Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1524 Lone Wolf Vision

Ye Yulian, who had defeated Gou Dahui, walked off the ring, but her face was full of solemnity.

"Cousin, what's the matter with you?" Ye Feiyan asked happily.

She didn't understand that the senior sister had won, why was she not happy?

"Someone secretly helped me." Ye Yulian said in a low voice, "With my cultivation, it is impossible to last that long."

"How is it possible?" Ye Feiyan looked around and said, "You have to know that when you are fighting, there are so many pairs of eyes staring at you, who can help you under so many eyes?"

"This is what puzzles me the most." Ye Yulian shook her head.

"Okay, don't get entangled in this matter." Ye Feiyan said softly, "At present, you have locked No.3 in advance, and our sect is destined to have a death-god-level powerhouse."

"It's okay if I get No.2, but if I get No.1, our Juque Sect will be in danger." Ye Yulian sighed softly.

"What do you mean?" Ye Feiyan asked puzzled.

"Which sect doesn't want the Flower of Death? The Juque Sect can't keep it at all." Zhao Yang said angrily, "Can't you use your brain to think about the problem?"

Only then did Ye Feiyan realize it.

In the fifth battle, Ye Yulian faced Ling Yunhao of the Four Seas Sect.

Even though Ling Yunhao tried his best, he was still defeated by Ye Yulian.

At this time, Ye Yulian had already won all five battles.

The young suzerain Liu Yukun of Tiankui Sect and the young suzerain of Tian Xiaozong also maintained a complete victory in the field.

Tian Xiaotian.

"I need to beat them two more." Ye Yulian said with burning eyes.

"Have you ever heard of the plus magic technique?" Zhao Yang asked at this time.

"Plus magic has long been useless to our level, right?"

"It's just that you didn't study it deeply." Zhao Yang said and pointed at Ye Yulian's eyebrows.

Soon Ye Yulian's face showed a look of intoxication.

"I didn't expect that the plus magic technique could dig so deep?" Ye Yulian said with emotion.

If she had obtained this supernatural power before, she was confident that she could easily defeat those two.

It's a pity that I don't have much time for her.

"Feiyan, I want to retreat, don't let anyone disturb me." Ye Yulian immediately decided to use this rare time to practice.

One day later, Ye Yulian stepped into the ring, and today she will face Liu Yukun.

Liu Yukun's strength is stronger than Gou Dahui's, and the two of them clashed in the arena as soon as they came up.

Gradually, Ye Yulian fell into a disadvantage. Even if the power of life god can make her last longer, it can't directly enhance her fighting power.

Ten tricks.

Twenty strokes.

Thirty strokes.

"Come on." Ye Feiyan murmured in the audience.

"Your sister is going to lose." Zhao Yang said lightly.

"I think the two sides are evenly matched." Ye Feiyan said in a deep voice.

"Your cultivation base is too low, you can't see through normal."

Ye Feiyan stared at Zhao Yang and said, "You just stepped on

Able to control the gods, your cultivation is not as good as mine? "

Zhao Yang smiled without saying a word.

At this moment, Liu Yukun himself turned into a sword light.

The sword is one.

Ye Yulian couldn't hold back anymore, her arm was pierced by the sword light, and she fell powerlessly towards the outside of the ring.

When she stood up, her eyes dimmed.

As long as Ye Yulian defeats Liu Yukun, No.2 can be locked, but now it's hanging.

"Sorry." Ye Yulian said bitterly, looking at the suzerain of Juque Sect.

"Yulian, you are already very good." The patriarch of the Juque Sect said with concern, "You go down to heal your wounds first, don't worry about your ranking."

The suzerain of the Juque Sect never thought that Ye Yulian could reach this point, okay?

After half a day, Ye Yulian's injuries had fully recovered, and then Ye Yulian began to practice the plus magic spell given by Zhao Yang.

He had to comprehend the plus magic in the shortest possible time. Only in this way could he defeat Tian Xiaotian, the young lord of the Tian Xiao Sect.

This one has never been defeated so far, even Gou Dahui was defeated by him.

Ye Yulian felt that Tian Xiaotian was a stronger opponent than Liu Yukun.

In the seventh round, Ye Yulian's opponent was the young lord of Wu Chaozong. Lin Caihan defeated this without too much consumption, and then Lin Caihan returned to her position to practice.

In the eighth round, Ye Yulian's opponent was Tian Xiaotian of the Tian Xiao Sect. Everyone knew that this was a battle at the peak level.

Because the onlookers have

a lot of.


Ye Yulian and Tian Xiaotian collided when their eyes collided.

Ye Yulian only felt that Tian Xiaotian was a wild beast, which gave her a great sense of shock.

At the same time, cracks appeared in her bones, and she took one step back, two steps and three steps...

Ye Yulian changed color.

She realized that she was no match for Tian Xiaotian.

"Plus magic."

Ye Yulian had to use the plus magic.

Add zero point one.

Add zero point two.

Add zero point three.

When added to this level, Ye Yulian's combat power increased by [-]%.

"Come again." Ye Yulian rushed towards Tian Xiaotian again.

There was no fear on Tian Xiaotian's face, but the result of this collision was that he staggered back.

"How is it possible? How could your fighting power be so powerful?"

Ye Yulian carried a long sword, "Falling Leaf Sword Art."

It was true that Tian Xiaotian was stronger than Ye Yulian, but he was not stronger than [-]%.

Therefore, Tian Xiaotian was pressed and beaten by Ye Yulian.

one move!

Two strokes!

Three strokes!

After ten moves, Tian Xiaotian could hardly hold on anymore.

"Do you think I don't have any hole cards?" When Tian Xiaotian said this, a majestic world suddenly appeared behind him, and there was a giant white wolf in that world.

When that giant wolf raised its eyes and landed on Ye Yulian

At that time, the overwhelming ominous power rolled towards Ye Yulian.

"The vision of the lone wolf." The young man in Confucianism at the Promise Gate changed color.

It is not easy for anyone with a vision, and they will be able to go very far in the future.

Ye Yulian was shocked to find that her combat power dropped by almost [-]% after being permeated by the fierce force.

As a result, she was beaten by Tian Xiaotian.

After three moves, Ye Yulian's defense was broken, and Tian Xiaotian punched Ye Yulian's heart.

Ye Yulian spat out a mouthful of blood with a puff, then fell powerlessly towards the distance.


Tian Xiaotian appeared under Ye Yulian in a flash, and then stabbed his sword towards his chest.

"Not good." Ye Feiyan exclaimed.

"Stop, we admit defeat." The suzerain of Juque Sect also said hastily.

Unfortunately, none of them had the chance to save Ye Yulian.

Just at the very moment, a figure appeared in front of Tian Xiaotian, his eyes were as cold as iron.

"She has already lost, why do you want to kill her?"

"It's not your turn to tell me what I'm going to do?" The long sword in Tian Xiaotian's hand changed direction and stabbed towards Zhao Yang's neck.

Zhao Yang clamped the tip of the sword with two fingers, and flicked it lightly.

The battle sword in Tian Xiaotian's hand came out, and at the same time Zhao Yang kicked towards him.


Tian Xiaotian was kicked heavily by Zhao Yang and fell out of the ring.

(End of this chapter)

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