When Zhao Yang came to Lu Jian, Lu Jian introduced to Zhao Yang, "Brother, let me introduce some friends to you. This is Liu Yunfeng, a disciple of Sanshan Sect, and this is Gu Dayong, a disciple of Sihai Sect. It is Zhang Youbo, a disciple of Wu Chaozong.

"This is my good friend Zhao Yang." Lu Jian pointed at Zhao Yang.

After the two parties exchanged pleasantries, Liu Yunfeng pointed to Bai Xue and said, "Brother Zhao, is this your handyman?"


"Give this handyman to me, as I owe you a favor."

"Brother Liu, you're not authentic, I fell in love with this girl first." Gu Dayong said pretending to be angry.

"Haha, it's a big deal and I'll give it to you after I play." Liu Yunfeng said nonchalantly.

"This is the brother." Gu Dayong said with a smile.

Lu Jian touched Zhao Yang, "Brother, Liu Yunfeng's status in the Three Mountain Sect is not low. I think it's very worthwhile for a handyman to win Liu Yunfeng's favor."

"Is it in your eyes that handymen can be traded casually?" Zhao Yang stared at Lu Jiandao.

"Isn't it?" Lu Jian said puzzled.

"Bai Xue, let's go." Zhao Yang didn't bother to explain anything to Lu Jian.

Bai Xue nodded obediently.

"Stop." Liu Yunfeng's face darkened.

Zhao Yang stopped in his tracks, pointed at Bai Xue and said, "I want your handyman."

"What if I don't give it?"

"If you don't give it, then let's see the real trick." Liu Yunfeng squeezed his fist and said.

"Is this the Flowing Sect?" Zhao Yang said calmly.

"So what about the Flowing Sect?" Liu Yunfeng sneered, "If you don't follow my wishes, I will make you look good."


Zhao Yang made a move.

He clenched his fist with five fingers and punched Liu Yunfeng.

As soon as Liu Yunfeng's fist touched Zhao Yang, he heard a click, but his arm was broken abruptly.

not good.

Just as Liu Yunfeng was about to retreat, Zhao Yang forced him over.

"Come again."

Zhao Yang yelled loudly, his voice was like thunder.

This time Liu Yunfeng was directly sent flying by Zhao Yang.


Zhao Yang swooped down like a goshawk, and stepped on Liu Yunfeng's chest. Liu Yunfeng sprayed a mouthful of blood on the spot.

"You said that it's fine if you have some skills, such rubbish, who gave you the courage to kick your nose in the face?" Zhao Yang kicked Liu Yunfeng in the face as he said.

Liu Yunfeng was kicked into the distance like a ball, and half of his face was even sunken by the kick.

"Stop." Gu Dayong hurriedly shouted.

The reason why he shouted now was mainly because Zhao Yang's movements were too fast.

He didn't even have time to react.


Zhao Yang rushed to him like a ghost.

Zhao Yang's combat effectiveness further increased as his cultivation reached the sixth heaven of the Primordial Spirit Realm.

Gu Dayong is only the fifth heaven of Yuanshen Realm, how can he be Zhao Yang's opponent?


Zhao Yang kicked him down hard.

Gu Dayong suddenly let out a scream, and squatted down with his hands covered.

"Zhao Yang, you are enough." Lu Jian reprimanded in a deep voice.

"Lu Jian, are you going to stop me?" Zhao Yang asked with narrowed eyes.

"They are my friends." Lu Jian emphasized.

"So what?" Zhao Yang sneered, "Or you can use your real strength to see if you can stop me?"

Lu Jian's pupils shrank, "What do you know?"

"If you want others not to know, you have to do nothing yourself." Zhao Yang stared at Lu Jiandao.

In fact, it is still difficult for Zhao Yang to face Lu Jian now.

However, Zhao Yang is confident that he can still contend if he tries his best.

Of course, if you use your hole cards, you can easily crush it, okay?

Lu Jian fell silent.

At this time, Zhao Yang came to Gu Dayong, "Do you want to die or live?"

"You dare to kill me?" Gu Dayong was shocked.

At this moment, he didn't even care about breaking the egg.

"If you want to die, I can kill you now, and if you want to live, hand over your mother."


"You want my handyman, I want your mother, is that okay?"

"You..." Gu Dayong's eyeballs turned red immediately, "Are you courting death?"


What no one expected was that Zhao Yang directly broke his neck.

Gu Dayong's body fell weakly towards the bottom.

Seeing this scene, the monks present were all frightened.

Zhao Yang actually killed the true disciple of the Four Seas Sect?

And at this moment Zhao Yang came in front of Liu Yunfeng, "Do you want to die or live?"

"Zhao Yang, aren't you afraid of death?" Liu Yunfeng looked at Zhao Yang like he was looking at a devil.

"It seems that you chose to die." Zhao Yang raised his hand at this point and was about to slap Liu Yunfeng to death.

"Stop." Several monks hurried over from a distance.

The leader is Xu Donglai, a true disciple of Sanshan Sect who came to participate in the assessment.

Zhao Yang couldn't help squinting his eyes, "It seems that you are in the same group."

Xu Dong took a look around, and when he saw the fallen Gu Dayong, his pupils shrank slightly, "What happened?"

"The true disciple of your Three Mountain Sect fell in love with my handyman, and after being rejected by me, you even threatened me on the Liushui Sect's territory." Zhao Yang sneered, "I really want to know who gave him the courage?"

"Is this true?" Several elders of the Flowing Water Sect also came.

When they heard Zhao Yang say this, their faces suddenly became ugly.

"There are quite a few disciples of the Flowing Water Sect present, and they can all testify." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice.

"Liu Yunfeng from the Three Mountains Sect and Gu Dayong from the Four Seas Sect relied on them as true disciples, but after being rejected by this guy, they threatened to show him off."

"Are they still arrogantly saying that they want to beat this person on the territory of the Flowing Sect?"

"Yes, they are not as simple as talking about it, they are really ready to do it."

"They are arrogant and domineering, I can't stand it for a long time."

"Damn them."

As the disciples of the Flowing Water Sect talked, the faces of the disciples of the Three Mountain Sect and the Four Sea Sect were very ugly.

"Even if they are guilty, they shouldn't be killed." The leader of the Four Seas Sect stared at Zhao Yang and said.

"Under the excitement of the crowd, I couldn't control it for a while." Zhao Yang said lightly, "Besides, since you Four Seas Sect don't care about such things that are not as good as pigs and dogs, then I will take care of them for you."

"Who do you say is inferior to pigs and dogs?" The leader was angry.

"Is this related to you?" Zhao Yang asked suspiciously.

"It's okay." The captain said angrily.

"Those who don't know think you are related?" Zhao Yang said here, a figure walked over accompanied by several elders.

"I have seen the Sect Master."

"I have seen the Sect Master."

"I have seen the suzerain." The disciples of Liushuizong saluted the figure one after another.

Zhuo Xing'er glanced around the audience and said, "I've already understood the matter. The Four Seas Sect and the Sanshan Sect were at fault. Of course, Zhao Yang's behavior was a bit extreme. In view of this, Zhao Yang's quota for the competition this time remove."

"Quota for the competition?" The elder of the Flowing Sect was stunned.

There is no quota for Zhao Yang in this competition, okay?

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