

She was bullied by children of the same age, and her mother was also beaten and scolded in the market, so Caidie has been working hard since she was a child.

She wants to become stronger, that's the only way,

In order not to be bullied, in order to protect the mother.

Caidie has worked hard these years, but her talent is limited, and she is average among her peers, and she has never been able to excel.

After the girl wearing a cat face mask arrived, she told everyone that the test of the third level was to fight, and they just had to leave safely after being attacked by a fierce beast.

The battle was brutal.

Many monks died tragically at the mouth of the beast, but Zhao Yang protected her and left.

After leaving the city that never sleeps, Caidie told Zhao Yang about her life experience, and Zhao Yang immediately decided to take Caidie to her family to help her seek justice.

When she saw the family's residence from a distance, her mood became excited.

Finally got revenge.

She took a deep breath, and just as she was about to step into the family's gate, her brows suddenly tingled.

what happened?

Then she saw the family residence become a shadow.

A chill rushed down her back in an instant.


I have been hallucinated.

These are fake.

"Fake, fake, fake, I want to wake up, I want to wake up, I want to wake up." Cai Die roared inwardly.

As she continued to strengthen her belief, the scene in front of her was turned into thousands of fragments, and then her consciousness returned to her body.

She opened her eyes and looked around.

Only then did they realize that many monks had lost their breath.

She was startled.

At this time, the girl wearing a cat face mask rushed

Then she made a silence gesture, "Don't affect others."

Caidie didn't dare to make a sound, she looked at Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang's expression was normal, his breathing was even, and he seemed to be fine.

But Fang Fei and Chu Nianran were out of breath, Chu Xiaoxue showed pain, and it seemed that the situation was not very good.

Caidie was very happy.

If Zhao Yang hadn't given her the mark of immortality, she would have died [-]%.

"I don't know when the young master will wake up?" Caidie looked at Zhao Yang and murmured.

Let's talk about Zhao Yang.

Various illusions appeared in Zhao Yang's eyes.

And whether it was a pink beauty, a peerless treasure, or a fierce beast, Zhao Yang was as immovable as a mountain. He watched the scene quietly, always maintaining clarity.

Zhao Yang's guess was correct.

The third test is the illusion.

What is in your mind, then what is the illusion?

Different illusions target your own upper limit.

But Zhao Yang's upper limit is the high level of Death God Realm, how can illusions of this level do nothing to get him.

After the ten illusions were all ineffective, he stopped casting them.

Zhao Yang immediately opened his eyes.

"If my guess is correct, you are a son of God." The girl wearing a cat face mask looked at Zhao Yang and said.

"Aren't you too?" Zhao Yang said lightly.

"My name is Yemei." The girl said softly.

"Zhao Yang."

"I remember you." The girl said with a smile.

At this time, the girl looked around the audience and said, "I didn't expect that only 21 people passed the test."

After her words fell, those who failed the test were mercilessly swallowed by the black hole.


"Who said that the number of people alive is one hundred?"

"It's too scary."

"Over 130 million monks, only 21 survived in the end."

While everyone was talking, the girl wearing a cat face mask said with a smile, "I have seen everyone's performance in the formation, so I will give you different rewards according to your performance."

After her words fell, a universe bag appeared in front of everyone.

Cai Die scanned with her divine sense and was shocked to find that there were four medicinal materials in the Qiankun bag, and these four medicinal materials were all ranked among the top twenty.

"Your performance is excellent, so the resources I give you will enable you to become a giant in the future."

When Caidie heard the girl's voice transmission, her face showed disbelief.


In any case, she never expected to reach this level before!

At this time Chu Xiaoxue was also very confused.

That's right.

Chu Xiaoxue also survived.

She looked at the herbs in the universe bag and didn't know what to say for a while.

"Your performance was poor, but fortunately you passed the test, so the resources given to you will allow you to step into the realm of the boss in the future." The girl wearing a cat face mask smiled slightly.

"The realm of the boss." Chu Xiaoxue exclaimed


Chu Xiaoxue's dream in this life is to step into the early stages of the God Realm, and she has never expected to be in the Big Brother Realm.

At this time, the rest of the monks also spoke one after another.

Everyone knows that the resources obtained by poor performance will be able to set foot in the boss in the future, and the resources obtained by good performance will become a giant in the future.

"Set foot on the Fengmingcao, which is ranked sixth in the high-level Death God Realm, step on the sixth-ranked Swallow Butterfly in the early stages of the Life God Realm, step on the sixth-ranked Fengsicao in the mid-stage of the Life God Realm, and step on the sixth-ranked Phoenix Grass at the high-level of the Life God Realm. Phoenix meteor flower." Seeing this, Zhao Yang was stunned, "Are you trying to push me to the realm of the god king?"

"Son of God has this treatment." The girl said with a smile.

"Is there still an assessment next?"


"Those who survived this time have earned a lot, and the next step is your carnival." The girl looked at the 21 monks and said with a smile.

As her voice fell, several shops lit up.

Among them, many graceful girls walked out of a store.

They were wearing faintly visible veils, and they looked at the crowd affectionately.

Some men couldn't bear it immediately.

"Can we go?" A man swallowed and asked.

"Of course." The girl giggled, "As long as you have enough god stones, you can play whatever you want. In addition, I would like to advise you, don't run out of money, because there will be an auction at noon tomorrow, and the auction will be full of people from all walks of life. A rare resource."

(End of this chapter)

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