Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1482 You will die

Jade mine?

"That piece of land doesn't belong to your Li family, does it?" the old man surnamed Zhang said coldly.

"Your Zhang family said last month that they would give that piece of land to our Li family." The old man surnamed Li said in a deep voice.

"We just made a verbal agreement, and the two parties haven't signed an agreement yet." The old man surnamed Zhang waited for the old man surnamed Li to say.

"Is the verbal agreement invalid?" The old man surnamed Li said angrily, "Didn't the two tribes have many verbal agreements before?"

"But this is about the territory, can it be a verbal agreement?"

Hearing the quarrel between the two sides, Zhao Yang understood what was going on?

In fact, both sides have a point.

All in all, no one wants to give up that jade mine?

"Can you take me to see that ore vein?" Zhao Yang asked.

Hearing that the two tribes were stunned.

Especially the patriarchs of the two major tribes, their faces were even more ugly at this time.

"If this jade mine is valuable, I will pay for it." Zhao Yang said with a smile, "Of course the price will definitely satisfy both parties."

Now that Zhao Yang talked about this, the two of them couldn't say anything.

Soon, under the leadership of the monks from the two tribes, Zhao Yang came to a mine vein.

"Senior, did you find anything?" Zhao Yang sent a sound transmission to the Nine Heavy Swords.

In the land of mineral veins, the divine sense will be greatly restricted.

"There are thirty catties of jade soul deep in the vein." Nine Heavy Swords said through voice transmission at this time, "There are four catties of chalcedony in the depths."

Hearing this, Zhao Yang's eyes showed surprise.

But the expression on his face was very calm.

"Both of you, I believe you have done some research on this ore." Zhao Yang looked at the two old men for a while and said, "How much do you think this ore is worth?"

"According to our proven reserves, this jade mine can mine more than [-] tons." The old man surnamed Li said after pondering for a while.

"In terms of value, at least [-] low-grade god stones." The old man surnamed Zhang said in a deep voice.

"That's it." Zhao Yang said after thinking about it, "I will give you two [-] low-grade god stones respectively."

Hearing this, the monks of the two major tribes showed surprise on their faces.

"Also, I'm not afraid to tell you that there are things I need in the depths of this mine vein. After I take those things away, with this line as the boundary, the one on the left belongs to the Li family, and the one on the right belongs to the Zhang family." Zhao Yang said. With a swipe of his finger towards the ground, the vein was divided into two halves.

"Young master, what do you mean?" The old man surnamed Zhang asked in surprise.

"After I take that thing, you two will mine the remaining veins." Zhao Yang said softly, "I don't know how my distribution plan is?"

"This distribution plan is great." The old man surnamed Zhang said without thinking.

"We will abide by it unconditionally." The old man surnamed Li nodded.

Zhao Yang waved his hands and a Qiankun bag appeared in front of the two of them, "There are [-] divine stones in the Qiankun bag, check them out."

Surprised expressions appeared on the faces of the two old men after sweeping their divine thoughts.

"I'll come as soon as I go." Zhao Yang said, holding a battle sword and pushing towards Yu Po.

"Nightingale, you stay outside." Zhao Yang said again after reaching the depths.

Nightingale immediately stood in front of the hole, and her divine sense even laid an intertwined net to prevent any divine sense from prying.

It didn't take long for Zhao Yang to arrive at the location of Yu Po.

That piece of jade soul reached thirty catties, bigger than what Su Wanqing got.

After Zhao Yang put away the jade soul, he moved towards the jade marrow again.

Chalcedony is related to the promotion of Zhao Yang's second stage, so it must be obtained no matter what.

Chalcedony is more precious than jade soul.

Zhao Yang traveled through several places before finding four catties of chalcedony.

After Zhao Yang came back, everyone looked at him one after another.

"This mine belongs to you, remember, don't give it up because of some trivial matters." Zhao Yang looked around the audience and said.

Immediately Zhao Yang left here with Nightingale, and the two found a cave.

After Zhao Yang placed two restrictions nearby, he entered the small world.

Originally, Zhao Yang thought that it would take some time to set foot in the God-Restraining Realm, but who would have thought that he would find the Jade Soul in this place where no one shits.

"Maybe this is my own good fortune?" Zhao Yang thought in his heart.

With the jade soul, there is no need to worry about the problem of practice.

After the energy in the jade soul entered Zhao Yang's body, his cultivation began to impact towards a higher level.

Nightingale stood at the entrance of the cave with her battle sword in her hand.

Her expression was indifferent, and she looked into the distance.

She was worried that a fierce beast would break in.

One day passed.

Two days have passed.

Three days have passed.

Nightingale suddenly heard chattering voices that day, and her divine sense cautiously probed into the distance, and soon she saw two men in blue shirts.

"Second brother, a few days ago, I found a flower of nourishing the spirit that is nearly a thousand years old, and now it should be almost a thousand years old." A white-faced and beardless man said with a smile.

"Thousand-year cultivation flower?" The second man had a pair of peach blossom eyes, and his whole body was filled with a feminine aura.

"That's right. After you pick this spiritual cultivation flower, you can exchange it for tens of thousands of divine stones. At that time, the dowry will be enough for you to marry the young lady of the Sun family."

"Brother has a heart."

"You and my brother, it's meaningless to say such things."

While they were talking, they came to the mountain where Zhao Yang practiced. After climbing hundreds of meters, they saw a Shenshen Flower, but there was a huge python near the Shenshen Flower.

"The strength of this beast is not weak." The feminine man said in a daze.

"The first level in the God Control Realm." The man without a beard said with a smile.

One of them is the second level of God Control Realm, and the other is the first level of God Control Realm, do you need to worry about this python in the first level of God Control Realm?

"Brother, watch from the side, I'll do it." The feminine man said as he rushed forward with a software.

There was a hint of fear in the python's eyes.

But it is impossible to let it give up the flower of cultivation.

The two sides soon fought together.

The fighting technique of the feminine man is similar to his own. His movement is extremely fast, and he will give the boa constrictor a hit from time to time.


The stinging python drew its tail towards the mountain, but it was a pity that the feminine man avoided it.

It was a coincidence that the boa constrictor shattered Zhao Yang's cover, and the cave appeared in front of the feminine man and the beardless man, and then they saw the nightingale in the cave.

"What a beautiful woman." The feminine man's eyes lit up.

"The seventh level of the Yuanshen Realm, you can grab it and play." The man with a white face and beardless said and rushed into the cave with a dodge.

Just as Nightingale wanted to resist, she was restrained by the opponent.

"This girl is not bad." The white-faced, beardless man said as he was about to touch Nightingale's neck.

"If you dare to touch it, you will die." At this moment, a cold voice rang out in the cave.

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