"I'm standing in front of you, can't you do nothing to me?" Zhao Yang said lightly.

"It's true that I'm not sure about killing you, but there are so many masters in the triple building, it won't be me next time."

"Then I'll wait here."

The third owner took a deep look at Zhao Yang and turned to leave.

Not long after he left, Lin Caihan came out of the room.

"Husband, are you sure you can counter him?"

"Since I got the Xuyuanshen, these are small characters." Zhao Yang said confidently.

"Why didn't my husband keep him?"

"It doesn't make sense to keep him, I want to take over the triple building?"

"Is it over?"

"One is that Sanchonglou is a killer organization, and the other is that I want to sharpen it."

Not long after the third floor owner of the triple building left, dozens of figures descended on the alchemy shop.

One landlord, ten gold medal killers, and one hundred silver medal killers.

After these killers appeared, they attacked Zhao Yang in unison.

Zhao Yang is destined to be no match for these guys.

So he used the power of his soul to fight and retreat, and finally Zhao Yang escaped from Yongcheng.

Zhao Yang stopped in a valley.

"Why are you hiding it?" Nightingale asked puzzled.

"I have left tracking marks on those guys." Zhao Yang said lightly, "Only in this way can we take care of the triple building."

If Zhao Yang killed all these guys today, he would be more cautious when Sanchonglou sent killers in the future.

This is not what Zhao Yang wants to see.

"what's next?"

"After processing those orders, I will prepare to flee for a while." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

Zhao Yang spent the next month refining alchemy in this valley.

After refining, Zhao Yang found Li Huiji and asked him to give these magic pills to the client.

Then Zhao Yang left Yongcheng.

After leaving Yongcheng, Zhao Yang appeared from time to time, and every time he appeared, he would be chased by killers.

But Zhao Yang rarely kills.

"How long do you think Zhao Yang can escape?"

"Few of those who have been targeted by the Sanchonglou over the years can survive."

"Those who survived paid a high price."

"Why doesn't the Alchemy Association ignore Zhao Yang?"

"The Alchemy Association doesn't dare to control it. If they stand up, the Alchemy Association will be abolished."

"There are not many forces in the entire Lower God Realm who dare to target the triple building?"

"Look, Zhao Yang won't be able to escape for long?"

Jiang Sichun from Yuncheng has been following Zhao Yang's news.

When she saw everyone's discussion, a cold look appeared on her face.

"Zhao Yang, aren't you amazing? You're not like a bereaved dog now."

It's just that no one expected that only one year later, Zhao Yang started to fight back.

Liyang Mountain!

This is a training base in the triple building.

At this time, more than 800 killers in this training base were completely killed by Zhao Yang. Besides, all the resources here were also robbed by Zhao Yang.

"I have to say that the Killer Organization is rich." Zhao Yang said tut-tut.

"Where are you going next?" Lin Caihan asked.

Lin Caihan was not idle either, she also made a move.

She has never been a vase, not before, not now, and not in the future.

"Take a few photos and post them on my personal account." Zhao Yang said with a smile, "Then let's show up and attract the second wave of killers."

Zhao Yang has already mastered hundreds of strongholds.

But Zhao Yang didn't want to go.

He wants to take the initiative to lure the killer, so that he can damage the triple building as much as possible.

After Zhao Yang released those photos in the Alchemy Association, Sanchonglou couldn't sit still, and Sanchonglou expressed that he would hunt and kill Zhao Yang at all costs.

A month has passed.

Two months have passed.

Three months have passed.

What Sanchonglou didn't expect was that all the killers they sent were killed by Zhao Yang, and Zhao Yang also found the bases of those killers by following the clues.

A litter.

In just three months, Sanchonglou suffered heavy losses.

So Sanchonglou intensified its pursuit of Zhao Yang, and as a result, Sanchonglou suffered even more losses three months later.

"We can't keep chasing and killing Zhao Yang." An elder said bitterly, "In order to hunt and kill Zhao Yang, we lost four elders, sixteen gold medal killers, 130 silver medal killers, and 420 bronze medal killers. In addition, the training camp was destroyed in six places."

"We've lost nearly one-half of it." The second-floor master said with a sinking face, "We really can't continue."

"Zhao Yang was chased and killed by us so badly in the early stage, why did he rise up suddenly?" the host asked in puzzlement.

"Most of Zhao Yang is surrounded by masters." The third floor owner said in a deep voice.

"Then what should we do now?" the elder asked.

"Take back the killing order against Zhao Yang." The building owner said after a while.

And after Zhao Yang's killing order was withdrawn, it caused a shock in the Lower God Realm.

You must know that Zhao Yang was the tenth Sanchonglou who took the initiative to withdraw the killing order.

"Zhao Yang has been pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger."

"I heard that Sanchonglou suffered heavy losses, and there is no way to continue."

"I really hope that Zhao Yang can uproot organizations like Sanchonglou."

"You think too highly of him."

Just when many monks thought that Zhao Yang would give up the grievances with Sanchonglou, they were shocked to find that Zhao Yang did not stop, but became more and more violent.

The killer of the triple building was found out by Zhao Yang, and after killing him, he hung on the tower.

what is this?

This is provocation.

Faced with Zhao Yang's provocation, Sanchonglou dispatched a strong lineup, but unfortunately, Zhao Yang's spirit power is too strong, and any troubles can't be hidden from him.

Therefore, Zhao Yang easily avoided the opponent's pursuit, and then killed one killer after another in the triple building.

"The eighth level of the God Realm is no longer my opponent." The sword body said indifferently after killing a killer.

"What about the Ninth Heaven?"

"Some difficulty."

"Then continue."

These days, Zhao Yang is targeting those below the fourth level of the God Realm, while those above the fourth level are targeted by the sword body.

"There are three killers three hundred miles ahead, two from the fifth heaven, and one from the fourth heaven." Zhao Yang quickly discovered three killers hiding in the dark as his power of spirit spread towards the surrounding area. killer.

"I will deal with the two statues of the fifth heaven, and you will deal with the one of the fourth heaven." Said the sword body and left.

Zhao Yang followed closely behind.

When Zhao Yang arrived, the two statues of the fifth heaven had already been killed by the sword body, and the statue of the fourth heaven was trembling all over.


Tongtianquan is about a mighty and domineering fighter.

When Zhao Yang swung his fist, there was a crackling sound in the air.

It's a pity that the killer was frightened out of his wits, his internal organs were shattered by Zhao Yang's Tongtian Fist, and he could not survive.

Zhao Yang confiscated the Qiankun bag magic weapon of the three killers and so on.

These things can be sold for money.

Can't be wasted.

"Let's continue." Zhao Yang said with burning eyes.

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