Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1585 Come to Solicit

Only then did Zhao Yang take back the Qiankun bag.

"Get out."

Forty thousand soldiers rushed towards these lizards like wolves and tigers.

A quarter of an hour later, [-] soldiers returned to the battleship.

The patriarch of the Orchid Clan thanked Zhao Yang again and again, "This is just a deal."

"I still thank Sect Master Zhao for your kindness and virtue." The patriarch of the Orchid Clan said seriously.

Next is statistics.

According to the rules, Zhao Yang took away one-third of the resources of the Orchid Clan.

"Sect Master Zhao, are you going to fulfill your promise?" the patriarch of the Orchid Clan asked in a deep voice after a while.

Zhao Yang nodded, "The other party threatens the human race, and I have nothing to do."

The patriarch of the Orchid Clan knew what Zhao Yang said was true.

More than 200 billion lizards attack the human race at the same time, the human race is powerless to stop it, okay?

At that time, perhaps only Yanhuangzong could survive.

"Sect Master Zhao, can you show us a clear path?" The patriarch of the Orchid Clan asked tentatively.

"For the current plan, your various clans should unite. If you still fight on your own, you will kill yourself." Zhao Yang said after thinking about it.

"All ethnic groups have filth among themselves, if they unite..."

"If you still can't let go of your prejudices during the special period..." Zhao Yang didn't say the next words, but the meaning couldn't be more obvious.

Then Zhao Yang returned to Yanhuangzong on a battleship.

This news quickly spread throughout the Central God Territory.

All the major ethnic groups who had been looking forward to it were stunned at this time.

"How can Zhao Yang compromise?"

"Yeah, are we still waiting for him to save us?"

"The lizard clan threatens the safety of the entire human race. If I were Zhao Yang, I would also compromise, okay?"

"Two to 300 billion lizards attack the human race at the same time, do you think the human race can stop it?"

"Then what do we do?"

All races are pessimistic.

However, there are also some groups who clamor to unite in order to fight against the terrible lizard family.

Yan Huangzong!

"Many ethnic groups have coalitions."

"The lizard family has suffered heavy losses during this time."

"Many arrogances have also emerged from the major ethnic groups."

Listening to the news reported by Tang Yiren, Zhao Yang nodded slightly.

"The lizard clan advanced too fast in the early stage, but now the war potential of all clans has exploded. The lizard clan wants to swallow all the clans, how can it be so easy?" Zhao Yang said lightly.

"Are we doing nothing?" Mingyue asked.

"Let's just recharge our batteries." Zhao Yang said lightly.

At this time, the disciples of Yanhuangzong reported someone from outside to visit.

"Did anyone say who it was?" Zhao Yang asked.

"The other party said that you will know when you see it."

"You take them to the VIP room." Zhao Yang said with a frown


He hated this kind of mystification.

But he still went to see each other.

To his surprise, it turned out to be Jiang Taiming from the Divine Eye Sect.

"Is there a problem?"

"Our suzerain wants to invite Mr. Zhao to be the guest elder of our God's Eye Sect." Jiang Taiming said straight to the point, "and the treatment of the guest elder is the same as that of our God's Eye Sect's Grand Elder."

"Not interested." Zhao Yang refused without thinking.

"We know Mr. Zhao that you don't like to be restrained, so we have arranged for you the position of elder Keqing. Unless our Shenyan sect is facing a life-and-death crisis, you should not care about anything in normal times." Jiang Taiming continued.

Zhao Yang interrupted him and took out a token, "I am the law enforcement history of Dange."

Seeing the words "History of Law Enforcement", Jiang Taiming's face was full of bitterness, "Looks like it's my God Eye Zong Menglang." He thought that Zhao Yang had no background, and who would have thought that Zhao Yang was actually the history of Law Enforcement in Dan Pavilion.

With this status, does Zhao Yang still need to be the elder Ke Qing of Shenyan Sect?

Not long after Jiang Taiming left, several representatives of the God Realm visited Zhao Yang. They had the same meaning as Jiang Taiming, and hoped that Zhao Yang could become the guest elder of their sect. After Shi Token, the representatives of those forces retreated one after another.

Ye Hao finally lived a peaceful life.

But of all races

The war between is still going on.

A year has passed.

Two years have passed.

Three years have passed.

Fast forward ten years.

Even though the lizard tribes attacked frantically, they still failed to take down the major groups, which made the lizard tribes quite annoyed.

The human race took advantage of these ten years to continue to develop, especially the Yanhuangzong.

Zhao Yang had obtained a lot of resources from various ministries and lizards before. Even if Zhao Yang took out a small part of these resources, they would benefit the million monks of Yanhuangzong a lot.

"The overall strength of the Yanhuang Sect has increased several times. At this time, there are no monks in the Yuanshen realm. Except for the [-] monks, there are [-] people who have set foot in the Shangshen realm, but their cultivation bases are all in the Shangshen realm. Under the fourth heaven." Lin Caihan introduced to Zhao Yang the development of Yan Huangzong in the past ten years.

"My cultivation has reached the fourth level of the Upper God Realm, Ming Yue's cultivation has reached the first level of the Upper God Realm, Tang Yiren's cultivation has reached the eighth level of the Imperial God Realm, and the three princesses have reached the eighth level of the God Realm. I have reached the fifth level of the God Realm." Lin Caihan also introduced the cultivation base of the highest level of the sect.

Zhao Yang's cultivation is still at the sixth level of the Upper God Realm, but he is not far from breaking through.

"What about the development of the sect?" Zhao Yang asked softly.

"Ten warships have been built for the third heaven of the upper god realm, and one hundred cannons for the third heaven have been built." Lin Caihan looked at Zhao Yang and said, "By the way, the third heaven of the upper god realm

Chongtian's sword shame also built a hundred. "

This is the horror of the weapon master.

The Nine-fold Sword gave Lin Caihan the inheritance of Qi Dao at the peak level of Sheng Shenjing, and Ji Qingcheng also gave a lot of inheritance during his residence in Yanhuangzong.

Therefore, Lin Caihan's mastery of Qi Dao at this time is already very strong.

"Why don't you build the mid-level God Realm?"

"The more my cultivation improves, the deeper my understanding of the middle class will be." Lin Caihan explained, "I think I will not consider building a battleship for the sixth heaven until my cultivation reaches the sixth heaven And sword shame and the like."

Zhao Yang nodded.

Zhao Yang will not leave even if his cultivation has broken through, unless his cultivation reaches the limit of the Upper God Realm.

And this is not going to be able to leave in a while.

He felt that Lin Caihan's cultivation would at least reach the sixth level of the Upper God Realm.

Lin Caihan's potential is the realm of power.

In theory, apart from Shenzi, she is also top-notch within the same level.

And the Son of God will not easily appear in the Central God Realm.

"Sovereign, just got the news that when the Lizard Clan was fighting with the Five Elements Clan, an ancient battlefield was accidentally opened. At this time, many strong people rushed over."

"Ancient battlefield?" Zhao Yang's eyes lit up when he heard this.

This is his favorite.

Because the ancient battlefield has many opportunities besides various dangers.

(End of this chapter)

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