Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1586 Huang Mingyu

Ancient battlefield!

Neither the Lizard Clan nor the Five Elements Clan expected that there would be an ancient battlefield here.

When the hole in the ancient battlefield was opened, an astonishing evil spirit spread out, making the monks present feel terrified, but then they discovered through their spiritual sense that it was actually an ancient battlefield.

They saw piles of corpses and all kinds of mutilated magic weapons.

"I seem to see the Wind Bead."

"I saw a very good battle sword from the God Realm."

"I saw an old clock."

At this time, both the Lizard Clan and the Five Elements Clan were shocked, and then they rushed towards the ancient battlefield in a swarm.

And the spies of the major forces hiding in the dark who were watching the battle sent this information out immediately.

So it didn't take long for the major ethnic groups to lead their elites to come here.

Yan Huangzong also arrived.

This time the troops were led by Zhao Yang and Lin Caihan.

Don't underestimate Lin Caihan, with Lin Caihan's current strength, even if she is at the peak of the God Realm, she is not her opponent.

The two came to the ancient battlefield with [-] elites.

The appearance of Yanhuangzong made many forces quite afraid, but none of them dared to say anything?

Zhao Yang looked around the audience, frowned and said, "The evil spirit here is overwhelming, I'm afraid it will breed evil spirits."

"Do we want the treasure here?" Lin Caihan asked in a deep voice.

"Let these soldiers go down and look for it." Zhao Yang thought for a while and said, "In addition, you are here to sit in command."


Zhao Yang walked in one direction.

The reason why he went there was because Nine Swords found a seal, and Nine Swords suspected that there were treasures or demons in the seal.

While walking, Zhao Yang's figure disappeared.

This confused the monk who had been staring at Zhao Yang.

"what's the situation?"

"Where did he go?"

"I didn't see any trace."

"I didn't see it either."

While everyone was discussing, Zhao Yang had already arrived at the sealed place.

This seal is hidden very deep, unless Zhao Yang is nearby, he will not find it.

As for the rest of the monks present, it is impossible to find out.

"I didn't expect there to be such an astoundingly talented formation master in Central God Territory?" Zhao Yang checked the seal with a look of surprise on his face.

"The one who set up this seal may not be from the Central God Realm." After Jiuzhongjian said this, Zhao Yang saw a hole in the seal, "You are..."

"There are good things inside, I can't wait for you to decipher it yourself." Nine Heavy Sword said lightly.

Only then did Zhao Yang step into the seal.

Then the seal was restored exactly as before.

Zhao Yang looked at

Everything in front of me was stunned.

This place is completely different from the Shura battlefield outside, it is a beautiful paradise, and Zhao Yang is extremely shocked by the strength of spiritual power.

Because even Yan Huangzong can't compare.

You must know that the practice environment of Yanhuangzong is not to mention ranked in the top three among many sects, but compared with this small world, the difference is not a star and a half.

"Young man, you can find this place in such a short period of time, it seems that your attainments in formation are very high." At this moment, a figure formed in front of Zhao Yang, but his figure was illusory.

"You don't need to be afraid, I'm just a wisp of divine sense." The other party said with a smile seeing Zhao Yang's fearful look.

"Excuse me, senior, are you...?"

"Let me tell you a story first." The figure said softly, "In fact, in the beginning, God's Domain didn't have lower, middle, and upper God's Domains, so every time high-level monks in God's Domain fight, there will be a large number of low-level monks. The monks fell. Later, the nine god emperors joined forces to formulate rules and forcibly divided the domain of the gods into the lower domain, the middle domain, and the upper domain."

"However, some forces were obedient and contrary, and kept meddling in the following affairs. Later, the Nine God Emperors couldn't bear it and sent a group of experts to make sense. However, many secretly dissatisfied with the Nine God Emperors, so the two sides had a conflict here."

"In that battle, everyone except me fell, and I was collecting

After picking up the mess, because the loss was too serious, it didn't take long for it to fall too. "He said with a long sigh, "I am Huang Mingyu, under the command of the Emperor Haotian. "

"But I've been dead for tens of thousands of years, so my name doesn't matter anymore." Having said that, he pointed around and said, "You should feel that the spiritual power here is extremely strong, right?"

"Yes, it is several times stronger than the spiritual power of the sect I created." Zhao Yang nodded.

"Back then, I collected medicinal herbs from monks on the entire battlefield, and cultivated them with their flesh and blood, and gradually these medicinal herbs have also undergone transformation." Huang Mingyu said lightly, "I have set up a large medicine quenching array here again, The divinity in the medicinal materials has also been tempered."

When his voice fell, a river in the distance was filled with golden luster.

"This is...?" Zhao Yang exclaimed.

"This river is the medicinal liquid refined from the magic medicine." Huang Mingyu looked at Zhao Yang and said, "Cultivators can unscrupulously improve their cultivation in it."

"Won't it affect the foundation?"

"Continuing to improve a lot of realms will definitely affect the foundation, but in the future, will the Central God Realm need to step into the Death God Realm or the Life God Realm?" Huang Mingyu said with a smile.

Zhao Yang nodded.

He also thinks it makes sense.

"I'll give this place to you." Huang Mingyu looked at Zhao Yang with burning eyes and said, "I hope there will be people from the Upper God Realm here in the future."

You can take action when Central God Realm kills wantonly. "

"I will, even after I go to the Upper God Realm, I will warn my disciples." Zhao Yang said solemnly.

"Thank you." Huang Mingyu handed Zhao Yang a token at this point, "I will give you this token."

"This is...?" Zhao Yang asked curiously.

"This is the token given to me by the Emperor Haotian. When you encounter danger in the Upper God Realm in the future, you can activate this token to summon a ray of divine sense from the Emperor Haotian." Huang Mingyu said slowly.

Zhao Yang's pupils shrank.

A wisp of Divine Sense from the Emperor Haotian?


"Senior, is there anything unfinished?" Zhao Yang pondered for a while and said in a deep voice.

This kindness is too great.

Huang Mingyu thought for a long time before slowly saying, "Will you visit the Huang family when you go to the Upper God Realm in the future?"

"Is there any coordinates?" Zhao Yang asked softly.

How many years have passed, God knows if the Huang family is still there?

"The Huang family has a powerful person sitting in the town, I don't think it will be destroyed in these years." Huang Mingyu said and pointed at Zhao Yang's eyebrows, "This is the coordinate of the Huang family."

Zhao Yang silently remembered it in his heart.

"Go and bring your sect's disciples here."


Zhao Yang left this place immediately. When he came to the field, he noticed thousands of figures surrounded the battleship where Lin Caihan was sitting.

(End of this chapter)

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