Zhang Yuanchang trembled all over.

He looked at Zhao Yang who appeared in the distance in surprise.

"You...?" Zhang Yuanchang suddenly realized that he couldn't see through the opponent's cultivation.

"Let go of her." Zhao Yang scolded.

"I didn't know she was your woman. In this way, I can let her go, so how about we just leave?" Zhang Yuanchang said after pondering for a while.

"Yes." Zhao Yang nodded.

Only then did Zhang Yuanchang let go of Nightingale.

Nightingale hurriedly ran to Zhao Yang, "You...have you broken through?"

Zhao Yang nodded slightly.

Nightingale immediately felt relieved.

"I'm leaving." Zhang Yuanchang said that an invisible barrier blocked his way here.

"Array?" Zhang Yuanchang's expression changed drastically, he turned around and looked at Zhao Yang, "What do you mean?"

"What do you mean? You poisoned my friend, but now you ask me what do you mean?" Zhao Yang sneered.

Zhang Yuanchang looked at Zhao Yang with fear in his eyes.

He was indeed poisoned.

But he thought the poisoning was very secretive, how did Zhao Yang find out?

"I'm an alchemist, do you think you can hide your little trick from me?" Zhao Yang said as he breathed out a mouthful of Alchemy Qi, which cut off the poison on Nightingale's body.

"Alchemist?" Zhang Yuanchang was stunned when he heard that Zhao Yang was a famous alchemist, "Aren't you a master?"

If Zhao Yang hadn't been a formation master, how could he have arranged a formation that could block the formation in such a short period of time?

Stay in your own formation?

"Cultivate alchemy and formation together, can't you?"

Zhang Yuanchang was silent for a while and then said, "The reason why I poisoned your friend was because I was worried that you would turn your face against him. Now that your friend's problem is solved, can I go?"

"Let's go?" Zhao Yang pointed at Zhang Yuanchang with a finger at this point.

This finger turned into a pillar of optimism and enveloped Zhang Yuanchang.

Zhang Yuanchang's body was shattered with a bang.

There is no suspense.

He was vulnerable and pitiful in front of Zhao Yang.

"What kind of supernatural power is this?" Nightingale asked curiously.

"One finger lifts the sky, supernatural powers at the level of the god of death." Zhao Yang changed his voice when he said this, "If you want to learn, I will teach you."

"Death-level supernatural powers?" Hearing this, Nightingale shook her head, "I can't learn this level of supernatural powers."

"I will raise your potential to Death God Realm." Zhao Yang said softly.

Nightingale was stunned.

"I wonder if you are interested in following me in the future?" Zhao Yang looked very serious when he said this.

"To be your maid?" Nightingale considered her words.

Zhao Yang nodded.

"I am willing." Nightingale said in a deep voice.

Nightingale had known for a long time that Zhao Yang was not someone in the pool, and she was able to take revenge because of Zhao Yang.

Nightingale's potential is in the upper divine realm, but whether she can reach it is still in doubt.

The sixth elder of the Tuoba family is on the

The second level of the divine realm, and after she really moved the sixth elder of the Tuoba family, might the ancestors of the Tuoba family not make a move?

"There is another one outside." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

When Zhao Yang and Nightingale walked out of the cave, he noticed that feminine man was confronting the boa constrictor.

When they saw Zhao Yang, they all looked over.

"Where's my elder brother?" the feminine man asked.

"Killed by me." Zhao Yang said lightly.

The conspiracy man said angrily, "I want to avenge my elder brother." After saying that, he ran towards the back.

That's right.


Seeing this scene, Nightingale was stunned, "Isn't he going to avenge his elder brother?"

"There is no doubt that this is a scumbag." Zhao Yang said here, a sword finger was slashed forward, and the billowing sword intent turned into a long river, engulfing that feminine man.

When Zhao Yang looked at the python, the python turned around and ran away in fright.

Zhao Yang didn't kill it.

Instead, he brought Nightingale to the top of the mountain. He had already smelled the fragrance of the flower of healing before.

After Zhao Yang carefully picked off the Yangshen flower, "The Yangshen flower can improve your foundation, but the effect will be even better after being purified by alchemy." Zhao Yang stood up, "Let's go, go and meet those few people. A blood wolf."

When Zhao Yang and Nightingale arrived at the previous mountain stream, they saw two blood wolves wandering leisurely.

When the two blood wolves saw the hairs all over Zhao Yang's body, they immediately


I have to say that the blood wolf has no eyesight. Don't you know how to look at the gap between each other before rushing up?

After finishing off the two blood wolves in Yuanshen realm, Zhao Yang and Nightingale walked towards the cave, and as expected, they saw two blood wolves in the cave.

What embarrassed Zhao Yang and Nightingale was that the two blood wolves were doing that kind of thing.

Nightingale turned her head away immediately.

"Should I wait until you are finished?" Zhao Yang said with some embarrassment.

Both blood wolves were angry.

They roared and rushed towards Zhao Yang.

"Flowing Water Sword Art." Zhao Yang put his fingers together and slashed towards the two blood wolves.

The two blood wolves were immediately submerged in the ocean of kendo.

"Let's go." After avenging his revenge, Zhao Yang took out the nameplate, "I'm going to find out how the top ten sects treat me."

Nightingale nodded lightly.

Soon Zhao Yang's figure appeared in the alchemy guild, and many alchemists came and went here.

"I heard that many forces are looking for Zhao Yang of the Flowing Sect."

"He holds a deadly weapon in his hand, which strength do you think you can't covet?"

"Shouldn't there be fierce soldiers of this level in our Central God Realm?"

"That's why these forces want to get that murderous soldier even more."

"You said why you didn't go to the Flowing Sect for those forces?"

"I heard that the three big brothers from Tianlangzong, Tiankuizong, and Tianxiaozong went to Liushuizong, but in the end they were embarrassed.

leave. "

"In that case, the Flowing Sect has top masters sitting in it."

After Zhao Yang came to the guild, he heard many alchemists talking about him.

This surprised Zhao Yang.

Are you so famous?

After pondering for a while, Zhao Yang came to the front desk, "I want to release a task."

"What task?" The front desk asked with a smile.

"Chalcedony." Zhao Yang said softly. "I need nine catties of chalcedony."

Hearing the chalcedony, the face of the receptionist suddenly changed, "Do you know that the chalcedony is sold by the drop?"

"I know." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice, "Price is not an issue."

"That's fine, I will release the task according to your request." The front desk recorded it while talking.

Soon the guild announced Zhao Yang's mission.

"Nine catties of chalcedony?"

"I want to know which boss is so bold?"

"One drop of chalcedony is as high as tens of thousands, and there are nine hundred and ninety-nine drops in a catty."

"Nine catties of chalcedony is close to hundreds of millions."

"Who is so rich?"

Zhao Yang clicked his tongue after hearing this number.


Nine Profound Tong Xuan Kung Fu is a trap.

This is the God Realm.

That's all it takes?

Fortunately, I am an alchemist, otherwise how could I afford it?

When Zhao Yang was still wandering in the hall, the nameplate rang, and the front desk told Zhao Yang that there was a seller who wanted to sell him a catty.

a pound?

Zhao Yang's face suddenly changed.

(End of this chapter)

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