Zhao Yang's eyes narrowed immediately.

"Are people from the Ba clan so arrogant?" Zhao Yang said with a sullen face.

"Our Ji clan and Tyrannical clan have never dealt with each other. The hatred between the two sides is imprinted in the blood. Just now when I made a breakthrough in cultivation base, I accidentally affected a ray of energy." Ji Qingcheng said slowly, "Fortunately, now I have The recovery is almost done, even if there are more Ji clans, it doesn't matter."

Hearing this, Zhao Yang breathed a sigh of relief.

So much the better.

He certainly has a way to deal with Shenzi, but he doesn't want to expose too much.

"This mountain guard formation is at the peak of the God Realm, and it may be able to intercept the opponent." Lin Caihan said at this time.

"When the sword body set up this mountain-protecting formation, its cultivation was at the fifth level of the Upper God Realm. Taking a step back, even if he arranged this mountain-protecting formation at the peak of the Upper God Realm, it would not be able to stop the Ba Clan's footsteps." Ji Ji Qingcheng shook his head.

The Ji family is a royal family.

How powerful it is.

While speaking, a figure descended into the courtyard like a ghost.

But the next moment, the monstrous domineering aura smashed towards everyone like a vast sea.

Lin Caihan's face suddenly turned pale.

If it weren't for the Bauhinia guardian Fengguan who appeared in time to protect Lin Caihan at the critical moment.

Lin Caihan might be crushed to ashes on the spot.

That one appeared too fast.

The pill beast beside Lin Caihan didn't react, neither did Jian Gui.

There is a reaction.

Ji Qingcheng's heart moved, and a soft force wrapped Lin Caihan and Zhao Yang.

"You are very rude." Ji Qingcheng looked at the figure and said indifferently.

"If you still have the cultivation base of the God-King Realm, I still fear you three points, but now your cultivation base is not as high as mine, how can I be afraid of you?" The figure said with a sneer, "I will capture you today!" Kill you, and bring you back to the Tyrannical Clan."

"Hmph, do you think you have the qualifications?" Ji Qingcheng had a sneer on his face.

So what if Ji Qingcheng's cultivation is inferior?

"You'll know if you try it." Ji Qingcheng's phoenix eyes shone with a cold light.

She felt that being overbearing was too presumptuous.


The moment Ji Qingcheng's voice fell, the two figures collided fiercely.

The terrible shock wave caused all the nearby buildings to collapse. Zhao Yang immediately used absolute defense, and then led Lin Caihan to escape into the distance.

Rabbit, Yingzi and other masters rushed here immediately.

And when they saw the two figures entangled in the mid-air, their faces showed extremely serious expressions.

"Is this still the strength that can be possessed by the God Realm?" Yingzi changed color.

It can be seen that the void is distorting, and the two figures are like the light of glazed glass, and there is no trace at all.

"This is a god-level battle, you don't need to belittle yourself." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice.


Son of God? "Sakura's pupils shrank fiercely.

She had seen Ji Qingcheng.

But she didn't know that Ji Qingcheng was the son of God.

Son of God.

It is expected to become the existence of the king of gods in the future.


At this moment, the domineering palm overturned a large building, and the hundreds of monks who practiced in that building all died unexpectedly.

Zhao Yang became angry when he saw this scene.

"Ba Jue, do you want to die?"

"An ant, dare to say such a thing to me?" Ba Jue gave Zhao Yang a contemptuous look, "When I finish Ji Qingcheng, I will break all your bones one by one."

Ji Qingcheng frowned at this moment.

She didn't expect Ba Jue to be so difficult.

Ji Qingcheng's current cultivation base is the sixth level of the Upper God Realm, and Ba Jue is the ninth level of the Upper God Realm. It stands to reason that Ji Qingcheng can make up for the gap between the third level and relying on combat experience, but the fact is that Ba Jue is this guy. It's so powerful that Ji Qingcheng won't be able to take down the opponent for a while.

"Break my bones?" Zhao Yang's eyes glowed coldly, "I want to see how you do it?"

Speaking of this, Zhao Yang pressed his hands together.

At the moment when the ancient seal was formed, Zhao Yang recited the mantra, "I want to travel through time and space to reach the peak of the divine realm."

When his voice fell, Zhao Yang's figure suddenly disappeared.

There was no sign of it before.

he seems to be from

All traces of this world have been erased.

Lin Caihan panicked for no reason.

Then a figure came out of nothingness.

Who is this figure if it is not Zhao Yang?

But at this time, he is more than ten times stronger than before.

His eyes pierced the sun, and his breath was as vast as the sea.

"Ji Qingcheng, step aside and I'll fight him." Zhao Yang said loudly.

Ji Qingcheng glanced at Zhao Yang in surprise.

Zhao Yang's state at this time is extremely terrifying, in her opinion, he is not much weaker than Ba ​​Jue.

"Alright, you come." Ji Qingcheng stepped aside.

Domineering eyes fell on Zhao Yang, "I have to say that your breath is quite bluffing, but I don't know if you have that strength?"

"You'll know if you try it." At this moment, Zhao Yang was confident.

He came from the future time and space.

He doesn't think who is his opponent in the realm of the upper gods?


At the same time as the Nine-Zhuan Tongxuan Gong was running, Zhao Yang's aura exploded directly, and he was as hot as a star, making people dare not look directly at him.

Ba Jue's face changed when he collided with Zhao Yang.

Because he felt a sting.

This is not normal.

The Ba Clan also practiced Taishu, so it stands to reason that they are not inferior to anyone in the same rank.

In addition, when Ji Qingcheng collided with her just now, she strictly

In a sense, magical powers were used.

But Zhao Yang is a genuine physicist.

"What kind of physical skill do you practice?" Ba Jue looked at Zhao Yang in surprise.

"You don't have the right to know." Zhao Yang shouted loudly at this point, "Six-turn mountains and rivers collapse."

There is boundless light blooming on his body.

Those immeasurable lights turned into an invisible force, causing the space around Ba Jue to collapse.

But Ba Jue is the supreme son of the Ba clan after all, that force can tear apart the body of the same rank, but it is not enough to tear him apart.

He rushed out bathed in divine light.

The two fought from the sky to the ground, and then into the abyss.

After half a day, Ba Jue couldn't hold on any longer, because Zhao Yang suppressed him the whole time.

"You make me look at you differently, but if you only have these methods, then I'm sorry, this battle is coming to an end." Ba Jue said a huge general platform appeared behind him, and Ba Jue's body leaped into the On the stage, one majestic figure after another stood under the stage.

"The vision point will lead the stage." Ji Qingcheng's face changed drastically.

"Is it very scary to point to the general platform?" Zhao Yang glanced at Ji Qingcheng and asked.

"Dianjiangtai is also one of the visions of the god king. I finally understand why this junior is so terrifying. This junior has a great possibility to become a god king in the future." Ji Qingcheng said with a sinking face.

This is not good news for the Ji family.

(End of this chapter)

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