Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1511 They Are All Kind People

"When Shura orders out, not a single blade of grass will grow." When that cold voice sounded in midair, everyone found a man wearing a grimace mask on top of the eaves.

The man's body was filled with a stern aura, and his eyes were even more icy cold.

"You guys are really impatient, and you dare to help the Wang family." He said that one figure after another appeared around the eaves here, and a full moon scimitar appeared in the hands of those figures, " Then you don’t even think about leaving the Wang family alive today.”

The full moon scimitar in his hand pointed down and said, "Kill, kill cleanly."




Hundreds of figures rushed towards the crowd.

Wine Sword God and the other four top masters did not move, they smelled a terrible breath from that person.

"The eighth heaven of the Imperial God Realm."

"A formidable foe."

"We have to work together to be able to compete."

"As long as you kill him, everything will be fine."

While they were confronting each other, hundreds of assassins from the Shura clan were criss-crossing the crowd.

One figure after another died tragically in their hands.

"Master Zhao, can you save them?" Wang Yuyan begged.

"The task I received is to protect your safety." Zhao Yang said lightly.

"Master Zhao, please." Wang Yuyan said as he was about to kneel down.

Zhao Yang quickly helped Wang Yuyan up, "Also

Well, I promise you it is. "

Speaking of this, Zhao Yang communicated the power of mountains and rivers here.

When the runes gathered together, a thunderbolt suddenly fell towards a killer.

The killer was about to sneak attack Wang Yaolei.

Wang Yaolei saw the killer turned into ashes, and his face showed a look of shock, "It's a terrifying array technique."




One after another electric snakes hung down in the void.

And every time the electric snake fell, a killer was killed.

Thirty killers died in Zhao Yang's hands within ten breaths.

"Boy, if you don't stop, I'll crush you to ashes." At this moment, the leader of the Shura tribe pointed at Zhao Yang and roared.

Originally, he thought it would be a simple matter for the killers he brought to destroy the Wang family.

But who would have thought that the Wang family invited four masters from the seventh heaven of the God Control Realm, and even invited an existence with such a high level of formation.

"Who told you to beep?" Zhao Yang said at this point that nine electric snakes criss-crossed the world, turning into a huge long whip and falling towards him.

Even though the long whip was cut off by the scimitar in his hand, his body still trembled.

"This is the time."

"Get out."


The four top masters attacked him at the same time.

The master of the Shura tribe soon fell into a siege


At this time, Zhao Yang was still using the power of the array to kill one killer after another.

Seeing this scene, the leader of the Shura tribe realized that today was an unstoppable situation, "Retreat." As he spoke, he turned into a cloud of scarlet blood and instantly passed through the defense of the wine sword god, appearing on the roof.

Wine Sword God and the others were stunned.

The four of them surrounded him just now.

How did this guy escape?

After hearing the order, the remaining dozens of Shura left their opponents and fled towards the distance.

"Asura remembers today's shame." The leader of the Asura tribe looked at the crowd coldly and said, "We will come again in three days." After saying that, he turned and left.

The hearts of everyone in the Wang family suddenly sank.

Originally thought that Shura's departure would end the matter.

But who would have thought that the Shura clan would come again.

There is no doubt that the next time I come back, it will not be this lineup.

"Patriarch Wang, I won't dare to fight after three days." The third elder of Duobaozong said in a deep voice, "As for the gifts you gave me before, I will ask you to send them back tomorrow."

"No need." Wang Taizhong shook his head and said, "Since it was sent out, how can there be any reason to take it back?"

Wang Taizhong knew very well that what happened today would soon spread throughout the Central God Territory.

Who would want to take this muddy water by then?

So send it out and send it out.


Let's talk in three days.

"Patriarch Wang, I'm leaving too." Master Baimei said after pondering for a while, "To be honest, I'm not sure after three days, I can't gamble my life."

"Understood." A smile appeared on Wang Taizhong's face.

"Patriarch Wang, I have to say goodbye too." Wine Sword God said hesitantly.

"Master." Lu Qingming was about to say something when he was interrupted by the Sword God of Wine, "If you lose a woman, you can find it again. If you lose your life, you will lose everything, you know?"

Hearing the wine sword god's reprimand Lu Qingming lowered his head.

He acquiesced.

"If all three of them leave, I won't be alone." Xuan Kun of the Xuanwhal clan sighed softly.

He really didn't think about leaving at first.

But now he can't leave.

After Wang Taizhong sent away the four top masters, the sixth level, fifth level, and fourth level of the God Realm that the Wang family had invited before all left.

Soon there were only members of the Wang family and Zhao Yang left in the field.

"Young master Zhao, you can go too." Wang Taizhong came in front of Zhao Yang, "I was wrong before, and now I want to apologize to you. Yu Yan, give three drops of jade syrup to Young Master Zhao."

Wang Yuyan took out a jade bottle and handed it to Zhao Yang, "Young Master Zhao, there are three drops of jade syrup in the jade bottle, you go."

Zhao Yang reached out and took it.

There was a gloomy look in Wang Yuyan's eyes.

Is Zhao Yang leaving too?

"I'll take these three drops of jade syrup first, but our agreement has not changed." Zhao Yang said lightly, "I will keep you safe within three months."

"Young Master Zhao, you can't stop them." Seeing that Zhao Yang was willing to stay, Wang Yuyan felt a little joy in her heart, but when she thought of the scene Zhao Yang was going to face, she persuaded Zhao Yang to leave as soon as possible.

"Your father and your grandfather are good people, so I will take care of your Wang family." Zhao Yang said as he walked towards Wang Yuyan's courtyard, "You can do whatever you are supposed to do these three days."

After Zhao Yang left, Wang Yaolei hesitated and asked Wang Taizhong, "Old man, can you see through him?"

"Before I couldn't see through his cultivation, I thought he had a magic weapon to cover up his cultivation, but now I find that his cultivation is higher than mine." Wang Taizhong said in a deep voice, "But even if he has the cultivation of the seventh heaven Because, if you want to defeat the Shura clan who will come again next time, you probably won’t be able to do it.”

"What should we do next?" Wang Yaofeng asked anxiously.

"Our Wang family can't invite experts anymore, and those whose cultivation level is lower than ours, what's the use of inviting them?" Wang Taizhong said helplessly after thinking about it.

That night, the news of the Shura clan's paleness quickly spread throughout the Central God Territory.

"Who said that no one can live under Shura's order?"

"Yeah, isn't the Wang family alive and well?"

"What's the use? If the Wang family is going to end in three days."

(End of this chapter)

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