Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1450 Borrowing Money

Tens of thousands of runes turned into a cage in an instant, trapping Su Wanqing in it, and at the same time, thunderbolts slashed towards her viciously.

"Array." Su Wanqing didn't expect Zhao Yang to arrange the formation quietly.

Suddenly, he was struck by two bolts of thunder.

She made a strong move here, and the moment she broke the cage, Zhao Yang's attack came.

Just as Su Wanqing was about to deal with Zhao Yang, she blew out a mouthful of Alchemy Qi, which turned into invisible ropes that wrapped Su Wanqing's entire body.

Even though Su Wanqing broke the rope hastily, she didn't have time to block Zhao Yang's blow.


Zhao Yang punched Su Wanqing in the chest.


Su Wanqing spat out a mouthful of blood, then fell down weakly.

Zhao Yang came in front of Su Wanqing, squatted beside her and asked, "Do you want to continue?"

"How did you trap me in the end?" Su Wanqing stared at Zhao Yang and said.

If Su Wanqing was surprised by the formation, then the pill rope caught her by surprise.

"A rope made of alchemy energy." Zhao Yang said lightly.

This is a method of Dan Dao.

Can only be taken by surprise.

Zhao Yang didn't use it before, because he pushed all the way and didn't have a decent opponent.

"You are proficient in martial arts, alchemy and formation, are you still human?" Su Wanqing looked at Zhao Yang in surprise.

"Why do I feel that you are swearing?" Zhao Yang said angrily.

"If you only practice martial arts, I think your current achievements are even more astonishing." Su Wanqing said seriously, "I don't think you should waste your martial arts talent.

"Array Dao and Alchemy Dao are also your means, and they can play a big role in many cases." Zhao Yang said with a smile, "For example, after I control the Alchemy Dao, I am not worried about resources at all."


"If I'm short of money, I can go to alchemy."

"Are you rich?"

"Anyway, I'm not short of money."

"Then lend me some."

Zhao Yang was stunned.

Where the fuck is this?

How did it involve borrowing money?

"How much do you want?"


The corner of Zhao Yang's mouth twitched, "What do you want so much for?"

"I want to buy a sword puppet from the seventh heaven of Yuanshen Realm."

"when do you needit?"

"The sooner the better."

"Three days."

"Okay." Su Wanqing said and laughed.

Zhao Yang greeted Lu Jian, "I'm going to the alchemy hall."

"One hundred thousand is not a small amount, you are sure you can get it in three days."

"I think there is no problem." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

When he arrived at the alchemy hall, Zhao Yang asked the front desk, "Is there a place for alchemy here?"

"We have a place for alchemy here."

"How much do you charge for a first-class third-rank Yuanshen Realm Advanced Pill?"

"For the first class, the price we buy is [-]."

"I need a document."

"Yes, please sign an agreement first."

After signing an agreement, the front desk brought Zhao Yang to an alchemy room, and soon Bai Xue opened the door with a batch of medicinal materials.

Zhao Yang asked Bai Xue to guard outside, and then he started alchemy.

An hour has passed.

Two hours passed.

Three hours passed.

When the furnace was opened, Zhao Yang found that he had only refined three first-class ones, and the remaining six were second-class ones.

Zhao Yang called Bai Xue over, "Sell all these magic pills, and buy another medicine."

Bai Xue couldn't help being shocked when she saw the magic pill in the jade bottle.

Zhao Yang actually refined the first-class one?

After Bai Xue exchanged all these, she returned to the alchemy room.

"How much did you sell?"

"The first-class ones are 7 pieces, and the second-class ones are [-] pieces. These medicinal materials are worth [-] yuan. Since you sold the alchemy to the alchemy hall, you will not be charged for using the alchemy room." Bai Xue explained. Said, "So a total of [-] divine stones have been credited to the account."

"One more furnace is enough." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

"That... son... can I borrow some from you?" Bai Xue said shyly at this time.

"How many?"


"What do you want so many sacred stones for?"

Bai Xue bit her lip and said nothing.

"Forget it, you go and buy two more medicinal materials." Zhao Yang waved his hand.

"My lord, you agreed?" Bai Xue looked at Zhao Yang in surprise.

"It's a little effort, it doesn't matter." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

Bai Xue glanced at Zhao Yang gratefully, then turned and left.

Normal alchemist alchemy.

It is good to be able to refine one furnace a day, and it is quite energy-consuming to refine two furnaces, but Zhao Yang has refined four furnaces in a row.

And the next three furnaces Zhao Yang refined were all first-grade pills, so in the end Zhao Yang got a total of 48 divine stones.

Zhao Yang gave Bai Xue 20 divine stones.

"Is it enough?"

"Enough, enough, enough." Bai Xue said quickly.

Then she thought of something again, "My lord, may I have to leave for a while?"

"Go, be safe."

Bai Xue thanked Zhao Yang and left.

After Zhao Yang came to Aolai Peak, he came to Su Wanqing's courtyard alone.

"Su Wanqing."

Hearing that Su Wanqing walked out of the room with the help of the handyman.

Su Wanqing was still limping.

"Why are you like this?"

"You didn't hit it?" Su Wanqing said angrily.

"Here you are." Zhao Yang threw a universe bag to Su Wanqing.

After scanning Su Wanqing's divine sense, she said in surprise, "How did you get it so quickly?"

"Everyone lives in Aolai Peak, it's the first time you speak, can I refuse?" Zhao Yang breathed out the alchemy at this point, and Su Wanqing immediately felt that her injury had healed a lot.

"Thank you." Su Wanqing said, pushing away the handyman, and then ran down the mountain.

After a while, Su Wanqing knocked on the gate of Zhao Yang's courtyard.

"What's wrong?" Zhao Yang waved his hand, and the gate of the courtyard opened.

"When I bought the sword shame of the seventh heaven of Yuanshen Realm in Zongmen just now, guess who I saw?"


"Bai Xue, your handyman." Su Wanqing said solemnly, "She actually bought a sword from the eighth level of Yuanshen Realm."

"So she asked me to borrow money to buy a sword puppet."

"She borrowed 20 from you?"


"You lent 20 to a handyman?" Su Wanqing stared at Zhao Yang and said.

She couldn't understand Zhao Yang's brain circuit.

This is 20?

Are you not afraid of people running away?

"what happened?"

"I don't understand you."

"I trust her."

"What if she runs away?"

"Then run away, 20 is not much?" Zhao Yang said indifferently, "Two furnaces of magic pills are enough."

"You guy." Su Wanqing said after pondering for a while, "Do you have time?"

"doing what?"

"I bought the sword puppet because I found a secret place. I am no match for the beast guarding the secret place. After buying the sword puppet, we can go there."

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