Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1401 To Take Revenge

"I'm here to seek justice." Zhao Yang said in a word.

"What justice are you seeking? My daughter is still in a coma." Gou Ruidong ran out and cursed at Zhao Yang.

"Gou Ruidong, you should be glad that I am reasoning with you now?" Zhao Yang said indifferently, "If I am not reasoning, I will kill you, so what can you do?"

Gou Ruidong was about to say something, Zhao Yang pointed at Gou Ruidong.

Gou Ruidong was pierced by the sword light that turned into substance on the spot, and he was nailed in mid-air.

His body was leaning, blood dripping drop by drop.

"Zhao Yang, don't go too far." Li Dagou said angrily.

"Too much? Today I have gone too far, what can you do?" Zhao Yang said that lightsabers appeared behind him one after another.

In just one short breath, it reached as many as [-].

Li Dagou saw that the world was gathered by the lightsaber, and his face turned pale.

"Zhao Yang, what do you want?"

"I said, to seek justice for my wife."

"I will investigate this matter thoroughly and give you justice."

"This matter is easy to investigate. Bring Jiang Yuanyuan and Feng Dapao." Zhao Yang said indifferently, "and search their souls in public."

"Yes." Li Dagou said in a deep voice.

"I'm sorry, I don't quite trust you." Yu Miaoran stood up as soon as Zhao Yang said this, "I can accompany the soldiers of Cangcheng."

"Thank you Miss Yu." Zhao Yang looked at Yu Miaoran and said.

"a piece of cake."

It didn't take long for Jiang Yuanyuan and Feng Dapao to be brought here.

You must know that the two of them are still injured at this time, when they saw Zhao Yang standing beside Lin Caihan, they faintly realized something.

"Let's search for the soul in public." Zhao Yang said indifferently.

Immediately, Zhao Yang made a move to read out the memories in the souls of the two while the audience was watching.

Everyone soon saw the picture of these two conspiring to lighten Lin Caihan.

And as they went deeper, everyone discovered that these two had underestimated the two female door gods before, and one of the two female door gods was killed by them, and the other became their plaything.

"It should be killed."

"These two have done such nasty things, why hasn't there been any discovery in the history of law enforcement?"

"Do you think the history of law enforcement is clean?"


By this time, everyone knew that Lin Caihan was wronged.

"I apologize to you for what happened this time." Li Dagou looked at Zhao Yang and said seriously.

"It's too early to say I'm sorry." Zhao Yang said lightly, "This incident is your negligence in the history of law enforcement in Cangcheng. Aren't you going to investigate further?"

"I..." Li Dagou didn't know what to say for a moment.

"Where's Gou Ranran?" Zhao Yang asked coldly.

Li Dagou waved his hand.

Soon the severely injured Gou Ranran was brought here.

When Gou Ranran saw Lin Caihan, there was excitement in her eyes, "Aren't you good at running away? You fell into my hands." After she finished speaking, she noticed that the atmosphere in the field was not right, and then she said Noticed that his father was stabbed to the point of death, and he was suffering right now?

"What happened?" Gou Ranran was a little confused.

"Gou Ranran, just now I have found out that Jiang Yuanyuan and Feng Dapao framed Lin Caihan. As a history of law enforcement, you are indiscriminate and want to search for people's souls. Can you be convicted?" Li Dagou scolded.

"Isn't it just a soul search? What's the big deal." Gou Ranran said indifferently.

Gou Ranran's words stunned all the soldiers present.

Soul search is no big deal?

"Why don't you search your soul?" A soldier couldn't help but said.

"What did you say?" Gou Ranran was furious.

"I've disliked you for a long time. Don't you rely on having a good father? Damn, you always search for other people's souls. Do you know what it means to search for souls?"

"You... believe it or not that I killed you?" Gou Ranran pointed at the soldier.

"Whether you can survive today is a question, and you still want to kill me?" The soldier sneered.

"Since Gou Ranran doesn't take soul searching seriously, let's search for her soul in public." Zhao Yang said as he waved his big hand at Gou Ranran, who was forcibly detained in front of Zhao Yang.

When Gou Ranran's memory fragments appeared in mid-air, Gou Ranran's face showed a look of horror.

"No, no."

This feeling is equivalent to taking off your clothes and letting others watch.

It's just that Gou Ranran's yelling was futile.

Soon everyone saw an interesting segment.

"I said, why does Gou Ranran like to search for other people's souls? It turns out that Gou Ranran was exposed for stealing when she was young."

"This is my own mental distortion and I want to take revenge on the society."

"And Gou Ranran has raised a lot of little faces."

"I didn't expect her hobby to be so special."

As Gou Ranran's memories were constantly being pulled out, Gou Ranran wanted to die.

At this time, she finally understood how those soul-searched guys were aggrieved?

"Please, stop searching." Gou Ranran begged Zhao Yang.

"I'll just ask you, have you stopped those who beg you?" Zhao Yang asked.

Gou Ranran was silent.

Have you stopped?


The more those guys begged, the more excited she became, and the more she wanted to search their souls.

"Since you haven't given them a chance, why should I give you a chance?"

As time went by, Gou Ranran's memory was picked up all over.

Only now do you know how dirty Gou Ranran is?

"City Lord Li, I don't know Gou Ranran, how will you judge?"

"Gou Ranran bullied others and acted recklessly. He killed five soldiers with his own hands, and twelve soldiers died because of her. Gou Ranran was sentenced to the death penalty."

"I am waiting."

Li Dagou looked at the disciples of Law Enforcement Hall.

The disciples of the law enforcement hall cut off Gou Ranran's head in front of everyone.

Gou Ruidong couldn't stop crying as he watched his daughter being killed.

"City Lord Li, I think you are unreliable as a commander, do you want to check it too?"

"I won't bother you about this." Li Dagou said coldly.


Gou Ruidong is an existence in the realm of gods.

"You don't need to investigate, but it doesn't mean I don't follow up." Zhao Yang said lightly, "Even you, the city lord, I will secretly investigate and see how many nasty things you have done over the years?"

"Are you threatening me?" Li Dagou was angry.

"You can understand it this way." Zhao Yang stared at Li Dagou and said.

Facing Zhao Yang's gaze, Li Dagou finally gave in.

"I will investigate." Li Dagou said bitterly.

At his level, is it possible to have a clean ass?

If Zhao Yang really finds out something and announces it, he, the city lord, will be scolded by everyone.

Li Dagou is not the kind of broken jar.

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