Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1492 Absolute Defense

Zhao Yang then got up and set up restrictions in the courtyard.

"Sir, what are you doing?"

"I'm worried that someone will harm us." Zhao Yang said softly, "Of course my restriction may be useless, but talking is better than nothing, isn't it?"

"My lord, what do you mean...?"

"The Murong family." Zhao Yang said lightly.

Zhao Yang arranged two small formations.

One is an early warning ban, and the other is a defensive ban.

Of course, these two prohibitions may still have some effect on the middle stage of the God Realm, but they will have no effect on the high level of the God Realm.

After Zhao Yang set up the restriction, he realized the absolute defense he had just obtained.

In this way, in the middle of the night, several figures quietly came to this courtyard, and they sneaked up and approached cautiously.

It was at this moment that Zhao Yang looked into the distance as if feeling something.

Sadly empty.

Shouldn't be.

After pondering for a while, Zhao Yang activated the absolute defense, and in an instant a hazy brilliance permeated his body.

"Nightingale, go to my small world." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice.

Nightingale hurriedly entered Zhao Yang's small world, she knew she couldn't do much to help.

After a few breaths, a divine sense quietly wrapped up Zhao Yang's room, and then several figures strode into Zhao Yang's room.

"You didn't rest?" Yu Mei said in surprise when she saw Zhao Yang sitting upright.

"I'm waiting for you

. " Zhao Yang said with a smile.

Yu Mei immediately became vigilant, "How did you know that I would attack you?"

"I think you may be the most thoughtless member of the Murong family." Zhao Yang said lightly.

"Zhao Yang, hand over the murderous soldier. After we get the murderous soldier, turn around and leave." Yu Hui looked at Zhao Yang and said in a deep voice.

"Aren't you going to introduce me?" Zhao Yang looked at Yu Hui and said.

"Yu Hui, the head of the Yu family, is also Yu Mei's father." Yu Hui explained, "What else do you want to know?"

"Do you also think the murderous soldier is worth the risk?"

"Hasn't the risk been proven worthwhile by now?"

"Can I ask you about your cultivation?"

"The Ninth Heaven of the God Realm."

"These two beside you?"

"Both of them are strong men from the previous generation of our Yu family, and their cultivation bases are both in the seventh heaven of the God Control Realm."

"Thank you for clarifying the confusion." Zhao Yang changed his voice when he said this.

"So, do you want to hand in the murderous soldiers?" Yu Hui asked impatiently.

"Do you think you imprisoned me?" Zhao Yang smiled slightly.

"Everyone in this room, including you, is imprisoned. Zhao Yang, you have no chance to bring out the murderous soldiers." Yu Hui said affirmatively.

"Really?" When Zhao Yang said this, an explosive breath suddenly filled his body.

His cultivation level skyrocketed instantly.

The fourth heaven of God Control Realm!

The fifth heaven of God Control Realm!

The sixth heaven of God Control Realm!

"How is it possible?" Yu Hui was startled.

He obviously imprisoned Zhao Yang silently.

"Prison me?" Zhao Yang sneered, "Unless your cultivation has reached the upper god level?"

After using absolute defense, Zhao Yang's defense reached the third level of the upper god realm. It can be said that anyone with a cultivation level lower than this level has absolutely no chance of breaking Zhao Yang's defense.

The seventh heaven of God Control Realm!

The eighth heaven of God Control Realm!

The Ninth Heaven of God Control Realm!

When Zhao Yang's cultivation reached this level, Yu Hui realized that today's matter had failed, "Let's go."

Just when Yu Hui and the others were about to leave, Zhao Yang took a step forward, and the power of the mountains and rivers here turned into spells to block their way.

"what's the situation?"

"So much power of formation?"

"Isn't that the Missy's courtyard?"

"What's the matter, miss?"

Murong Huansha was awakened in a room next to the courtyard.

She hurriedly pushed the room away, and then saw Zhao Yang's room exploded, and Yu Hui and others were ruthlessly imprisoned.

"Auntie, Yu Hang, Yu Hui, are you here?" Murong Huansha was shocked.

At the same time, Murong Longcheng, who was still injured, also came here. After seeing this scene, he immediately realized something. He said sadly, "Yu Mei, how could you do such a thing behind my back?"


Husband, I was wrong, I didn't expect Zhao Yang to have so many cards? " Yu Mei said with a pale face.

At this time, Zhao Yang's cultivation has soared to the level of the upper gods, and it is still improving with the improvement of his cultivation.

"You!" Murong Longcheng said helplessly, "You walked the road by yourself, and I can't do anything about it." At this time, Murong Longcheng's heart was full of turmoil.

He knew that Zhao Yang had a hole card.

But he didn't expect Zhao Yang's cards to be so terrifying?


Yu Hang's body was blown to pieces.


Sunset's body exploded into pieces.


The two strong men of the older generation of the Yu family were also blown to pieces.

Immediately, Zhao Yang withdrew his overwhelming power, "Patriarch Murong, I will save face for you, and I will not kill Yu Mei."

"Thank you Mr. Zhao." Murong Longcheng said hastily.

He still has feelings for Yu Mei.

"Master Zhao, I will never dare again." Yu Mei was so frightened that her face turned pale.

Zhao Yang didn't even look at her, but looked in one direction from a distance, "Have you had enough peeping?"

Zhao Yang's voice was like thunder, and it exploded somewhere in the back mountain of the Murong family, and then a scream echoed through the entire back mountain.

"Master Zhao, I didn't mean to spy on you." After a while, a weak voice sounded in the courtyard.

"As the patriarch of the family, you should take care of yourself

, instead of fighting for power and profit with the juniors. "Zhao Yang said angrily, "If I find out again, it will not be as simple as a warning. "

"I would like to follow Mr. Zhao's order." Murong Qiudi, the patriarch of the Murong family in Houshan, replied hastily.

Only then did Zhao Yang retract his gaze, "Murong Huansha, I'm sorry, I broke your room."

"What did Mr. Zhao say? There are a lot of houses here, as long as you don't blame me for my poor hospitality." Murong Huansha said softly.

Then Murong Huansha rearranged a room for Zhao Yang.

Back Mountain!

The senior members of the ancestors of the Murong family went to the back mountain one after another.

"Old Ancestor, do we really want to give up?" A middle-aged Murong family member said indifferently.

"Murong Longfei will be killed with high probability, and Zhao Yang is very strong, I am not his opponent." Murong Qiudi said with a cold look in his eyes, "But we can kill Zhao Yang with the help of others .”

"Old Ancestor, what do you mean...?" The middle-aged man realized something.

"Tell Tiankui Sect the news about Zhao Yang's presence in Murong's family. I don't believe that the head of Tiankui Sect will not be interested." Murong Qiudi said coldly.

"Old Ancestor, it's wonderful. I think the Tiankui Sect will definitely make a move. After all, the temptation of fierce soldiers is too great." The middle-aged man said quickly, "Old Ancestor, I will go to the Tiankui Sect right now."

"Remember, be careful, don't let the Patriarch's lineage get any clues." Murong Qiudi warned.

(End of this chapter)

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