Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1512 Zhao Yang makes a move

"what does it mean?"

"Wine Sword God and the other four top masters have left. No, to be precise, all the masters invited by the Wang family have left."

"The Shura clan was defeated this time, but they will come back in three days."

"Can you imagine what kind of lineup the Shura clan will send out in three days?"

"The Wang family is coming to an end."

"I heard that this time there is an amazingly talented and brilliant person, and his level of formation is far higher than that of the same level."

"Indeed, that person is said to be invited by Wang Yuyan, and now that person must have left too?"

"Stay there unless you're stupid."

Everyone's guess was correct, because in the next three days, the Wang family used many relationships and promised many magic weapons and medicinal materials, but none of them came.

"At this time, Mr. Zhao is the only foreign aid of our Wang family." Wang Yaofeng said with a wry smile.

"Yuyan, do you know the identity of Mr. Zhao?" Wang Yaoyu asked after a while.

Wang Yuyan shook his head, "I issued a task in the Alchemy Association, and Mr. Zhao will take this task."

"I don't know if I can pass tonight?" Wang Taizhong said worriedly.

At nightfall, the members of the Wang family gathered in the courtyard again.

At the same time, many experts nearby are waiting and watching. As for the guy who made a move last time, they are hiding in the dark. They really want to know if the Shura clan can destroy the Wang family?

"Time is fast

It's here, Yuyan, go invite Mr. Zhao. "Wang Taizhong looked at the time and said softly.

"No, I'm already here." Just as Wang Taizhong's voice fell, a figure walked over from a distance.

Everyone in the Wang family stood up and greeted Zhao Yang.

At this time, no one dared to underestimate Zhao Yang.

In their hearts, Zhao Yang has the cultivation base of the seventh heaven of God Control Realm.

And Wang Taizhong, the strongest member of the Wang Family, is no more than the fifth heaven of the God Control Realm.

"how is this possible?"

"This guy didn't leave?"

"What kind of soup did the Wang family feed him? Last time he killed so many people from the Shura clan, how could the Shura clan let him go?"

"This guy is so clueless."

"Look, this guy is sure to finish this time."

The cultivators who recognized Zhao Yang in the dark all exploded. They couldn't understand Zhao Yang's cultivation, including Lu Qingming.

"This guy is trying to pick up girls with his life." Lu Qingming said helplessly.

"It's stupid to give up a good future for Chunxiao for a moment." The Sword God of Wine snorted coldly.

Time is coming soon.

At this moment, a piercing voice sounded over the Wang family.

"Wang family, are you ready to die?"


A huge Shura Token smashed towards Wang Taizhong with terrifying power.

That Shura Token is like fire

Like a star, the huge coercion made Wang Taizhong unable to breathe.

His face was as pale as a pig's liver, and his eyes were full of despair.

There is no doubt that the Shura clan dispatched a more terrifying existence this time.

"The Ninth Heaven of God Control Realm." After realizing this, Zhao Yang used the plus sign magic.

plus one!

Plus two!

plus three!

Add four!

Plus five!

When it was added to this step, Zhao Yang's combat power had already soared to the eighth level of God Control Realm.

But still not enough.

Zhao Yang could only be invincible at the eighth level of the God Control Realm, but at this time the one who made the move was the ninth level of the God Control Realm.

"Killing Word Profound Meaning, activate." When Zhao Yang used the magic spell recorded in the wordless magic spell, his attacking power soared instantly.

Zhao Yang's two fingers moved forward.

The flowing sword intent turned into a long river and rushed towards the coffin.


The coffin fell heavily into the long river of sword intent, and was bounced back and forth by the flowing sword intent.


"How did this guy catch it?"

"The one who made the shot definitely has the cultivation base of the ninth level of the God Control Realm."

"This guy is also the ninth level of God Control Realm."


A figure stepped heavily towards the coffin, and the coffin suddenly fell apart.

He stepped on a coffin lid and looked at Zhao with cold eyes.

Yang, "I didn't expect you to have the cultivation base of the ninth level of God Control Realm. I have to say that you have exceeded my expectations."

"Are you the strongest in your Asura clan?"

"I don't think you need to know about this question."


"Because there are strong and weak among the same rank, and I am absolutely sure to kill you?" The Shura had just said this, and Zhao Yang appeared in front of him the next moment.

Zhao Yang's big hand grabbed his throat, "What did you just say?"

"You... How could your figure be so fast?" That Shura was startled.

One must know that he practiced the body skills of the God of Death, but at this moment he couldn't even see Zhao Yang's body skills clearly.

What he didn't know was that what Zhao Yang used was the top-notch Flowing Cloud Technique of Death God.

The level of his practice is not as good as that of Zhao Yang, okay?

Furthermore, Zhao Yang's combat power was soaring at this time, already surpassing him.

"Will the Shura clan send another person after killing you?" Zhao Yang asked with a smile.

"No faction can escape the pursuit of the Asura Order." The Asura said in a deep voice.

"Then I'd like to see what kind of tyrannical killers your Asura clan can send out?" Zhao Yang cut off his neck at this point.

Seeing Shura collapsed, everyone in the Wang family was shocked.

Of course Bai includes the monks watching around and those masters hiding in the dark.

"The Ninth Level of the God Realm

All the Shuras in the sky were killed by him. "

"Isn't this guy already at the God Realm?"


"No wonder you dare to be so arrogant?"

Lu Qingming and Jiu Jianshen looked at each other, and they both saw fear in each other's eyes.

These two were mocking Zhao Yang before, but now they realize that he is a master, and they cannot be compared at all.

"Master Zhao." Wang Yuyan ran towards Zhao Yang excitedly.

Not knowing if her head twitched, she gave Zhao Yang a hug directly.

Zhao Yang was a little embarrassed and didn't know where to put his hands?

Wang Yuyan was obviously aware of this situation, she quickly got off Zhao Yang, "Mr. Zhao, I'm sorry, I'm so excited."

"That, understand, understand." Zhao Yang could only say.

"Master Zhao, I really want to thank you this time, you saved our entire Wang family." Wang Taizhong walked up to Zhao Yang, saluted Zhao Yang before saying.

"It's too early to say such a thing now, wait until I completely help your Wang family solve it." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

"Master Zhao, the next one sent by the Shura clan should be a master of the upper god realm, can you still handle it?" Wang Yaolei said in a deep voice.

"I said I can protect your Wang family, then I can do it." Zhao Yang looked at Wang Yaolei and said, "Of course, the premise is that you don't leave the Wang family these few days, after all, I have no skills."

(End of this chapter)

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