"How about your injury?" Zhao Yang asked hurriedly.

Zhao Yang's alchemy cultivation was not enough to heal Su Wanqing.

"The injury is almost healed. It's fine. Don't you have to hurry?" Su Wanqing said, pulling Zhao Yang and running down the mountain.

After leaving the Flowing Sect, the two headed all the way towards the secret place Su Wanqing had mentioned.

As a result, after only walking more than 3000 kilometers, he ran into a group of fierce beasts head-on.

Feeling the breath of those ferocious beasts, Zhao Yang's face turned green.

Zhao Yang couldn't see through any of those ferocious beasts.

Su Wanqing also changed color.

She realized that she had collided with the terrifying herd of beasts.


In fact, there is no need for Su Wanqing to say that the moment Zhao Yang saw those ferocious beasts, he immediately turned around and ran towards the distance.


A ferocious beast roared as it looked at the direction Zhao Yang and the others were leaving.

The powerful power of sound waves penetrated their sea of ​​consciousness.

Both Zhao Yang and Su Wanqing fell powerlessly to the ground.

Zhao Yang felt his head was in chaos.

The same is true for Su Wanqing.

At this moment, a group of fierce beasts came over.

They bared their teeth and grinned around Zhao Yang.

"Little guy in Yuanshen Realm."

"A little guy of this level dares to wander around?"

"I really don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth?"

At this moment, Su Wanqing regained her sanity. Looking at the densely packed beasts around her, her face showed bitterness.

She realized it was over this time.

"Zhao Yang, are you okay?" Su Wanqing looked at Zhao Yang and said.

Hearing this, Zhao Yang opened his eyes, rubbed his head and looked around, "I think I was tricked by you."

"Sorry." Su Wanqing apologized.

"Have you finished your last words?" A fierce beast stared at Zhao Yang and asked.


"Then you continue." The beast was startled, and then said lightly.

"Can you let us go?" Zhao Yang asked shyly.

"What do you think?" said the beast with a big laugh.

"Then you all go to die." Zhao Yang communicated with a mysterious rune in the sea of ​​consciousness.


In an instant, a sacred beam of light enveloped Zhao Yang and Su Wanqing, and at the same time, Zhao Yang's cultivation instantly soared.

"Gift from God." The fierce beast's expression became ugly, "There is actually a God standing behind this guy?"

"It depends on the level of the God standing behind this kid. If it's an ordinary God, we don't need to care, but if it's a top God, we have to run away."

The second round of Yuanshen Realm.

The third round of Yuanshen Realm.

The first turn of God Realm.

The second round of God Control Realm.

When Zhao Yang's cultivation reached the third rank of Yushen Realm, his aura was almost overwhelmed.

Zhao Yang let out a long roar, and the astonishing fluctuations swept through the nine heavens and ten earths.

"Five-turn time reminder."


When Zhao Yang performed the nine-turn Tongxuan Gong, his monstrous fist intent turned into terrifying fluctuations.

The qi and blood of those fierce beasts dried up in an instant.

Their lives come to an end in an instant.

Seeing a large number of fierce beasts fall in front of them, the remaining monks were all frightened.

They hurriedly fled towards the distance.

It's a pity how their speed can be so fast that the fist will spread.

When Zhao Yang put away his fists, all these beasts were wiped out.

"You..." Su Wanqing looked at Zhao Yang with shocked eyes.

What kind of supernatural power is this?

Killed thousands of beasts with one punch.

"Why are you standing still? While I still have the strength, let's get rid of the beast in the secret realm you mentioned." Zhao Yang looked at Su Wanqing and said.

Su Wanqing just woke up like a dream, and hurriedly followed Zhao Yang towards the secret place.

It didn't take long to reach the secret realm. There was a beast at the entrance of the secret realm. Zhao Yang slapped the beast to death with his hand raised.

Then the two walked in.

What confused Zhao Yang was that there were hundreds of beasts sleeping soundly in the secret environment.

They were all awakened after Zhao Yang and the others broke in.

Then they looked at Zhao Yang in astonishment.

"Su Wanqing, is this the secret realm you mentioned?" Zhao Yang said angrily.

This is the fucking lair of the beast, okay?

Su Wanqing was also a little confused.

what's the situation?

Shouldn't there be treasures inside the gate guarded by fierce beasts?


Those beasts were furious.

Zhao Yang hesitated for a while and decided to attack these beasts.

Now that you've come here, you can't leave empty-handed.

Zhao Yang once again played the five-rank time to urge this world-shocking supernatural power, and then the hundreds of beasts present dried up one by one and died in the secret environment.

"It's a good thing I brought you here this time, otherwise I wouldn't be ashamed to bring that sword from the seventh heaven of Yuanshen Realm." Su Wanqing said with lingering fear.

Zhao Yang and the two searched in the cave and found nothing.

"It's empty." Su Wanqing said unwillingly.

Zhao Yang's eyes fell below.

When his cultivation reached the peak of God Control Realm, his spiritual skills became sharper by countless times.

The divine sense broke through the ground floor like a knife.

A dazzling light suddenly diffused from the ground.

"Yu Po." Su Wanqing said pleasantly.

"The Jade Soul of the God Realm." Zhao Yang nodded and said, "This jade soul is priceless."

"With this jade soul, I will make a lot of money this time." Su Wanqing said excitedly.

Su Wanqing began to dig, and quickly dug out the jade soul.

But there is a deep passage under the jade soul, and a soul-stirring sound came from that passage.

Su Wanqing just glanced at it, and her face turned extremely pale.

"I'll go down and have a look." Zhao Yang thought for a while and jumped down.

Zhao Yang didn't want to waste this opportunity.

Furthermore, he vaguely felt that there would be something good down there.

There is a huge space deep in the passage, and a dragon-shaped beast is locked by nine chains.

When it saw Zhao Yang, its eyes burst into a terrifying light.

Even though Zhao Yang's cultivation had reached the peak of God Control Realm, he still felt unbearable.

"This is the sealing chain." Zhao Yang soon realized that the dragon-shaped beast was locked by nine sealing chains. In other words, most of the monks of this beast were sealed.

Zhao Yang's heart trembled.

He realized that this was definitely an earth-shattering existence.

"Why is such a tyrannical existence sealed in the Central God Realm?" Zhao Yang's face was full of puzzlement.

"Young man, help me break the seal, and I will give you the supreme skill." The dragon-shaped beast stared at Zhao Yang and said.

"Do you think I can break the seal of this level?" Zhao Yang stared at the dragon-shaped beast.

"Did you see the sword behind me? You just need to pull out the sword." The dragon-shaped beast beckoned.

Zhao Yang could see that the dragon-shaped beast was afraid of the sword.

"The question is why should I trust you?" What the dragon-shaped beast didn't expect was Zhao Yang's words.

"I am also an indomitable existence in the Upper God Realm, do you think I might deceive you?" the dragon-shaped beast looked at Zhao Yang angrily and said.

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