Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1402 Re-evolving the Sea of ​​Creation

The results of the investigation are irrelevant.

In short, Gou Ruidong, the great commander, should not even think about being a leader.

After returning to the Alchemy Association, Zhao Yang expressed his gratitude to everyone again, and in order to express his apology, Zhao Yang decided to give a lecture here.

Zhang Xiangxi specially arranged to go to the auditorium.

In the auditorium, Zhao Yang explained the Dao to everyone in easy-to-understand words.

In the end, let alone low-level alchemists, even an existence like Zhang Xiangxi benefited a lot.

After Zhao Yang preached here for three days and three nights, he announced to help the alchemists who were present at that time to refine the alchemy for free.

Zhao Yang will give all the refined pills as gifts, and don't want any of them.

Now everyone is excited.

Through the Dao explained by Zhao Yang, they realized that Zhao Yang's alchemy level was far above theirs.

Therefore, it is conceivable that the magic pill refined by Zhao Yang must be the best.

This is true.

No matter what level of elixir everyone asked Zhao Yang to refine, Zhao Yang refined a first-grade elixir for them.

Zhao Yang didn't even have the slightest reservation, and he would give them nine if they refined nine.

So it makes everyone a lot of money.

Zhao Yang stayed here for half a month before bidding farewell to everyone.

The alchemists of the Cangcheng Alchemy Association were a little bit reluctant to part with Zhao Yang, and they all came to see him off on the day Zhao Yang left.

"I will come to Cangcheng again if I have the chance." Zhao Yang waved his hand at them and then took Lin Caihan's hand and rushed towards Yongcheng.

Zhao Yang arrived in Yongcheng half a day later.

When they arrived at the gate of their Danpu, Jiang Sichun and Ziyuan greeted him immediately.

"This is Sister Lin, right?" Jiang Sichun asked flatteringly.

Lin Caihan couldn't help looking at Zhao Yang.

She was not angry.

"Let's go in and talk." Zhao Yang said lightly.

Jiang Sichun and Ziyuan looked at each other, and they both saw a bad premonition in each other's eyes.

After arriving in the backyard, Nightingale poured tea for everyone and left.

"Jiang Sichun, you have helped me a lot in the past three years, I am very grateful, and I thought about being with you, but you should never play tricks." Zhao Yang's eyes turned cold when he said this, "Do you know the dangerous situation that day, if the president of the Cangcheng Alchemy Association hadn't arrived in time, Caihan would probably have been in trouble."

"I don't know what you're talking about?" Jiang Sichun said in a daze.

"Ziyuan, can you explain to me why you went to President Li Huiji an hour late?" Zhao Yang looked at Ziyuan with a cold gaze.

Ziyuan fell silent, and said after a while, "Jiang Sichun persuaded me, she said that if Lin Caihan came, neither of us could go any further."

"Ziyuan, don't spitting blood." Jiang Sichun became anxious immediately.

But soon she saw a stone appear in Ziyuan's hand, and when Ziyuan's little hand rubbed against it, what Jiang Sichun said that day appeared.

"The Phonograph." Jiang Sichun looked at Ziyuan in shock and anger, "You are too despicable."

She never expected that she would be tricked by Ziyuan.

"If you hadn't said what you said that day, I wouldn't have done this kind of thing." Ziyuan said indifferently, "Of course I have to admit that I have selfish intentions, otherwise you wouldn't be able to persuade me."

Having said that, Zi Yuan stood up and bowed to Zhao Yang, "I'm sorry."

Zhao Yang watched Ziyuan leave without trying to keep her.

Actually he was very angry.

If Lin Caihan had something good or bad, he would have the heart to kill Ziyuan.

"I was wrong." Jiang Sichun looked at Zhao Yang with tears in his eyes and said, "I shouldn't have such thoughts."

"Jiang Sichun, let's get together and get separated." Zhao Yang said lightly.

"I said before that I will marry whoever cures my father." Jiang Sichun said in a deep voice.

"It has nothing to do with me." Zhao Yang shook his head.

"Zhao Yang, how do you want me to go back now? My father thought we were together." Jiang Sichun looked at Zhao Yang angrily.

Zhao Yang was silent.

Seeing Zhao Yang's appearance, Jiang Sichun knew it was useless to say anything.

She stood up, stared at Zhao Yang and said, "I hate you."

After he finished speaking, he turned and left.

Lin Caihan looked at Jiang Sichun's back and said, "Be careful, she will bite you back in the future."

"That's for the future. She has helped me a lot these years. I can't just kill her just because I'm worried about this?" Zhao Yang said with a wry smile.

"I just remind you, I didn't ask you to kill her." Lin Caihan said with a slight smile.

Then Nightingale came in.

"You can escape from danger this time, you have to thank Nightingale." Zhao Yang pointed at Nightingale.

Lin Caihan quickly stood up to express her gratitude to Nightingale.

Nightingale was terrified.

She felt that she was not entitled.

"This is a matter of duty," Nightingale said hastily.

After Nightingale left, Zhao Yang told Lin Caihan about Nightingale in detail.

"Then let Nightingale be your personal maid." Lin Caihan said with a smile.

Zhu Ya will not be able to ascend for a while, and after Zhu Ya ascends, Zhao Yang will probably go to the Central God Realm.

In other words, it is impossible for Zhao Yang to wait for Zhu Ya.

"You get to know the life in Yong City first, and then I will take you to the Sea of ​​Creation."

"Sea of ​​Creation?"

Zhao Yang told Lin Caihan about the Sea of ​​Creation.

Lin Caihan longed for a while.

After staying in Yongcheng for half a month, Lin Caihan urged Zhao Yang to take her to the Sea of ​​Creation after getting familiar with it.

Zhao Yang took Lin Caihan to the training camp.

Liu Damo warmly received Zhao Yang and his wife.

On the way, Zhao Yang had already told Lin Caihan about the sea of ​​good fortune in detail, so Lin Caihan didn't have any psychological pressure when he jumped into the sea of ​​good fortune.

"I don't know how long my sister-in-law can last inside." Liu Damo's eyes were full of expectation.

An hour has passed.

Two hours passed.

"My sister-in-law can at least reach the state of serving the gods in the future when she comes out now." Liu Damo said softly.

Zhao Yang felt a little surprised.

It stands to reason that Lin Caihan shouldn't have stayed there for so long.

Unless Lin Caihan meets a good opportunity.

Three hours passed.

"Sister-in-law's stepping into the Heavenly God Realm in the future is a certainty." Liu Damo was a little excited.

To Liu Damo, any god in the realm of the gods is a big shot.

As a result, Liu Damo waited and waited, but Lin Caihan was not there.

what's the situation?

Could it be that Lin Caihan wants to persist in it for a longer time?

Four hours passed.

Liu Damo swallowed dryly, "Sister-in-law will be able to set foot in Yuanshen Realm in the future."

Once you reach this level, you can go to the Central God Realm.

It's just that when Liu Damo said this, he noticed that Zhao Yang's face was calm.

"Isn't this the upper limit of sister-in-law?"

"I think it might be a little higher."

Five hours passed.

"God God Realm." Liu Damo said in shock.

Although it is said that if you stay in the sea of ​​good fortune for five hours, you will not be able to reach the god-controlling state [-]% in the future, but if you don't have these good fortunes, don't you even think about the god-controlling state?

Six hours passed.

"Going to the God Realm." Liu Damo didn't know what to say at this time.

But Lin Caihan still had no intention of coming up.

"Brother, will there be any accidents?" Liu Damo asked uncertainly after a while.

"No." Zhao Yang asked firmly, "I stayed inside for three days and three nights last time."

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