The audience was in an uproar.

No one thought that Tian Xiaotian would kill him suddenly, let alone that someone would break into the ring and severely hurt Tian Xiaotian.

"Who allowed you to come on stage?" the young man in Confucianism attire from the Promise Sect scolded in a deep voice.

"If Tian Xiaotian doesn't kill me, I won't be on stage." Zhao Yang glanced at the young man in Confucianism attire from Wuji Sect and said.

"I will punish Tian Xiaotian, but you also have to accept the punishment?" Su Donglai said after thinking about it.

"What punishment are you going to give Tian Xiaotian, and what punishment are you going to give me?"

"After the competition, I will confine Tian Xiaotian for three years."

"And me."

"You disturbed the venue, ignored the rules, and caused bad influence. You will stay in the Absolute Spirit Space for ten years."

What is the Absolute Spirit Space?

There are no rules of heaven and earth and spiritual power in the Absolute Spirit Space, and you can't even practice if you stay there.

"Your punishment is unfair." Zhao Yang said lightly.

"Do you think I'm discussing with you?" Su Donglai sneered.

"Then do you think you can do anything to win me?" Zhao Yang said tit for tat.

"Believe it or not, if I give an order, all the people present will attack." Su Donglai pointed at Zhao Yang.

"You might as well try it." Zhao Yang smiled slightly.

"Okay, kind, today I will let you understand that there are some people you can't offend?" Su Donglai waved his hand and said, "Kill this kid.


The masters of some forces did it.

But the top ten sects did not move.

The Zhendao General Pavilion, Dan Dao General Pavilion, and Qidao General Pavilion did not move.

And those guys who just moved stopped.

what's the situation?

The three main cabinets did not move. It is understandable that they are neutral forces.

But why didn't the top ten sects move?

"Why don't you move?" Su Donglai looked at the suzerain of the Tianxiao Sect with an unkind expression.

"He...can't move." The head of the Tian Xiao Sect said with a wry smile.

"Why can't you move?" Su Donglai was startled.

"He has peerless and fierce soldiers on him, and we are no match." The suzerain of Tian Xiaozong said in a deep voice.

"Peerless fierce soldier? Death god realm?"


"I also have fierce soldiers from the Death God Realm." Su Dong said that a sickle appeared in his hand.

The power of death was released mightily from the death scythe.

Su Donglai held the death scythe, looked at Zhao Yang with piercing eyes, and said, "Let me see your fierce soldiers?"

"As you wish." Zhao Yang said and summoned the fierce soldier.

And when Zhao Yang unleashed the ferocity of the fierce soldiers, all the monks present changed their expressions.

The two terrifying powers collided violently amidst the watching expressions of the audience.

But what Su Donglai didn't expect was that his death scythe was trembling, and at the same time he was shocked and stepped back a few steps.


"You... Where did the fierce soldier in your hand come from?" Su Donglai's eyes were full of uneasiness.

"Hehe, do you think you are entitled to know?" Zhao Yang said disdainfully.

"Zhao Yang, my Wuji Sect is like a cloud of masters, if you insult my Wuji Sect today, the Wuji Sect will ask you for justice in the future." Su Donglai said every word.

"Su Donglai, do you think you are the only one with a background?" Zhao Yang looked at Su Donglai as if he was looking stupid.

It was only then that Su Donglai realized that he was being a bit aggressive.

I don't seem to know Zhao Yang's identity yet.

"You are……."

"Host the game honestly, and don't worry about things you shouldn't care about." Zhao Yang said lightly.

Su Donglai was silent for a while, then pointed to Ye Yulian and said, "I'll give you a choice, do you choose to be with him or with me?"


"If you talk to him, then this competition has nothing to do with you, your ranking will be cancelled, and of course the reward will be gone; but if you break it off with him, I will directly recommend you No.1, I will give you all the No.1 rewards."

I have to say that Su Donglai is very insidious.

He wanted to slap Zhao Yang in the face.

The suzerain of the Juque Sect quickly sent a voice transmission to Ye Yulian, "Yulian, promise Su Donglai."

"Sister, hurry up and agree to Su Dong, this is a great opportunity." Ye Feiyan also persuaded


Even though she knew that Zhao Yang was the one who was said to possess the peerless weapon, she still felt that Zhao Yang could not be compared with Su Donglai.

"I chose to give up this competition." What no one expected was Ye Yulian's words, "Of course I came here to compete for rewards, but without the rewards, it's no big deal."

"Do you know what you gave up?" Su Donglai stared at Ye Yulian dumbfounded.

"Thousands of money can't buy me, I'm happy." Ye Yulian said with a slight smile.

Su Donglai didn't know what to say for a while.

"Disciples of Juque Sect, let's go back, we won't participate in this competition." Ye Yulian shouted towards the surroundings.

Soon, more than a dozen disciples of Juque Sect, including the suzerain, all gathered beside Ye Yulian.

"Brother, let's go." Ye Yulian smiled.

"Okay." Zhao Yang nodded.

When Zhao Yang and the others left the Heavenly Wolf Sect and were about to take the cloud boat to the Juque Sect, a figure fled towards them.

It was Ji Qingcheng.

"Isn't that your sister?" Ye Yulian asked in surprise.

Ji Qingcheng also saw Zhao Yang at this time.

"Brother, help." Ji Qingcheng waved to Zhao Yang.

Behind her was the young man in blue shirt.

The young man in blue shirt frowned slightly when he saw Zhao Yang, "If you don't want to die, then don't mind your own business."

"If I manage

Woolen cloth? "Zhao Yang said indifferently, holding Ji Qingcheng behind him.

"Looking for death." The blue-shirted youth didn't have any extra words, and slapped Zhao Yang with a slap.

Zhao Yang's pupils shrank.

In any case, he never thought that the blue shark youth would make a move as soon as he said it.


Zhao Yang used absolute defense in an instant, and his whole body was filled with the defense of the sixth level of the upper god realm.

But even so, Zhao Yang's body almost didn't crack.

A faint stream of blood dripped from the corner of his mouth.

"You're a bit weird, you're only in the God Realm, but you can block a blow from the seventh heaven of the Upper God Realm?" the blue-shirted youth looked at Zhao Yang in amazement and said.

Everyone in the Juque Sect was shocked when they heard this.

what's the situation?

Zhao Yang blocked the blow from the seventh heaven of the Upper God Realm?

How can it be?

When did Zhao Yang reach this level?

"Those who come from the Upper God Realm can fight unscrupulously in the Central God Realm." Zhao Yang was angry.

The moment Zhao Yang used the decree of good fortune, his cultivation instantly soared.

The seventh heaven of God Control Realm!

The eighth heaven of God Control Realm!

The Ninth Heaven of God Control Realm!

The young man in blue shirt didn't do anything, but looked at Zhao Yang with interest.

He wanted to know how far Zhao Yang could be promoted?

Anyway, in his opinion, no matter what, Zhao Yang could not be his opponent?

(End of this chapter)

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