Ling Han's words won unanimous praise from everyone.

Everyone applauded.

"Really?" Zhao Yang's eyes fell on the young man who was slapped by Zhao Yang, "What do you think of Ling Han's mentor?"

The clarity in the boy's eyes disappeared instantly.

"Teacher Ling Han is very hypocritical, he puts on an image of a senior and an expert all day long, and he clearly knows that Lu Qianqian is a social butterfly, but he is still with Lu Qianqian. To put it bluntly, he is a greedy body." The young man There was a pause at this point, "However, Instructor Ling Han told several senior brothers in private that he would dump Lu Qianqian when he got tired of playing. Do you think this is a human thing?"

Ling Han's face turned green when he heard this.

"Ling Han." Lu Qianqian looked at Ling Han with resentment in his eyes.

"This... this is his nonsense." Ling Han hurriedly explained.

At this moment, Zhao Yang closed his magical eyes, and he said with guilt on his face, "Brother Ling, I'm really sorry, my original intention was to let you know that those who flatter you don't know how to slander you behind their backs." , I really didn’t expect him to say that.”

Ling Han didn't know what to say at this time.

"Ling Han, let's break up from today." Lu Qianqian stomped his feet and turned to leave.

And the boy knew what had happened at this time.

"Senior Brother Ling, I don't know why I just said what was in my heart out of nowhere." The boy said and slapped himself, "I'm mean, you don't count the faults of villains, please forgive me this time."

"Don't let me see you again, or I'll kill you." Ling Han looked at the boy coldly.

The boy shrank his head and ran away in a hurry.

"That... I'll treat guests to make amends some other day." Zhao Yang said with some embarrassment.

"No need." Ling Han snorted.

Zhao Yang didn't say anything else, and went straight to the lecture hall.

Zhao Yang handed the badge to the deacon, and after checking it, the deacon said, "You are in charge of the lectures of class six."


Zhao Yang immediately went to the sixth class under the leadership of a guard.

"There are many stubborn people in Class Six, you have to be careful." The guard said in a low voice.

A look of astonishment appeared in Zhao Yang's eyes.

"These recalcitrants all have backgrounds, so few are willing to hand them in." The guard looked at Zhao Yang sympathetically.

"Thank you."

There are 32 alchemists in the sixth class.

The cultivation bases of these alchemists are all below the realm of serving the gods, and they are chatting chirpingly at this moment.

The arrival of Zhao Yang caught their attention, but they didn't take Zhao Yang seriously, but continued to chat.

But what they didn't expect was that Zhao Yang ignored them. Zhao Yang took out a book of Alchemy Secret Art and read it quietly.

Half an hour passed.

A quarter of an hour passed.

Half an hour passed.

At this moment, they couldn't sit still.

"This mentor, didn't you come to teach us?" A teenager asked.


"what are you doing then?"

"Read a book."

"You won't teach us?"

"I don't teach trash."

The word trash irritated the boy and the men and women present.

"Who do you call trash?" The boy slapped the table and stood up.


As soon as his words fell, Zhao Yang's eyes fell on him.

His eyes hit his chest hard like iron.


The boy spurted blood and staggered back.

The audience was in an uproar.

"As a mentor, why do you beat someone?" A girl accused.

The girl ran to the boy's side with some distress, "Are you okay?"

"My ribs seem to be broken." The boy's face was full of pain.


Zhao Yang's eyes fell on the girl.

The girl only felt that a hammer had hit her sea of ​​consciousness hard.

She spat out a mouthful of golden blood with a wow.

"My sea of ​​consciousness, you shattered my sea of ​​consciousness." The girl's face was full of horror.

Now the rest of the men and women were all frightened.

No one thought that Zhao Yang would be so cruel?

"Do you know what it means to shatter the sea of ​​consciousness?" an old man asked in a deep voice.

"Do you believe that even if I kill her, the Alchemy Association won't do anything to me?" Zhao Yang said lightly.

"Tang Yiyi is Elder Tang's daughter, Elder Tang will not let you go." The mature man shook his head.

"Go and invite Elder Tang to come over." Zhao Yang pointed in the direction of the door.

The man froze.

"you sure?"

"I'm sure."

The man hesitated for a moment or left.

The eyes of the rest of the students were shining brightly, and they expected Elder Tang to be furious later.

Soon a middle-aged man rushed in aggressively under the leadership of that man.

After breaking into the classroom, his eyes fell on the girl for the first time, and when he noticed that the girl's sea of ​​consciousness was broken, his face showed anger.

"Who gave you the guts to touch my daughter?"

"Your daughter is so stubborn, are you sure there will be achievements in the future?"

"How about my daughter, what does it have to do with you?" Elder Tang pointed at Zhao Yang and said angrily.

Zhao Yang came to the girl and handed the girl a jade cup, "Drink it."

There is an emerald-colored liquid in the jade cup, which is bursting with divine light.

"What is this?" the girl asked.

"It can repair your sea of ​​consciousness." Zhao Yang said lightly.

This cup of divine liquid was prepared by Zhao Yang after diluting it with calming liquid.

The girl drank it in one gulp, and soon her injuries recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After ten breaths, the girl's eyes showed a bright color, "I'm cured."

"Since you've recovered, let's go with your father." Zhao Yang said calmly.


"I'm not interested in teaching a dude."

The girl fell silent.

"Yiyi, come with me." Tang Zhonghuai said in a deep voice.

The girl glanced at Zhao Yang, but still got up and left with Tang Zhonghuai.

"Is there anyone here who wants to leave? If there is, you can leave now." Zhao Yang looked around the audience and said.

The man whose ribs were broken by Zhao Yang was the first to leave.

After him, disciples left one after another.

Soon there were only thirteen students left in the field, including the seasoned man.

"You can go too." At this moment, Zhao Yang pointed at the mature man and said.

"Why?" the man asked puzzled.

"Because what you did just now is a traitor." Zhao Yang said lightly.

The man gave a wry smile, got up and left.

"My training method is different from other instructors, but what I want to tell you is that once you join, there is no possibility of quitting halfway." Zhao Yang continued, "That is to say, there is still time for you to quit now."

After Zhao Yang's voice fell, another five students left.

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