"Let her watch if she wants to watch." Zhao Yang said after thinking about it.

"Ji Qingcheng should have recognized your sword body."

"If you recognize it, you will recognize it."

"She can deduce that your origin can set foot on the king of God in the future."

"Could it be that my origin can't set foot on God King now?"

"Your origin has been mostly covered up by me."

Zhao Yang was stunned.

"Senior, I've always been curious about what realm you are in?" Zhao Yang said after a long silence.

"What realm do you think I should be?" Nine Swords asked with a smile.

"Before you said how terrifying the God King Realm is, but if you say that you are a giant, I feel a little inappropriate." Zhao Yang frowned and said, "I think you should be in the God King Realm."

"That's right, I am indeed in the God King Realm, to be precise, I am the magic weapon of the God King." Nine Swords explained.

"Is it really a god-king class?" Zhao Yang's pupils shrank.

There is actually a magic weapon of the God King Realm beside him.

But then Zhao Yang thought of something.

"Senior, don't you have a master?" Zhao Yang asked hastily.

Some things still need to be asked clearly.

"Yes, but my master has already fallen during the Demon Sealing War."

"Is there any possibility of resurrection?"

"What do you mean?" Nine Heavy Sword asked in a bad tone.

"I think if senior can be resurrected, it's better for senior to have some reservations about me."

What Zhao Yang actually wanted to say was your master

If you are still alive, I have to keep it from you in the future.

God knows what you're going to do to me?

"You kid, do you really think I don't know what you're thinking?" Nine Swords said angrily, "But you don't have to worry, it's very difficult for the existence of the God King Realm to fall, but once it falls, it's very difficult to resurrect. "

"How much difference is there between the magic weapon of the God King Realm and the God King?"

"The magic weapon of the god king realm is the weakest god king. They can only compete with the god king who has just stepped into the god king realm. Therefore, the magic weapon of the god king realm is a double-edged sword." , "I can make a move, but every time I make a move, I must erase the clues, otherwise, after being discovered by the power of the god-king level, the two of us will be ready to flee."

"You mean that the god king will snatch the magic weapon of the god king?"


"It seems that we should keep a low profile in the future."

"With your temperament, can you keep a low profile?"

Zhao Yang thought about it for the same reason.

"Isn't the person who cultivates the map a self-sufficiency?" Zhao Yang said with a big smile, "If I can bear everything, I'll just stay in the lower God Realm and do my best."

"I'm very relieved that you can think so. Let's put it this way, anyone who becomes a god king is not the master of An Sheng. The process of their becoming a god king is a process of killing." Nine Swords said gratifiedly, "Why are the god kings so strong all these years?" There are fewer and fewer young people, even if many young people have the potential to become kings? I think the environment is too comfortable."

Zhao Yang's eyes flashed.

Follow your heart.

I have been scruples about this and that all these years, should I change it?

In the following time, the entire Central God Realm was in turmoil. The disciples of the Upper God Realm acted recklessly in the Central God Realm in order to find Ji Qingcheng.

As a result, some forces in the Central God Realm couldn't bear it anymore, so the older generation began to join forces to kill the favored sons of the Upper God Realm.

In just three months, more than a dozen proud sons were killed, which made those proud sons feel a little scared.

"Isn't the older generation too aggressive?"

"The main reason is that those guys in the God's Domain have gone too far. If they continue to do it, the order in the God's Domain will be messed up."

"I heard that the older generations of the major ethnic groups have joined in this time."

"How did I hear that the Zhendao Zongge was also involved this time?"

"It is rumored that the three major forces have also sent masters."

Zhao Yang glanced at the news released by the Alchemy Association, and there was a gleam in his eyes.

"Are these guys unbearable to the three major forces?" Zhao Yang contacted Su Wenhao after pondering for a while.

"Elder Su, has the Alchemy Association participated in targeting the Tianjiao of the Upper God Realm?" Zhao Yang asked straight to the point.

"Participated." Su Wenhao said concisely.

"Are you going to continue?"

"Continue, unless all the Tianjiao in the Upper God Realm withdraw." Su Wenhao said in a deep voice.

"Those guys have some tricks."

"As far as I know, there are no fewer than [-] forces in the Central God Realm with the Death God's Scythe.

indivual. " Su Wenhao explained.

Zhao Yang was terrified.

"The human race is only a very strong force in the domain of the gods, but there are many forces that can wrestle with the human race."

Only then did Zhao Yang realize that he still underestimated those ethnic groups.

"Some inconspicuous ethnic groups may have a deep foundation in the Upper God Realm, and they can also show a strong hole card." Su Wenhao said slowly, "After all, the Central God Realm is bordered by the Upper God Realm."

"It seems that I really treat it with caution." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice.

The power of Central God Realm is really strong.

In just one year, they teamed up and killed another 36 Chosen Sons of Heaven who were beheaded. The rest of the Chosen Sons of Heaven either left for the Upper God Realm, or hibernated.

Central God Territory has ushered in a period of calm.

Zhao Yang can also practice with peace of mind.

In this way, several years passed, and Zhao Yang's cultivation finally ushered in a breakthrough. His cultivation reached the third stage of the fifth revolution in one fell swoop.

And after reaching this point, Zhao Yang was already able to traverse the Realm of God Control.

"The next step is to break through to the Upper God Realm." Zhao Yang murmured.

"You need to prepare nine Shangshen Flowers for the first stage of breaking through to the Upper God Realm, nine False God Flowers for the second stage, and nine Jade Lotus Flowers for the third stage."

"I've only seen one False God Flower so far, and I haven't even seen a Jade Lotus." Zhao Yang sighed softly.

A False God Flower can make a master in the early stage of the Upper God Realm improve

At the middle stage of the Upper God Realm, a jade lotus can make a person at the middle stage of the Upper God Realm rise to a higher level of the Upper God Realm.

But Zhao Yang needed nine plants.

"You can catalyze the Shangshen Flower, but the False God Flower and the Jade Lotus Flower cannot be activated." Jiu Chongjian said softly, "If you really can't find it, you can only ask for help from the Pill Pavilion."

"Let me ask Dan to go to the main pavilion." Zhao Yang quickly contacted Su Wenhao.

He told Su Wenhao about the Void God Flower and the Jade Lotus Flower.

"I'll help you ask the Chief Pavilion Master."

Soon Su Wenhao replied, "There are five Void God Flower Pill Dao Zongge and three Jade Lotus Flowers. When do you want them?"

"I'll go to Dange headquarters to get it."


After finishing talking with Su Wenhao, Zhao Yang immediately went to the nameplate.

He found the front desk, "I want to issue a task."

"What mission?"

"I need the False God Flower and the Jade Lotus Flower. Whether I need the God Stone or anything else, I will do my best to satisfy it." Zhao Yang said to the front desk.

The front desk quickly released the task for Zhao Yang.

This task quickly attracted the attention of many alchemists.

"False God flower? Jade lotus flower? These two resources are very rare."

"I don't know who needs these two resources?"

"Is everything as satisfying as possible?"

While everyone was discussing, a young girl found the front desk. She told the front desk that she had a False God flower on her body, but she asked Zhao Yang to discuss the payment first.

(End of this chapter)

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