Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1528 Huang Jianren Arrives

Death scythe?

Seeing this scene, no matter it was Ye Yulian, the head of the Juque Sect, or Ye Feiyan, they were all shocked.

what's the situation?

Zhao Yang casually gave Ju Que Zong two death scythes.

You know, Su Donglai just gave Juquezong a death sickle?

"Brother, are you...?" Ye Yulian was shocked.

"This is compensation for you and Ju Que Sect." Zhao Yang said softly.

What else did Ye Yulian say? Zhao Yang immediately took out two dead flowers and handed them to Ye Yulian, "These are two dead flowers. How to distribute them is up to you, sister."

"The flower of death?" Ye Feiyan exclaimed.

A dead flower means the existence of a god of death.

"I don't need the flower of death and silence, and the rest of the Juque Sect's disciples also don't need the flower of death and silence." Ye Yulian said slowly when the head of the Juque Sect and Ye Feiyan were extremely excited.

"What do you mean?" Zhao Yang asked puzzled.

"The suzerain's cultivation has come to an end, and we may be able to go further in the future, but it is as difficult as ascending to the heavens, let alone the ninth heaven of the gods." Ye Yulian looked at Zhao Yang and said, "Only those who have reached the ninth level of the Upper God Realm are eligible to use the Flower of Death and Silence."

"What's the matter with me?" To Ye Yulian's surprise, Zhao Yang handed Ye Yulian two Shangshen flowers, "These are two Shangshen flowers.

It allows those who are at the peak of the God Realm to step into the God Realm. "

The eyes of the suzerain of the Juque Sect of Shangshenhua lit up.

That is to say, as long as she works hard to reach the peak of God Control Realm, she is expected to step into the God Realm.

"I will provide you Juque Sect with two resources. Even if those two are in the early stage of God Control Realm, I am sure that they will reach the peak of God Realm." Zhao Yang said slowly at this time.

The eyes of the Juque Sect Master suddenly lit up.

Ye Yulian is not needed, so one of the places must be his.

"I hope you will consider the other quota carefully." Zhao Yang cast Ye Feiyan a glance at this point.

How could the master of the Juque Sect not understand what Zhao Yang meant, "It is enough for the younger generation to have Ye Yulian, and for the older generation to be suppressed by me, I will select a disciple from a high-level Yuanshen Realm." His meaning could not be more obvious, Ye Feiyan would not be chosen.

Ye Feiyan felt bitterness in her heart at this moment.

Who would have thought that Zhao Yang would take out such a precious thing in the blink of an eye?

"In addition, the safety of Juque Sect also needs to be guaranteed." Zhao Yang said and handed Ye Yulian a formation scroll, "This is the scroll of formation formation at the peak of the God Realm, and if this one is consumed in the future, you can go to Yanhuang Zong asks for another one."

"Yanhuangzong?" Ye Yulian looked at Zhao Yang suspiciously.

"The sect I founded."


Zhao Yang pointed at God

Pointed at the center of Ye Yulian's eyebrows, "This is the address of Yanhuangzong, please don't go there for a short time."

"Yes." Ye Yulian understood that Zhao Yang was guarding against Ji Qingcheng.

"In addition, when you ascend, sister, I will introduce you to a sect, and this sect will definitely not be weaker than the Wuji sect." Zhao Yang continued.

The lord of the Juque Sect and the others set off a turbulent wave in their hearts.

What does Zhao Yang mean?

It seems that he has a good relationship in the God Realm?

"If you have a chance in the future, you can come to me." Ji Qingcheng said at this time, "I will pass on your supernatural powers, among other things, I will guarantee you to step into the realm of life."

"Thank you for your love, but I still want to see it." Ye Yulian said after thinking about it.

She couldn't figure out Ji Qingcheng's identity, so it's better not to agree rashly.

Ji Qingcheng didn't say anything more.

"I won't stay here any longer, I should go."

"I have already ordered the sect to set up a banquet." The head of the Juque sect said hastily.

"It's inconvenient now, let's talk about it later." Zhao Yang refused.

Then Zhao Yang took Ji Qingcheng and left here, returning to the previous valley.

Then Zhao Yang practiced silently here.

In addition to practicing the Nine Turns Tongxuan Gong, he is also comprehending the art of arrays given to him by Ye Yulian.

A year has passed.

Two years have passed.

Three years have passed.

Ji Qingcheng devoured a large amount of rare materials in the past three years. If Zhao Yang hadn't possessed the power to revitalize the gods, and could make the medicinal materials quickly enter the upper god state, he would not be able to afford it.

"Now my cultivation base has stabilized at the peak of the Yushen Realm." Tianji Qingcheng said to Zhao Yang with some excitement.

Although she had reached the God Control Realm before, her state was unstable, and she was promoted by force.

And now she's finally settled down.

"With your strength, wouldn't it be possible to sweep the entire Central God Realm?" Zhao Yang said with a smile.

The subtext is you go away.

"Sweeping the Central God Realm is no problem, but isn't it true that the Central God Realm has many disciples from the Upper God Realm?" Ji Qingcheng said lightly, "I'd better promote to the Upper God Realm."

Zhao Yang's face suddenly collapsed.

"Is that why you don't want to be with me?" Ji Qingcheng blinked her eyes.

"Staying with a god king is too stressful." Zhao Yang said what was in his heart.

Ji Qingcheng is no longer seven or eight years old now, and now she has grown to 12 years old.

"I won't let you support me for nothing." Ji Qingcheng said and pointed at Zhao Yang's eyebrows. Zhao Yang suddenly felt that his sea of ​​consciousness was about to explode, and a roll of ancient scriptures was in his sea of ​​consciousness. Rumbling.

"This is...?" Zhao Yang exclaimed.

"This is the unique skill of my Ji clan." Ji Qingcheng looked at Zhao Yang and said, "This is a supernatural power at the level of a god-king. Ask me if you don't understand."

"Senior, see what resources you need, as long as I have them here, I can give them to you." Zhao Yang immediately said with a smile on his face.

"It turns out that you didn't want to drive me away, but because I didn't give you any benefits." Ji Qingcheng giggled.

"No... nothing." Zhao Yang said without thinking.

"I just like your serious nonsense." Ji Qingcheng suddenly changed her voice when she said this, "My shoulders are a little sore."

"Senior, I'll help you press it." Zhao Yang said and went to help Ji Qingcheng press his shoulder.

Not to mention how attentive he looked.


Yan Huangzong!

During these days, Huang Jianren has been investigating Ji Qingcheng. On this day, Huang Jianren came to the territory of Yanhuangzong.

As soon as he arrived here, he met a patrolling soldier, who asked Huang Jianren to leave immediately.

Huang Jianren noticed that among the patrolling soldiers, there was a middle-level sword shame in the God Realm.

"The strongest in your team is Zunjian?" Huang Jianren's eyes showed surprise.

"Please leave immediately." The leading soldier is a man in the early stage of God Control Realm. This man used to be a killer in the building outside the mountain, but now he is a disciple of Yanhuangzong.

"What if I don't leave?" Huang Jianren sneered.

(End of this chapter)

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