Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1413 Getting to Know 1

As time went by, the upper floors of the triple building couldn't hold on anymore.

"Now we have lost another third, and we can no longer maintain the operation of the organization." The third owner said worriedly.

"What is this guy Zhao Yang going to do? We have revoked the killing order for him. Why is he still refusing to give up?"

"Does he have to destroy our triple building before he will give up?"

"This is not the way to go."

"I think I need to talk to Zhao Yang."

"Do you think he will meet us easily?"

"In this way, through the main cabinet of the Alchemy Association."

Soon the third owner contacted the Chief Pavilion Master of the Alchemy Association.

The Alchemy Association is not afraid of the triple building in terms of overall strength, but the Alchemy General Pavilion will not easily offend the triple building.

After thinking about it, Gu Huizhang decided to be the peacemaker.

Gu Huizhang contacted Zhao Yang through the token.

"Gu Huizhang jumped out to be a good person at this time." Lin Caihan snorted coldly.

When Sanchonglou chased and killed Zhao Yang, Gu Huizhang didn't show up the whole time.

"After all, I lost some responsibility." Zhao Yang said lightly.

Zhao Yang could understand why Gu Huizhang didn't stand up.

But since Gu Huizhang wants to win me over, then you should show some gestures.

Too bad none of those gestures were available.

This is why Zhao Yang was disappointed with Gu Huizhang.

"I need compensation." Zhao Yang thought for a while and gave Gu Huizhang a list, "Unless Sanchonglou provides these compensations, don't even think about peace talks."

Gu Huizhang looked at the resources listed by Zhao Yang, and his heart skipped a beat.

The value of these resources is as high as tens of billions.

Gu Huizhang then gave this list to the third landlord, who decided to give it after some discussion.

They have earned a huge amount of wealth over the years, and if they can settle the matter by paying tens of billions, then Sanchonglou is willing.

Afterwards, Sanchonglou gave those resources to Gu Huizhang, and Gu Huizhang personally took these resources and came to a desolate mountain forest.

"This is the compensation from Sanchonglou." Gu Huizhang looked at Zhao Yang with complicated eyes.

If he had known how amazing Zhao Yang was at the beginning, Gu Huizhang would have tried his best to protect Zhao Yang even if he tried to tear himself apart from Sanchonglou.

It's a pity that he missed the best time.

Now it is inconvenient to do anything more.

Zhao Yang took it.

He didn't say thank you because he didn't need it.

Sanchonglou contacted himself through the middleman Gu Huizhang. If Gu Huizhang didn't take the opportunity to ask for benefits, no one would believe it.

"There are still two years until the alchemy realm will be opened, and I will reserve a place for you to enter the hall." Gu Huizhang was very nervous when he said this.

He was worried that Zhao Yang would refuse.

Because once Zhao Yang refuses, it means that Zhao Yang will not stand behind him.

"Then thank you very much, President." After a while, Zhao Yang grinned.

Gu Huizhang couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"I will contact you through the nameplate at that time."


After Gu Huizhang left, Lin Caihan asked inexplicably, "Why did you agree?"

"Actually, what the Great Elder said is true, no one can be neutral forever." Zhao Yang said softly, "I have already torn face with the Great Elder's lineage, if I am torn face with the president's lineage again, then what will happen to Yiren and the others? manage?"

If Zhao Yang was alone, he wouldn't need to think so much.

"That is to say, the lineage of the Great Elder?"

"The line of the Great Elder is definitely going to be uprooted." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice, "The Great Elder has repeatedly targeted me, and there is no possibility of reconciliation between us. But there is no rush now, just take your time."

According to the sequence, the next one to ascend is Mingyue, and Mingyue still has several years to ascend, and even if Mingyue ascends, she will have to practice for several years before she can enter the training camp.

Zhao Yang still has time.

"What are we going to do for the next two years?"

"Youli." Zhao Yang said with a smile, "I didn't accompany you well before I said it."

For the next two years, Zhao Yang wandered with Lin Caihan while practicing.

The territory of the Lower God Realm is very large, much larger than that of the Five Elements Continent.

"If it weren't for the nameplate, it would be really inconvenient for everyone to pass on the news." Lin Caihan said with emotion.

"That's right, the one who created the empty space is definitely an indomitable existence." Zhao Yang nodded.

"Now my Qi Dao cultivation has reached the third level of the God-Serving Realm, I want to improve my Qi Dao level." Lin Caihan suddenly thought of something when Zhao Yang and Lin Caihan were shopping in Yucheng that day.

Lin Caihan's cultivation has been raised to the second level of the God-Serving Realm.

Her Qi Dao cultivation base surpassed her martial arts cultivation base.

After arriving at the Qi Dao Association in Yucheng, Lin Caihan found a staff member to upgrade the Qi Dao level.

The staff checked Lin Caihan's token and asked with some disgust, "What level do you want to certify?" Because Lin Caihan's level is the fourth-rank gate god.

"Third Grade God Serving Realm." Lin Caihan said calmly.

The staff was a little stunned, "Are you sure you want to cross so many realms?"

Lin Caihan nodded.

The staff member helped Lin Caihan fill in the information and pointed in one direction, "Go to the door of the third hall and wait."

The arrival of Lin Caihan attracted the attention of many instrument masters.

"Such a beautiful girl?"

"There are not many girls who are instrument masters."

"I haven't seen it before."

While everyone was whispering, a man in a robe came to Lin Caihan.

"Hello, I'm Lin Jiahao, a second-grade utensil master. Nice to meet you."

Lin Caihan glanced at the other party and let out an oh.

Lin Jiahao was stunned.

No more text.

"My father is the Seventh Elder of the Artifact Refining Association." Seeing that Lin Caihan was not interested in him, Lin Jiahao couldn't help showing off his family background.

Lin Caihan took Zhao Yang's arm at this time, "Husband, how is your skill level?"

"You know, I don't practice Qi Dao very much, and I'm still staying in the door god realm." Zhao Yang said softly.

Only then did Lin Jiahao realize that Lin Caihan was married.

But married women are more flavorful.

"One of my teachers is in charge of the assessment today, do you need some insider information?" Lin Jiahao said here and everyone turned their ears.

"No, and don't bother us." Lin Caihan said in a very cold tone.

Lin Jiahao's expression turned ugly.

He didn't expect Lin Caihan to be so disrespectful to himself?

But he didn't say anything.

After all, gentlemanly demeanor should be preserved.

"I don't believe I can't get you into bed." Lin Jiahao thought to himself.

Lin Jiahao relied on his status to have sex with many girls over the years.

Many of them resisted, but in the end?

It's not in his hands yet.

After half an hour, the door was pushed open, and a cold voice sounded in everyone's ears, "The craftsmen who have certified the third-grade God-Serving Realm can come in."

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