Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1454 Zongmen Grand Competition

"I have carefully considered this quota." The First Elder didn't understand why Zhuo Xing'er was so angry all of a sudden.

"There are twelve people whose cultivation has reached the sixth heaven of Yuanshen Realm. Among them, Tuoba Yongjie is ranked sixth, and Tuoba Mingyuan is even ranked tenth. Is this the result of your careful consideration?" Zhuo Xing'er said and smashed the list in the face of the first elder.

The high-level people in the audience were shocked.

Sovereign, what happened?

The elder's face turned green and pale, "The reason why I chose these two is that we can't reveal too much of our hole cards."

"Why didn't you say that you chose them because you wanted to be the old suzerain's licking dog?" After Zhuo Xing'er said this, the audience was in an uproar.

Is Zhuo Xing'er openly firing at the old suzerain's side?

"Sect Master." The Great Elder changed his color and said, "My loyalty to the sect can be learned from the sun and the moon."

"Enough." Zhuo Xing'er interrupted the First Elder, "From now on, you don't have to take on the position of First Elder, Third Elder."

"Yes." An old man stood up.

"From today onwards, you are the Great Elder of the Flowing Water Sect." Zhuo Xing'er said flatly.

"Obey." The third elder said excitedly.

She is a staunch supporter of Elder Zhuo.

Now he finally went one step further and became the Great Elder of Flowing Water Sect.

"Sovereign, I refuse to accept." The Great Elder stepped forward and said.

"Grand Elder, how much self-interest you have sought for your lineage by forming a clique in office, do you want me to tell you one by one?" Zhuo Xing'er said with a chilling gleam in his eyes.

The face of the great elder changed involuntarily.

He knew very well that it was a question of whether he could live after these things were said.

But what he didn't understand was why Zhuo Xing'er broke up with him all of a sudden?

Isn't he worried about the old suzerain asking questions?

"The quota will be re-selected." Zhuo Xing'er said, looking at the newly appointed First Elder.

"As ordered."

The great elder went to the back mountain angrily.

"Old Sect Master, I'm aggrieved." The Great Elder said with a sad face after he came to the back mountain.

"Why are you aggrieved?" What the Great Elder didn't expect was an angry voice from the cave, "You have deducted [-]% of the resources in the treasury. I want to know who gave you the courage?"

The old suzerain's lungs were about to explode.

He single-handedly raised the Great Elder, but he didn't expect the Great Elder to be so greedy?

The elder was frightened.

He didn't expect the old suzerain to have such an attitude towards him.

"Old Sect Master, Sect Master knows that I belong to you, but she still moves. Is she trying to cut off your wings?" the Great Elder said hurriedly.

"Shut up, it is because the suzerain cares about my face that I give you chances again and again, but do you cherish it?" The old suzerain said in a cold tone, "No, but you got worse and thought you were me. You were single-handedly promoted, so you are unscrupulous in the sect."

The elder did not dare to say anything.

"Go back to retreat for ten years, and you can't come out within ten years." The old suzerain roared at him.

The Great Elder left in a daze.

He knew very well that this matter was definitely not that simple, Zhuo Xing'er wanted to attack the old suzerain.

It's a pity that the old suzerain didn't listen to him.

Not long after the sect reselected the quota, the disciples of the other nine major sects came to the Liushui sect one after another.

Bai Xue was a little distressed.

She really wanted to go out for a stroll, but she was worried about what might happen?

At this moment, the door of Zhao Yang's room finally opened.

Bai Xue hurriedly went up to meet her, "My lord, is your retreat over?"

Zhao Yang glanced at Bai Xue, his face was full of surprise, "The first level of Yuanshen Realm?"

You must know that before Bai Xue was the fifth heaven of the Heavenly God Realm.

How long has it been?

Bai Xue's heart trembled.

Is my improvement too obvious?

Fortunately, Zhao Yang did not continue this topic, "I can feel a lot of noise, has something happened to the Flowing Sect?"

"The competition of the younger generation of the top ten sects is about to begin, and this session will be held in the Flowing Sect." Bai Xue said softly, "My lord, do you want to go and have a look?"

"Do you want to go and see?"


"Then let's go." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

"Young master, you are different from others."

"What's the difference?"

"Others treat handymen as handymen, but you seem to treat me as a maid, but you can't call me a maid. You didn't arrange any work for me at all." Bai Xue said seriously, "Even lent so much money to me. , Besides, you clearly know that I have a secret, but you never asked me."

"At the beginning, I went to the Miscellaneous Hall to find a miscellaneous servant, mainly to understand some things about the sect, it's as simple as that." Zhao Yang met Bai Xue's eyes and said, "Besides, who has no secrets."

"Are you so worried about me?"

"Will you hurt me?"

"No." Bai Xue said hastily.

"We have no enmity, I don't think you will hurt me." Zhao Yang said with a smile, "Besides, if you need help in the future, just ask."

"Okay." Bai Xue nodded slightly.

Many disciples from the nine major sects came, and besides the disciples from the Flowing Water Sect, some small and medium-sized sects also came.

While Zhao Yang and Bai Xue were wandering here, a startled voice sounded.

"Zhao Yang."

Zhao Yang looked at the woman walking towards him and said calmly, "Is there something wrong?"

The person who came was Ye Feiyan from Juque Sect.

"I'm really sorry about what happened last time." Ye Feiyan expressed her apology to Zhao Yang.

"It's over."

"My cousin has been looking for me."

"Is your cousin here this time?"


"Do you have anything else?"

"Ah! No." Ye Feiyan said that Zhao Yang took Bai Xue to the distance.

After walking a certain distance, Bai Xue asked in a low voice, "My lord, do you seem to hate her?"

"Her cousin was kind to me when I was in the lower realm. Later, her cousin photographed her to come to the God Realm to find me, and brought me to the Juque Sect. It turned out that her cousin was in retreat, so I lived in her courtyard. " Zhao Yang said succinctly, "What I didn't expect was that her maid ruined someone else's child, and then her maid said it was a good thing to do."

Hearing this, Bai Xue became angry, "Why is that maid so despicable?"

"In the end, she also believed that I did it, and she didn't even investigate." Zhao Yang was still full of resentment when he said this, "Do you think I can't be angry?"

"This woman is too self-righteous." Bai Xue said with a faint cold light in her eyes, "Should I kill her secretly?"

"It's not necessary, the relationship between the two parties is not at this point." Zhao Yang shook his head.

At this moment, Lu Jian called to stop Zhao Yang, "Brother, this way."

Lu Jian was chatting with several men at this time, he saw Zhao Yang waved towards Zhao Yang.

"That girl is nice."

"It's still a chick."

"Ask me later." The eyes of the men beside Lu Jian were shining with evil light.

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