Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1530 What are you going to do?

"You gave Caihan this bead, what should you do?"

"Yanhuangzong is not bad. I will stay in Yanhuangzong from now on, and I won't go anywhere." Ji Qingcheng chuckled, "I think that when my cultivation base returns to the high level of the upper gods, maybe I can open my little one." The world is gone."

"You can stay in Yanhuangzong with peace of mind from now on." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

Lin Caihan thoughtfully arranged a courtyard for Ji Qingcheng, and then asked two maids to take care of her daily necessities.

"I didn't expect you to meet a god king?" Lin Caihan said with emotion in the courtyard.

"I really didn't think of it before. At first I thought she was just a beggar." Zhao Yang said softly.

"Perhaps that's why she is willing to follow you."

"Maybe." Zhao Yang handed Lin Caihan three Death Scythes at this point, "Give one of these three Death Scythes to the rabbit, and put the remaining two in the treasury first."

Both Lin Caihan and Mingyue have Death Scythes.

It's just that they didn't make a move.


"Here are eight dead flowers, you should keep them in the treasury first." Having said that, Zhao Yang handed Lin Caihan three formation scrolls, "These three formation scrolls are all at the peak of the God Realm, It was given by Dange, I don’t think the level will be low, you take one, Mingyue takes one, and put the last one in the treasury.”

Lin Caihan nodded.

"With these hole cards, Yan Huangzong's safety is more guaranteed."

"Yeah, the current situation is becoming more and more unstable. Those guys in the Upper God Realm are making trouble in the Central God Realm every day." Zhao Yang said helplessly.

But these guys all have backgrounds.

Even if Zhao Yang didn't go out during this time, he was watching the news pushed on the nameplate every day.

"We just need to manage our one-acre three-point land." Lin Caihan said with a smile, "In fact, it is good for these guys to come. Haven't you seen that the beasts everywhere are honest?"


"Wan Jianzong descended on a young man. That young man was very murderous. It is said that he slaughtered millions of beasts, directly exterminating a group of beasts."

"From today onwards, Yanhuangzong will take back the sword shame." Zhao Yang pondered for a while before saying, "This way we won't attract the attention of those guys."

"Well, I'll get to work on it later."

At this time, Bai Xue came over from the outside, but at this time her eyes were red.

"Bai Xue, what's the matter?" Zhao Yang looked at the tearful Bai Xue and asked hurriedly.

"My lord, I'm leaving." Bai Xue began to cry as she spoke.

"What's going on?" Zhao Yang frowned.

"Just now I sensed that my brother appeared nearby, and he will find me soon."

"Your brother?"

"I am coming from

Shangyin Academy, my mother is the owner of Shangyin Academy, because of some special circumstances, I was reincarnated to practice. "As soon as Bai Xue said this, a cold voice sounded above Yanhuangzong, "Bai Xue, come out. "

"My brother is very domineering, and I don't want you to have conflicts." Bai Xue said and knelt down to kowtow to Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang stretched out his hand to help Bai Xue up, "Bai Xue, although you are my handyman in Mingshan, I have always treated you as a maid."

"My lord, you must remember to come to me when you go to the Upper God Realm." Bai Xue said this and stepped forward to give Zhao Yang a hug.

"Okay, I promise you, I will go to Shangyin Academy to see you in the future." Zhao Yang said softly, stroking Bai Xue's hair.


At this moment, a sword light cut a hole in Yanhuangzong's mountain protection formation like a horse, and then a man in a dark blue gown stepped into the formation.

His eyes looked down like the scorching sun, and within an instant he saw Zhao Yang who was hugging his sister.

"Bold, who allowed you to hug my sister?" The figure was furious at this point.

With a wave of his big hand, he was about to imprison Zhao Yang and slap him to death in front of him, but he was stopped by the rabbit at the very moment.

"A rabbit at the peak of the God Realm?" There was a little surprise in the eyes of that figure.


Brother, what are you doing? "Bai Xue broke free from Zhao Yang's arms and said angrily.

"This kid is taking advantage of you." Bai Ning pointed at Zhao Yang.

"What are you talking nonsense about?" Bai Xue stared at Bai Ning.

"Okay, can't I stop talking?" Bai Ning changed his voice at this point, "But sister, you should also know your background? The young master of Shangyin Academy, how can this kid be worthy of you?"

"Enough." Bai Xue interrupted Bai Ning.

It's not that Bai Xue has no eyesight.

Zhao Yang's achievements in the future will definitely surpass her.

"Let's go, I'll take you back to Shangyin Academy." Bai Ning said lightly.

Bai Xue turned her head and looked at Zhao Yang again, "Remember to come and see me in the future."

"Okay." Zhao Yang smiled slightly.

Looking at Bai Ning leaving Zhao Yang with Bai Xue, he felt a sense of loss.

The girl who was as white as moonlight left after all.

"You have a lot of good fortune, boy, the young suzerain of Shangyin Academy is actually your maid?" Ji Qingcheng walked over at this time and said with a smile.

"How is the strength of Shangyin Academy?" Zhao Yang asked Ji Qingcheng after thinking about it.

"Shangyin Academy has giants in charge."

"It seems that the strength of Shangyin Academy is not weak."

"Where there are giants in charge, there will be no weak ones."

"It doesn't matter, for me, it's just a matter of time before I become a giant."

After Ji Qingcheng left, Zhao Yang had no choice but to summon the sword body, because there was a crack in Yanhuangzong's mountain protection formation, and Zhao Yang is obviously not qualified to repair the crack now.

After the sword body arrived, the mountain guard formation was repaired as soon as possible, "Those guys are really getting more and more lawless."

"Recently, I have obtained some array secret techniques, and now I will pass them on to you." Zhao Yang said, and taught him the array secret techniques taught to him by Ji Qingcheng.

As for the painting site taught by Ji Qingcheng, Zhao Yang did not teach it.

When teaching it, Ji Qingcheng made it very clear and should not spread it outside.

In order not to cause trouble, Zhao Yang simply did not teach.

"As soon as my cultivation level improves, I'm going to face off against those strong men who came down from the Upper God Realm."

Hearing this, Zhao Yang handed the death grinder to the sword body, "You can take this, if someone uses the death scythe, it will be difficult for you to deal with it, right?"

The sword body hesitated for a moment and took it over, "So, I will take it."

After the sword body left, Zhao Yang turned and returned to his room.

A look of shock appeared on Ji Qingcheng's face in the dark, "This guy actually split a part of his origin and condensed a sword body? In this way, Zhao Yang definitely has the appearance of a god king."

in the room.

Just when Zhao Yang was preparing to practice, Nine Swords spoke, "Was Ji Qingcheng spying on you just now?"

(End of this chapter)

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