Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1491 Wordless Divine Book

Yu Mei couldn't help looking at Murong Longcheng, she felt that Yu Mei's last sentence was too rude.

"Yu Mei, what Huansha said is good, don't get meddled in the family affairs in the future." What she didn't expect was that Murong Longcheng said such a sentence directly.

"Dragon City." Yu Mei stared at Murong Longcheng dumbfounded.

"What happened to Zhou Zhouhai before is understandable, but I didn't expect you to say something about robbing the murderous soldiers?" Murong Longcheng said lightly, "Your vision is too narrow."

"You say that about me too?" Yu Mei pointed at Murong Longcheng.

"I'm going to rest." Murong Longcheng waved his hand.

Yu Mei stomped her feet, turned and left.

Back in his room, the more she thought about it, the angrier she became.

I don't know how long it has passed. She ordered the maid to call her brother.

Not long after, Yu Mei's disciple Yu Hang came to her room.

"Sister, what can I do for you? Why are you still sneaking around?" Yu Hang asked puzzled after sitting down.

Yu Mei looked around and said, "Did no one follow you before you came?"

"Don't you know what I do?" Yu Hang said dissatisfied.

"What I'm going to tell you later is the key to the rise of our Yu family." Yu Mei said in a deep voice.

Hearing this, the expression on Yu Hang's face became restrained, "What's the matter?"

"Do you know the murderer?"

"You are referring to the murderous soldiers in the hands of Zhao Yang, a disciple of Liushui Sect.

? ”


"Do you have any news about Zhao Yang?"

"Zhao Yang is at Murong's house."

Yu Hang's eyes lit up immediately, "Are there any experts around him?"

"No, there is only one maid in the Yuanshen realm."

"Why doesn't Murong Longcheng do anything?"

"Murong Longcheng is afraid that the other party has a background."

"Murong Longcheng is really old. After getting the fierce soldiers, do you still need to care about Liu Shuizong?" Yu Hang was very disdainful of Murong Longcheng.

"However, our Yu family has to think about this matter." Yu Mei said in a deep voice.

"Naturally." Yu Hang nodded and said, "I'll go back and discuss this matter with my father, and then send out all the family's masters."

Yu Hang left soon.

Let's talk about Zhao Yang.

In Murong Huansha's courtyard, the nine heavy swords sent a voice transmission to Zhao Yang, "You have used fierce soldiers, do you think the Murong family will do it?"

"I don't think Murong Huansha is stupid."

"But can you guarantee that Murong Longcheng thinks the same?"

"You mean that Murong Longcheng is going to attack me?" Zhao Yang was startled.

"I just wanted to warn you."

The words of the nine heavy swords made Zhao Yang silent, "At that time, it will be a big deal to use the trump card."

"Based on your current situation, you won't be able to use the fierce soldiers for the second time in a short period of time." Nine Heavy Swords said flatly.

Zhao Yang was startled.

He wanted to say I wasn't talking about this one

Hole cards.

"Do you still remember the golden paper you got in the Sea of ​​Creation?"

"I remember, but that guy has been ignoring me."

"You may try to communicate now."

Zhao Yang immediately tried to communicate with the golden paper.

"Fortune." The golden paper conveyed a spiritual wave to Zhao Yang.

"what's the function?"

"I can let you gain the strongest power in this world for a short time."

"You mean that I can reach the peak of the God Realm in an instant."


Hearing this, Zhao Yang's expression suddenly changed.

"If I reach the Upper God Realm, will I be able to gain the combat power of a god king in an instant?"


Zhao Yang's pupils shrank, "Senior, don't lie to me."

"The mysteries of the purpose of good fortune far exceed your expectations."

"What's the use of ancestral veins?"

"Do you know why there are so few god-king-level existences between heaven and earth?"


"The energy absorbed by the God King is too terrifying. If there is no ancestral vein by his side, it will take a long time for the God King to recover after a great battle." Good fortune decree replied, "But the ancestral vein can satisfy God King needs."

Hearing this, Zhao Yang's heart was agitated.

He finally knew what was the use of ancestral veins?

"I will contact you when I need

seniors. " Zhao Yang said after thinking about it.

After finishing the call with Haohua Zhi, Zhao Yang took out a volume of books.

Zhao Yang has researched this book not once or twice, but it's a pity that he didn't find anything every time?

Nightingale leaned over to take a look.

"My lord, there's nothing on it." Nightingale looked at Zhao Yang suspiciously and said.

"This is a wordless divine book." Zhao Yang explained softly, "It contains divine powers at the level of a god king."

"God-level supernatural powers?" Nightingale's heart was filled with turmoil.

She had long realized that Zhao Yang had something to do with God's Domain, but she didn't expect that the Dao God King would be involved.

What level of existence is the God King?


Nightingale backed away in panic.

Wordless divine book, with supernatural powers of this level, how can I be qualified to read it as a little maid?

"It's okay, just watch it if you want, I haven't researched it anyway." Zhao Yang said with a smile, "Maybe you can give me some inspiration."

Nightingale hesitated for a moment and came over.

She looked at it for a while but didn't see why.

"My lord, does the Wordless Divine Book require some special means to activate it?"

"I thought about this problem, but I used a lot of means, but unfortunately I still got nothing."

Hearing this, Nightingale fell silent.

"Where's the blood?" Nightingale asked after a while.



yes. "

Zhao Yang took out a dagger and slid it towards his wrist, and soon a drop of blood fell on the Wordless Divine Book.

Nothing has changed.

"It doesn't look good." Zhao Yang murmured.

"What about soul blood if fresh blood doesn't work?" Zhao Yang suddenly thought of something.

Nightingale changed color, "My lord, the blood of the soul represents the origin."

"It's okay." Zhao Yang said as a drop of golden blood dripped onto the Wordless Divine Book.

He is confident that he can make up for it.

The next moment a miraculous scene appeared.

An ancient character unexpectedly appeared in the Wordless Divine Book, and then that character turned into a golden light, rushing into Zhao Yang's sea of ​​consciousness.

"Absolute defense." Zhao Yang said slowly after an unknown amount of time passed.

"What do you mean by absolute defense?" Nightingale looked at Zhao Yang puzzled, "Could it be that no one can break it?"

"In the early stage, you can cross the Nine Heavens." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice.

"Across the Nine Heavens?" Hearing this, Nightingale's face revealed an incredulous look.

"My lord, have you realized it since then?"


"Then this is the inheritance."

"It can be said that way." Zhao Yang nodded and said, "I will pass it on to you after I have studied it thoroughly."

"I'm afraid I won't be able to learn it." Nightingale shook her head.

Nightingale still knew her background.

"I will teach you the simplified version." Zhao Yang smiled slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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