Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1497 Snow White's Gift

In fact, Zhao Yang didn't want to form a sect before.

Because I'm so tired.

But after what happened today, he felt that it was still necessary to establish a sect.

He didn't care, but what if Lin Caihan and others came to the Central God Realm?

"My lord, where are we going to establish a sect?" Nightingale asked softly.

"Turn around." Zhao Yang looked at Nightingale and said.

Next, Zhao Yang and his party found three places to establish sects after spending three months in Central God Territory.

"My lord, these three places are very suitable." Bai Xue looked at the three places marked by Zhao Yang on the map.

"Here." Zhao Yang pointed to one of them.

"Why this place?" Bai Xue looked at Zhao Yang puzzled.

Nightingale's eyes flashed.

This place is close to the main alchemy pavilion, maybe that's why Zhao Yang chose it.

Of course Bai Xue didn't say it.

"I have a good relationship with the Alchemy General Pavilion, and I may be able to use the Alchemy General Pavilion in the future." Zhao Yang explained with a smile.

"Then shall we establish a sect now?" Bai Xue then asked.

Zhao Yang shook his head, "How is it so easy to establish a sect? Apart from other things, our current financial resources are not enough."

"Indeed, the resources required to establish a sect are unimaginable." Bai Xue nodded, and then she gritted her teeth, "My lord, I know a treasure house, and there are many resources in the treasure house."

"How many?" Zhao Yang was taken aback.

"You'll know when you go."

Snow White said softly.

"Then go and have a look." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

Under the leadership of Bai Xue, Zhao Yang and his party came to a place with many mountains and mountains.

There are many fierce beasts hovering here.

Zhao Yang glanced at the rabbit, and the rabbit immediately understood what Zhao Yang meant. It ran towards the beasts, and at the same time released its power.

Those fierce beasts ran away in fright.

Bai Xue and his party walked towards the depths of the mountain stream. Bai Xue came to a crooked neck and cast a rune. As the rune flickered, a glazed door slowly opened.

After entering the glazed gate, you will see a variety of resources.

These resources piled up into mountains.

What surprised Zhao Yang was that besides all kinds of resources, there were billions of sacred stones.

"There are too many resources here, even our Sanshan sect can't compare." Looking at these resources, Mu Yuyan showed a look of shock on her face.

"The resources here used to be in the treasury of the Langya Sect." Bai Xue explained.

"Langya Sect? The Langya Sect was destroyed 8000 years ago. It is said that it was destroyed by a mysterious strong man." Mu Yuyan looked at Bai Xue in amazement and said, "That mysterious strong man followed you what is the relationship?"

"My lord, all these resources are given to you." Bai Xue didn't answer Mu Yuyan's question, but looked at Zhao Yang with a smile.

"Okay, but you pick some that you need

of. " Zhao Yang said softly.

"Why don't you receive your little world first, my lord, and then I'll go and search in your little world." Bai Xue said after looking at it.

"Alright." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

With a wave of his hand, Zhao Yang collected the mountain-like resources into his small world.

"Originally, I thought to go to the main alchemy pavilion first to earn the divine stone, but now it seems that it saves a lot of time." Zhao Yang said in a good mood.

With so many resources, there is no need to worry about resources in the short term.

"My lord, can we establish a sect now?" Bai Xue said with a smile.

"Okay, let's recruit some craftsmen first, and then consider the disciples." Zhao Yang nodded.

Immediately, Zhao Yang and his party came to Dan City, recruited tens of thousands of craftsmen in Dan City, and then brought those craftsmen to the place where the site was selected.

"I'll give you the blueprints, and you build according to the blueprints. Ask me anytime if you don't understand." Zhao Yang said lightly after giving the blueprints to the craftsmen.

The faces of the craftsmen couldn't help but changed after reading the drawings.

"Young master, what exactly are you going to build?" an old craftsman asked curiously.

"A sect, a sect that can stand shoulder to shoulder with the ten top sects." Zhao Yang said softly.

The hearts of tens of thousands of craftsmen set off a stormy sea.

They didn't expect Zhao Yang to have such great ambitions.

"Son, I looked at the map,

The nearby mountains are [-] miles away, and there will be some ferocious beasts on the way. Will it be unsafe for us to transport stones? At this time, a middle-aged craftsman said in a deep voice.

As soon as Zhao Yang waved his hand, several warships from the God Realm appeared in midair.

"These three are battleships in the God Realm. In addition, I will send experts there, so you don't have to worry about safety." Zhao Yang said with a wave of his hand, and ten high-ranking swords in the God Realm appeared beside him.

These craftsmen are relieved to see here.

"Your wages will be more than three times the normal amount, and of course my requirements will be more stringent." Zhao Yang continued.

After the craftsmen started working, Zhao Yang summoned all the swords.

"Langya Sect is really rich." Mu Yuyan couldn't help but said.

"What realm are they all in?" Bai Xue asked curiously.

Her cultivation base is too low, she can't see through it at all.

"There are three statues in the Upper God Realm, and one of them I can't see through." Mu Yuyan replied, "There are ten statues in the high-level God Control Realm, thirty in the middle-level God Control Realm, and the early God Control Realm masters." There are a hundred statues, and there are three hundred statues in the Jade God Realm."

"What cultivation level are you?" Mu Yuyan pointed at a sword in shame.

"The fifth heaven of the Upper God Realm."

"What about the other two?" Zhao Yang asked.

"The third heaven of the Upper God Realm, the first heaven of the Upper God Realm."

"How can you see through the third heaven of the divine realm?" Zhao Yang asked in surprise.

"Shangshen Realm No.

The three heavens are just stronger than me, okay? "Mu Yuyan said angrily.

"Bai Xue, this Jian Gui from the third level of the Upper God Realm will follow you from now on." Zhao Yang pointed to the Jian Gui from the third level of the Upper God Realm.

The sword stood obediently behind Bai Xue.

"Nightingale, this Jian Gui, who is the number one in the Supreme God Realm, will follow you from now on." Zhao Yang pointed to Jian Gui, who was the number one in the Upper God Realm.

The sword shame of the fifth heaven in the upper god realm naturally belonged to Zhao Yang.

"Where's mine?" Mu Yuyan pointed to herself.

"You are in the upper god realm, what kind of sword do you need?" Zhao Yang said angrily.

Then Zhao Yang arranged work for these hundreds of swords.

What they have to do is to prevent any monks from intruding within a thousand miles.

"Rabbit, don't be idle during this time, remember to patrol around." Zhao Yang patted the rabbit.

Rabbit nodded.

The next thing Zhao Yang had to do was to wait quietly.

He did not arrange formations.

Because arranging formations with his current cultivation base is a waste of formation materials.

"Let him help arrange the sword body after it has been upgraded to the upper god level." Zhao Yang thought for a while and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

If the cultivation base of the sword body reaches the upper god level, the formations he arranges are not higher than the upper god level, otherwise no one can easily break in.

And after reaching that point, the Yanhuang Sect also initially had the embryonic form of the sect.

(End of this chapter)

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