Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1447 The True Disciple

Flowing Water Sect is the top sect in the Central God Territory, so the place where it sits is naturally a blessed place.

After arriving at Liushuizong, Zhao Yang felt that his spiritual power was slowly increasing.

"The spiritual power of heaven and earth here is so powerful?" Zhao Yang asked in surprise.

"That's why all monks want to join the Great Sect." Zhuo Xing'er said with a smile.

"What identity do you arrange for me?" Zhao Yang asked.

"True disciple."

"How many true disciples does your Flowing Sect have?"

"Three hundred true disciples, three thousand inner disciples, thirty thousand outer disciples, and 30 handymen." Zhuo Xing'er said softly.

"Will true disciples be able to reach the upper god state in the future?"

"This is just a theory." Zhuo Xing'er replied, "In fact, there will be no more than thirty people who can reach the Supreme God Realm."

Soon Zhuo Xing'er brought Zhao Yang to a courtyard.

In the courtyard, several pretty girls were watering the herbs.

"Miao Tong." Zhuo Xing'er called a maid, "Take my younger brother to go through the formalities of true discipleship."

"Brother?" The girl's complexion changed involuntarily when she heard the name Miaotong.

"Is there a problem?" Zhuo Xing'er looked at the girl and asked.

"No problem." The girl said quickly.

The entire Flowing Sect knew Miaotong's identity, so no one dared to make things difficult when Miaotong took Zhao Yang to apply for his identity.

"Only the top ten true disciples of the Zongmen have their own independent mountain, so I can only arrange you in a mountain with as few people as possible."

"No problem." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

"This is Aolai Peak, and there are three true disciples living on the peak." The girl brought Zhao Yang to Aolai Peak and pointed to a courtyard, "From now on, you should live in this courtyard."


After arriving at the courtyard, Zhao Yang pointed to a prohibition and said, "Each courtyard has a special restriction. After you refine it, outsiders will have no chance to enter unless they get your permission."

The girl led Zhao Yang around again before she said, "Our Flowing Sect doesn't have many rules. If you don't understand anything in the future, you can ask me anytime."


"By the way, you don't have a servant by your side. You can go to the servant hall and find one or two servants there."

"One or two?"

"Outer disciples are not eligible to have handymen, only inner disciples are eligible to have handymen, but the number is limited to one, while true disciples can have two."


After the girl left, Zhao Yang began to refine the restrictions here.

After refining, Zhao Yang realized that the level of restriction was very high, and at the same time, Zhao Yang only had certain authority, and the higher authority was in the hands of the Zongmen's senior officials.

This is also normal.

And at this moment there was a knock on the door.

Zhao Yang waved his hand, and the door opened.

Standing at the door was a handsome young man, "I heard from the handyman that there is a new fellow in Aolai Peak, so I came here to meet you."

"Zhao Yang."

"Lu Jian."

After both parties reported their names, Zhao Yang invited Lu Jian to his room.

"Our Aolai Peak has two true biographies besides me, but those two true biographies are not very easy to deal with."

"Can you introduce me?"

"From east to west, the true biography who lives in the first courtyard is called Su Wanqing. Su Wanqing is a fighting maniac. These years, she is either fighting or on the way to fight. The true biography who lives in the second courtyard is called Liuying. Apart from her Cultivation is practice, and I hardly leave my room these years."

"So these two are very difficult to get along with."

"That's right, you can hardly see Liuying, but don't get close to Su Wanqing, anyone who gets close to her has been beaten by her before." Lu Jian shuddered when he said this.

"You won't be beaten by Su Wanqing, will you?"

"It's not just once or twice."


I have to say that Lu Jian is very good at talking.

He chatted with Zhao Yang for half an hour before leaving.

Zhao Yang pondered for a while and decided to go to the Handyman Hall to find a handyman.

He can't just ask others for everything!

Handyman is hard work.

They have to do all kinds of chores every day, and they also have to bear the bullying of the disciples of the sect.

But they still don't want to leave.

Because staying here, if one day they are selected by inner disciples or true disciples, they will have a chance to soar into the sky.And when you leave, there is nothing left.

After Zhao Yang arrived at the Handyman Hall, he wandered around.

Those handymen looked at Zhao Yang with hot eyes.

They all hope to be selected by Zhao Yang.

At this moment, there was a loud noise in the distance.

Zhao Yang walked towards the distance.

He saw a man beating a girl.

The girl was beaten to pieces.

"This girl really doesn't know what to do."

"Yeah, it was so hard to be spotted by inner disciples. You said it was such a blessing, but she didn't want it."

"It's really killing me."

Hearing this, Zhao Yang understood what was going on?

"Stop." He shouted loudly.

The man stopped involuntarily, "Who are you?"

Zhao Yang smashed the token of the True Inheritance Disciple on his face, "Do you know who I am now?"

The man's face suddenly changed, he quickly picked up Zhao Yang's token, handed it over respectfully and said, "I didn't know you were a true disciple, please don't take offense."

He was also complaining in his heart.


You hung the token on your waist long ago, so why should I make things difficult for you?

Zhao Yang put away the token and came to the girl, "Why don't you want to be his handyman?"

Hearing this, the girl raised her pear blossom's rainy face.

"His reputation is too bad. I'm afraid that if I follow him, I won't be able to protect myself." The girl said with red eyes.

"It's so hypocritical."

"When you become a handyman, you don't even own your life. Does your body matter?"

"Look at which female handyman hasn't been slept by an inner disciple or a true disciple?"

"This is an opportunity to climb higher branches, but she still doesn't want it?"

Zhao Yang pondered for a while and said, "Follow me."

The girl stared blankly at Zhao Yang and said, "I can follow you, but you can't damage my body."


"Thank you." The girl said and stood up.

Zhao Yang opened his mouth and exhaled a breath of alchemy, and the girl's injuries recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Thank you son." The girl didn't expect Zhao Yang to be an alchemist.

"Let's go." Zhao Yang said lightly.

The girl hurriedly followed behind Zhao Yang.

After arriving at the courtyard, Zhao Yang told the girl, "This is the place where I practice. There are three rooms in this courtyard, and you can find one of the other two."

The girl went in and looked around, then said timidly, "I want to buy some daily necessities."

"You go buy it."

"That... I don't have any money." The girl said shyly.

Zhao Yang suddenly realized that he did not have a low-grade divine stone on him.

After thinking for a while, he asked, "Is there a place to exchange elixir in the sect?"

"Alchemy Hall."

"You lead the way."

The Alchemy Hall, this is the alchemy organization within the Flowing Sect.

Zhao Yang came to the front desk and asked, "How much is a first-class Ninth-Rank Advanced Pill?"

"God level?"


"One thousand two hundred divine stones."

Zhao Yang secretly thought it was so cheap.

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