Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1527 Sending You Resources

Zhao Yang looked at Ji Qingcheng beside him and thought for a while before deciding not to take her to Yanhuangzong.

This guy is a ticking time bomb, bring her to Yanhuangzong, God knows what will happen?

So the two came to a valley with beautiful mountains and clear waters.

"You can practice here from now on." Zhao Yang looked around and said.

"The environment here is so good, there are probably fierce beasts coming and going." Ji Qingcheng said lightly.

"I will arrange formations nearby, you can practice with peace of mind."

"You are still a formation master?" Ji Qingcheng looked at Zhao Yang in surprise.


"I have some array exercises here, do you need them?"


Ji Qingcheng detained a ray of divine sense from the sea of ​​consciousness and tapped it on the center of Zhao Yang's eyebrows.

After digesting it, Zhao Yang discovered that Ji Qingcheng had taught him the Array Kung Fu method, which had reached hundreds of volumes.

"What I have taught you is the essence of our Ji clan, and it may be able to take your formation to a higher level."

Zhao Yang's eyes lit up after a rough scan.

He found that the exercises that Ji Fenghuang gave him were either something he had never seen before, or the experience and notes of some senior masters.

These are undoubtedly an extremely precious wealth.

In the following time, Zhao Yang quietly practiced here.

Ji Qingcheng felt relieved after making a round of inspections and found that there was no danger.

started to practice.

On the second day, Zhao Yang's nameplate shook, and then Zhao Yang stood up.

Ji Qingcheng looked at Zhao Yang vigilantly and said, "Where are you going?"

"I'm going to meet someone."

"I'll go as well."

"How much do you mistrust me?"

"Put yourself in the same situation, you will be more cautious than me."

"Then you follow." Zhao Yang said helplessly.

When Zhao Yang and Ji Qingcheng arrived three hundred miles away, a young man in a red robe was waiting quietly.

When the young man saw Zhao Yang, he quickly stepped forward and saluted, "Bai Jinghao has seen the history of law enforcement."

"Bai Jinghao? What is your relationship with Fifth Elder Bai Yunfei?"

"The Fifth Elder is my grandfather."

"Did I ask you to bring anything?"

"Here it is." Bai Jinghao said and handed Zhao Yang a universe bag.

Zhao Yang's spiritual thoughts swept over, "You can go back."

"Of order." Bai Jinghao bowed and left.

After Bai Jinghao left for a while, Ji Qingcheng looked at Zhao Yangdao in surprise, "Bai Yunfei, if I remember correctly, is the elder of Dange?"


"Then you still said that it has nothing to do with God's Domain." Ji Qingcheng looked at Zhao Yang with an unkind expression.

"I have never denied that I have nothing to do with God's Realm. What I have always told you is that I am a monk in Central God's Realm." Zhao Yang looked at Ji Ji calmly.

Allure Road.

"You are a cultivator in Central God Realm, how did you get in touch with God Realm?"

"The Pavilion Master of the Dan Pavilion has a statue in the Central God Territory, and there is a ray of divine sense of the Pavilion Master of the Dan Pavilion in the statue. He thinks it is incredible that I have such achievements in the lower realm, so he accepts that I will be the law enforcement history of the Dan Pavilion." Zhao Yang thought about it and explained.

In fact, he didn't bother to explain.

But the one in front of me is the king of gods, who knows what tricks she has?

"What did you ask Bai Jinghao to give you?"

"First, I keep three of the five death scythes, and give the remaining two to Juque Sect; second, I keep eight of the ten dead flowers, and give the remaining two to Juque Zong; I will keep four of the five Dao Scrolls of the pinnacle of the God Realm, and give one to the Juque Sect." Zhao Yang erased the restriction on the Qiankun Bag while speaking.

"Based on your law enforcement history, can you ask for more things?" Ji Qingcheng asked puzzled.

"It's not necessary." Zhao Yang said with a smile, "When my strength improves in the future, I can leave more methods behind, and I believe that the methods I leave behind will definitely not be inferior to those given by Dan Pavilion."

Ji Qingcheng looked at Zhao Yang with a smile, "It seems right to follow you now."

"I'm going to the Juque Sect, will you go?"

"Go! As I said, I will go wherever you go." Ji Qingcheng said with a smile.

In fact, she still

It was a little suspicious that Zhao Yang would betray her.


Zhao Yang took Ji Qingcheng all the way to the Juque Sect with Naying sneakily.

The suzerain of the Juque Sect is the sixth heaven of the God Realm, and the mountain guard formation of the Juque Sect is the second heaven of the God Realm, so Zhao Yang and Ji Qingcheng easily broke through the giant formation of the Juque Sect .

The two came to Ye Feiyan's mountain all the way.

At this time Ye Feiyan was chatting with several of her maids in her courtyard.

"I don't know what my cousin thinks. You said it would be great to choose Su Donglai yesterday, but in the end you have to choose Zhao Yang."

"Miss, didn't you say Mr. Zhao is in charge of the murderous army?" Her maid said cautiously.

"So what if he's in charge of the fierce soldiers? He's not a monk in the Central God Realm, so he can't compare to Su Donglai in terms of status or background?" Ye Feiyan snorted coldly.

"It makes sense to say that."

"Miss, what did the Pavilion Master say?"

"Pavilion Master? The Pavilion Master actually thought that what my cousin did was right, and reprimanded me for it." Ye Feiyan said angrily, "Aren't I doing it for the sect?"

"that is."

"Miss, you have been wronged." The two maids quickly comforted Ye Feiyan.

"The pavilion master really has no vision." Ye Feiyan continued, "Now that all the major sects have drawn a clear line from the Juque sect, how do you think the Juque sect will develop in the future?"

"Juque Sect does not

will fall. "At this moment, a gentle voice sounded in the valley, and then Ye Feiyan found out in embarrassment that Zhao Yang appeared here at some point.

"You... When did you come?" Ye Feiyan asked hastily.

"From the time you started choreographing me." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

Ye Feiyan didn't say how embarrassing she was at this time.

"That... that... what do you want to come to Juque Sect?" Ye Feiyan quickly changed the subject.

"Take me to meet your hall master." Zhao Yang said lightly.

"Follow me." Ye Feiyan said softly.

Ye Feiyan led Zhao Yang all the way to Ye Yulian's valley.

At this time, Ye Yulian was telling her maid about the Dao in the courtyard.

"Brother, why are you here?" Ye Yulian said in surprise.

"I have something for you, and what about the suzerain of your Juque Sect?"

"Feiyan, go and call the Suzerain here." Ye Yulian looked at Ye Feiyan.

She realized that Zhao Yang probably wanted to give Ju Que Zong something.

Soon the suzerain of Juque Sect came here accompanied by Ye Feiyan.

"Young Master Zhao." The suzerain of Juque Sect was very excited at this moment.

Her thought was the same as Ye Yulian's, Zhao Yang probably came to compensate Juque Sect.

"This time I came here to give a batch of resources to the Juque Sect." Zhao Yang said here that a death scythe appeared in front of Ye Yulian and the Juque Sect's suzerain at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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