Ba Jue stood on the general platform, looking around at the millions of generals.

A look of wantonness appeared on his face.

With the general platform in hand, the world is in my hand.

"There are many god sons in the Upper God Realm, but there are not many who have the vision of a god king." Ba Jue looked at Zhao Yang with a proud expression, "Even if your physical skills are more amazing than mine, so what? Today I still want to suppress You." At this point, the power of vision from Jiangtai overwhelmingly suppressed Zhao Yang.

Rabbit and others stood far away.

But even so, they couldn't help but kneel down.

"Facing such an existence, I can only be tortured and killed." Rabbit smiled wryly.

He originally thought that his strength was pretty good, but in the face of the supreme existence among the sons of God, did he know how big the gap between the two sides was?

And when the power of vision was about to fall on Zhao Yang, a figure appeared above Zhao Yang's head.

That figure devoured everything and suppressed the universe.

Even if he didn't say a word, the whole world stopped functioning.

He is the only one in the world.

And under that peerless figure, millions of gods knelt on the ground with pious eyes.

The king of the vision of the god king came to the world.

Ba Jue's expression changed.

He didn't expect that Zhao Yang also had the vision of a god-king, and what made him even more embarrassed was that the ranking of King's Landing was still above his rank.

"Kill." Ba Jue stood on the general platform, waving his sword

The sword pointed at Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang's eyes were indifferent.

I saw the figure of the King Lin Tianxia shaking his robe sleeves, and those gods who were kneeling on the ground stood up one by one, and then their eyes showed monstrous killing intent.


Those god generals rushed over like uncaged beasts.

The gods of the two sides will soon collide together.

But it can be seen that the generals on Bajue's side were suppressed as soon as they came up, and as time went by, there were fewer and fewer generals on his side, and Bajue's face became paler and paler.


Ba Jue spat out a mouthful of blood suddenly, and he knelt on the ground on one knee.

He looked at Zhao Yang with an ugly face, "Who the hell are you?"

"It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is that you have to die."

"You dare to kill me?" Ba Jue looked at Zhao Yang in astonishment and said.

"Why wouldn't I dare to kill you?" Zhao Yang summoned the Fierce Sword as he spoke, and walked towards Ba Jue step by step.

Ba Jue's eyes showed humiliation, "Do you know who I am?"

"Do I need to know who you are?" Just as Zhao Yang raised his sword and slashed at him, a dazzling golden light stopped the fierce sword, and then a figure appeared beside Ba Jue.

It was a stalwart middle-aged man. He looked at Zhao Yang and said coldly, "You are so courageous that you dare to attack the god son of my bully clan?"

"Can't the Tyrant Clan move?" The middle-aged man's voice was followed by a gentle voice that resounded in the audience, and then a middle-aged man in a red robe appeared beside Zhao Yang.

It is Dan Zu, the master of the Dan Pavilion.

"Danzu?" The patriarch of the Ba clan obviously didn't expect Danzu to stand behind Zhao Yang.

"When did your overlord clan bully me in the law enforcement history of Dan Pavilion?" Danzu said indifferently, "Or do you think your overlord clan can provoke my Dan Pavilion?"

Dan Pavilion has not been involved in disputes of any forces these years.

Why is Dange neutral?

Relying on strength.

The patriarch of the Tyrant clan was silent for a while before he said, "We of the older generation should not get involved in the fights between the younger generations."

"Then let the two of them continue to fight, regardless of life or death." Danzu sneered.

"In this way, my Tyrant clan owes you Dan Pavilion a favor, how about it?"

"I don't care about the favor of the Ba Clan." Dan Zu refused without thinking.

Before Danzu thought that Zhao Yang was just a talent, but now he found out that Zhao Yang was hiding so deeply?

This guy has a high probability of becoming a god king in the future.

"Zhao Yang, what do you want to do?" Dan Zu looked at Zhao Yang at this moment.

"Bajue killed my 860 four disciples of the Yanhuang Sect, so I will also kill the 860 four members of the Bajue clan." Zhao Yang said coldly.

"Don't even think about it." The patriarch of the Tyrant clan refused without even thinking about it.


"In this case, then you go." What everyone didn't expect was that Zhao Yang said this sentence.

"What do you mean?" Ba Ba looked at Zhao Yang incomprehensibly.

"Your Ba Clan's family has a great career, and I know everything about it. What am I afraid of?"


Ba Jue immediately heard the threat.

"you dare?"

Zhao Yang shrugged, but he was too lazy to say anything else.

"My Tyrant Clan is willing to pay a certain amount of compensation, but it is absolutely impossible for hundreds of members of my Tyrant Clan to be buried with them." The Patriarch of the Tyrant Clan said in a deep voice.

"Danzu, let's go back." Zhao Yang looked at Danzu and said.

"Zhao Yang, my Ba Clan family has great achievements, and the Pill Pavilion is no smaller than ours." The Ba Clan patriarch met Zhao Yang's eyes and said.

"As long as your tyrants dare to move our Dan Pavilion, I will kill the ancestral court of the tyrants with the ancestors of the ancestors and the ancestors of the Qi, and wipe your tyrants from the upper God Realm." Danzu said lightly.

"You..." The Patriarch of the Ba Clan was startled.

"Our three pavilions are of the same spirit, who is afraid of coming these years?" Dan Zu looked at the patriarch of the Ba clan with murderous intent in his eyes, "You can try if you have the ability."

The patriarch of the Tyrant clan fell silent.

After Zhao Yang and the others left, the patriarch of the Ba clan said worriedly, "Be careful of that kid in the future."

Although he is a god king, it is inconvenient to make a move.

"Our Tyrant clan is deeply ingrained, why are you afraid of him alone?" Ba Jue snorted coldly

Said, "After I go back, I will practice hard, and one day I will find my place again."

Let's talk about Zhao Yang.

After he returned to Yanhuangzong, Ji Qingcheng stared at Zhao Yangdao, "Why are you so strong all of a sudden?"

As soon as she finished speaking, she realized that Zhao Yang had disappeared.

After one breath, Zhao Yang reappeared, but at this time his face was pale, and the breath on his body was also low.

"What happened to you just now?"

"A forbidden technique was used."

"Who told you to use the forbidden technique?"

"Let Bajue continue to fight here, how many disciples of Yanhuangzong will die?" Zhao Yang sighed softly, "Do you think I want to use forbidden techniques?"

"In the future, when you go to the Upper God Realm, you will probably be stared to death by the bullies."

"I didn't intend to let the Tyrant Clan go." Zhao Yang said with a smile, "There is an opponent, so it won't be too boring." Zhao Yang suddenly thought of something here, "By the way, why don't you go to the Ji Clan? "

"It's good that I'm the god king of the Ji clan, but it doesn't mean that all the Ji clan surrenders to me." Ji Qingcheng shook her head and said, "If some giants of the Ji clan knew where I was, they might come here immediately and take my The origin of the god king."

"Then do you think it is possible for the Ba Clan to tell your Ji Clan about this?"

Ji Qingcheng was stunned for a moment.

"It's not impossible." Ji Qingcheng's face suddenly darkened.

(End of this chapter)

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