Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1446 Zhuo Xing'er

"Do you know what the power of life god represents now?" The voice of the Nine-fold Sword resounded in Zhao Yang's heart.

"With the power of life, will there still be a lack of resources?" Zhao Yang said in amazement.

"If there is a living god in your clan, then your clan is destined to be a powerful family." Jiu Chongjian said softly, "Theoretically, this clan will not lack resources, but the resources of the living god need you I found it myself." Pausing the Nine Epees, he continued, "In addition, there is an upper limit to the power of living gods, for example, you can only catalyze this Tiankui flower to the ninth-rank upper god level."

While the Nine Heavy Swords were speaking, the Tiankui Flower in Zhao Yang's hand had already been pushed to the sixth-rank Upper God Realm.

"Tiankuihua from the God Realm?" At this moment, an exclamation sounded from behind Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang hastily withdrew the power of life god.

"Why are you here?" Zhao Yang looked at the girl behind him and asked.

"Can you give me this Tiankui flower?" The girl's heart almost jumped out when she said this.

Tiankuihua is one of the few natural treasures that can directly improve one's cultivation.

With this Tiankui flower, she can make great progress.

"No problem." Zhao Yang took it off and handed it to the girl.

"I owe you a favor." The girl took it and said seriously.

"No need." Zhao Yang shook his head.

After knowing the wonderful use of the power of life god, Zhao Yang no longer cared about this heavenly flower.

The girl didn't say anything.

She took this Tiankui flower back to the cave.

Zhao Yang turned around and came to the outside of the cave. He closed his eyes and practiced quietly.

About a month later, the girl came out of the cave.

"I'm going out for a while." After saying this, she left.

Zhao Yang didn't say anything either.

He is still deducing the plus magic.

As a result, within a day, he saw a blood-stained girl limping towards him.

Before reaching him, he passed out.

Zhao Yang was stunned.

He hurried to the girl's side.

The girl was seriously injured.

It's not something that can be cured at his level.

Zhao Yang can only use the power of life god to help the girl heal.

Soon the girl woke up.

"I knew you could save me?" The girl opened her beautiful eyes and said softly.

"Why are you hurt again?"

"I found a dead flower, but there is a fierce beast guarding it next to it." The girl pondered for a while and said, "I thought that if I improved my cultivation this time, I would be able to defeat that fierce beast, but unexpectedly, the fierce beast Last time I retained my strength."

"Flowers of death?" Zhao Yang couldn't help but widen his eyes, "There are flowers of death in this world?"

How could Zhao Yang not know that with the Flower of Death, he could be promoted from the Ninth Heaven of God to Death God Realm.

Therefore, the flower of death can be described as priceless.

"Yeah, it's a pity that the beast is too strong, I guess she is not far from the ninth heaven of God." The girl said bitterly, "It sleeps next to the dead flower, I don't even want to steal it. Method."

"Sleeping next to the flowers of death? If you don't pick the flowers of death, will the beast ignore you?"

"That's right, but that fierce beast has rough skin and thick flesh, even if I sneak attack, I can't kill it." The girl said a little discouraged.

With the help of Tiankuihua, the girl's cultivation has been raised from the fifth level of the Upper God Realm to the sixth level of the Upper God Realm.

But she felt that the beast was at least the existence of the eighth heaven.

It's two days away.

how to spell?

"Maybe I can help." Zhao Yang said after thinking about it.

"You just set foot in Yuanshen Realm?" The girl looked at Zhao Yang suspiciously.

"What did I lie to you for?"

"What means do you have?"

"You will know when the time comes." Zhao Yang said softly.

After pondering for a while, the girl led Zhao Yang towards the distance.

The girl brought Zhao Yang to a mountain stream.

This mountain stream was filled with poisonous mist, and Zhao Yang felt dizzy after taking a sip.

"The poisonous mist here is so domineering." Zhao Yang quickly performed nine turns of Tongxuan Gong, forcing the poisonous mist out of his body.

"This is just the poisonous mist on the edge, and the poisonous mist inside is even worse. Even those in the God Control Realm can't survive inside." The girl said her divine sense wrapped Zhao Yang up, and walked towards the inside.

After passing through the heavy poisonous fog, the two came to a cold pool.

Beside the cold pool, a ferocious beast full of fangs lay dozing in it, and beside it was a flower filled with monstrous fluctuations.

This flower is filled with the power of death.


"What should I do?" the girl looked at Zhao Yang and asked.

Zhao Yang came in front of the girl, and then put his big hands on the ground.

The power of the god of death spread forward, and soon spread to the beast.

The beast woke up instantly.

Its face was full of panic.

It feels the crisis of death.

At the same time, Zhao Yang retreated behind the girl, "The rest is up to you."

The girl gritted her teeth and rushed towards the beast.

The beast was furious.

"I've let you go twice, I didn't expect you to be stubborn?" But just when it wanted to make a move, it was shocked to find that it couldn't move.

The power of the god of death corrupted its blood and imprisoned its meridians.


The long sword in the girl's hand pierced into his mind.

It stared blankly at the girl, "You... what did you do?"

The girl was also a little dazed.

She didn't know how it went so smoothly, and she killed it as soon as she said it.

Looking at the fallen ferocious beast, she still couldn't believe it.

"What did you do?" the girl looked back at Zhao Yang and said.

Then she smelled something.

The power of death?

"How can you master the power of death?" the girl asked in a daze.

"The good fortune I got in the sea of ​​good fortune." Zhao Yang said casually after seeing the girl see through, "I can use the power of death, but only for sneak attack."

"What power did you use to save me?"

"The power of life."


"This is the good fortune I got from the good fortune stone tablet."

"No wonder you were able to save me twice." The girl finally realized.

Zhao Yang smiled without saying a word.

The girl took off the dead flower and carefully put it in the brocade box.

"I really don't know how to thank you?"

"It's fate to meet you." Zhao Yang said softly.

"Which sect are you a disciple?"

"Just ascended from the Lower God Realm."

"Are you interested in joining the Flowing Sect?"

"Flowing Water Sect of the upper sect?"


Zhao Yang thought about it and still refused, "Forget it, I still think it's better to wander the world alone."

"The Primordial Spirit Realm is very weak in the Central God Realm, and accidents are easy to happen if you don't pay attention." The girl said in a deep voice.

"Why don't you take me to a nearby city?" Zhao Yang said softly.

"Wouldn't it be better for me to take you to the Flowing Water Sect?"

"Need not."

"It's decided like that." The girl said that she wrapped Zhao Yang in her divine sense, and walked in the direction of Liushuizong.

"Senior, isn't it difficult for you to be strong?"

"Today I will be difficult for others." The girl giggled, "And don't call me senior in the future."

"Then what are you calling?"

"My name is Zhuo Xing'er."

"I call you Xing'er?"

The girl glared at Zhao Yang.

"Should I still call you Sister Xing'er?"

"That's about the same." The girl nodded in satisfaction.

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