Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1496 Leaving the Sect

The building outside the mountain!

When these three words sounded in the audience, all the monks in the audience were shocked.

Because Shanwailou is the top killer organization in Central God Realm, even the top ten top sects are not willing to provoke it easily.

Of course, the building outside the mountain is also very disciplined, and will not touch the top ten sects easily.

"This time it's your building outside the mountain that broke the rules." Zhuo Xing'er said with a sullen face.

"It is true that our building outside the mountain broke the rules this time, so our building outside the mountain will make corresponding compensation." The figure said solemnly.

Zhuo Xing'er couldn't help looking at Zhao Yang.

"What do you think?"

"The building outside the mountain is very powerful?"

"No one wants to offend this organization unless they tear their faces apart."

Zhao Yang immediately understood when he heard this.

"Then ask for more compensation."

"Okay." Zhuo Xing'er said hastily.

Immediately, Zhuo Xing'er negotiated with that figure, and finally obtained a large amount of resources.

"I'll give you these resources later." After the figure left, Zhuo Xing'er came to Zhao Yang with an apologetic look on her face.

"No need." Zhao Yang shook his head.

"I know you must blame me for not helping you get justice, but with the strength of the Liushui Sect, it may not be Shanwailou's opponent, and no one knows how many backhands Shanwailou has hidden these years." Zhuo Xing'er Holding Zhao Yang's hand, he said earnestly, "If I'm just your sister-in-law, I will

I did not hesitate to start a war against Shanwailou, but I am still the Suzerain of the Flowing Water Sect. "

"I will take revenge on the mountain outside the building myself." Zhao Yang said softly.

Zhao Yang understood Zhuo Xing'er's behavior, but he was a little disappointed after all.

"Sorry." Zhuo Xing'er's eyes dimmed.

"You and my siblings, it's too unfamiliar to talk about this." Zhao Yang shook his head lightly.

After Zhuo Xing'er left, Zhao Yang looked at Mu Yuyan not far away, "You did a good job this time."

"Since I commit myself to you, I will be responsible for your safety." Mu Yuyan said softly.

In fact, she can't wait for the killer to tear Zhao Yang's body into tens of thousands of pieces.

After Zhao Yang returned to his room, he took out the nameplate, and then he contacted a number that he hadn't contacted for a long time.

There was a response from that number shortly after.

"What's the matter?"

"How far has your cultivation reached?"

"The Ninth Heaven of the God Realm."

Hearing this, Zhao Yang's heart was agitated.

He didn't expect that the cultivation base of the sword body had reached such a level.

You must know that Zhao Yang has obtained many adventures, and he has only barely reached the third level of God Control Realm.

"I'll give you a mission."

"You said."

"After three months, he will change his appearance and attack Shanwailou."

"Cut the grass and remove the roots?"



Don't look at the repair of the sword body

Because it is only the eighth heaven of the God Realm, but even the fourth and fifth heavens of the Upper God Realm are not his opponents.

Furthermore, the sword body has had many adventures over the years.

Zhao Yang was not worried about the safety of the sword body at all.

Zhao Yang closed his eyes and continued to practice after finishing the conversation with the sword body.

In the middle of the night of the second day, a figure sneaked into Zhao Yang's courtyard again, but just as the figure was about to make a move, it was stopped by a majestic divine sense.

"Who?" The face of that figure was full of horror.

One must know that he is the existence of the fourth heaven of the Upper God Realm.

But now he is forcibly imprisoned by a divine sense.

Zhao Yang came out at this moment.

"Master, do you want to kill this grandson?" The rabbit came out from the dark.

Zhuo Xing'er was worried about Zhao Yang's safety, so he transferred the rabbit over that day.

Fortunately, the rabbit was transferred, otherwise God knows what would have happened?

"Kill it." Zhao Yang said lightly.

When the rabbit was about to make a move, the figure said quickly, "Wait, I am the fifth elder of the Sirius Sect."

"Kill it." Zhao Yang's eyes turned cold.


The rabbit's divine sense turned into a ray of thunder and blasted directly into the sea of ​​consciousness of that figure.

The fifth elder of the Sirius Sect fell without even making a scream.

At this moment, Zhuo Xing'er and the senior officials of the sect hurried over.


The bit is...? "The Great Elder looked at the figure and said in surprise.

"This is Feng Taiping, the sixth elder of the Heavenly Wolf Sect." The second elder changed his expression, "Zhao Yang, how could you order Feng Taiping to be killed?"

"Shut up." Zhuo Xing'er scolded.

The second elder's lips twitched, and he didn't dare to say anything more.

"I should go." At this moment Zhao Yang said suddenly.

"Brother, don't pay attention to what the second elder said." Zhuo Xing'er said hastily.

"My existence has brought uneasiness to the sect. I believe that as long as I stay in the Flowing Sect for one day, this kind of assassination will not stop." Zhao Yang said as he tore off the token of the Flowing Sect disciple from his waist, and then threw it to Zhuo Xing'er.

"Brother." Zhuo Xing'er panicked, she faintly felt that she had lost the most important thing.

"Now that I have set foot in the God Realm, I can venture out on my own." Zhao Yang said with a slight smile.

God Realm?

All the monks in the audience exclaimed.

Only then did they notice that Zhao Yang had stepped into the realm of Yushen.

"Zhao Yang's progress is too fast."

"Such a young god-controlling realm."

"Zhao Yang may create a history."

"It's a pity that Zhao Yang has to leave."

"Zongmen may be a hindrance to Zhao Yang."

At this time, Nightingale also tore off the token from her waist and threw it to Zhuo Xing'er, "Sect Master, I am very grateful to the sect for training me over the years, but I have decided to chase after me."

Follow Mr. Zhao Yang. "

Su Wanqing stared blankly at this scene, in fact, she also wanted to leave with Zhao Yang, of course she also knew that Zhao Yang would not agree.

Bai Xue didn't say anything.

Because she doesn't need it.

She's just a handyman.

Wherever Zhao Yang goes, where does she go?

"Sister, there is no need to say anything." Zhao Yang smiled at Zhuo Xing'er, "I have to go."

Zhao Yang lifted his feet and left, followed by Nightingale and Bai Xue, and Mu Yuyan followed, including the rabbit of course.

"Perhaps without the shackles of the sect, you will be able to go further in the future." Zhuo Xing'er murmured.

She is not worried about Zhao Yang's safety.

This rabbit can compete against two or three existences at the peak of the upper god realm at the same time.

After leaving the Flowing Sect, Bai Xue asked curiously, "My lord, where shall we go from now on?"

"I'm thinking about establishing a sect?" Zhao Yang said slowly after a while.

In the future, Lin Caihan and the others are destined to ascend, and Zhao Yang also believes in his own strength. There will be no problem in setting foot on the God King in the future, so how many disciples of the Yanhuang Sect in the Lower God Realm will ascend.

And they always need a place to live when they arrive in Central God Territory.

"Establish a sect?" Bai Xue said in amazement, "Just how many of us are there?"

"Which sect didn't grow bigger step by step?" Zhao Yang said with a smile, "Anyway, we have plenty of time, don't we?"

(End of this chapter)

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