Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1380: Ling Han Advances

Zhao Yang's face was a little ugly.

How could he fail to see that these four were trying to give him a blow.

"Zi Heng, your son-in-law is quite capable." A middle-aged general with a pale face said with a smile.

This middle-aged man is Lu Haoze, the deputy commander of Yongcheng, and also Lu Qianqian's father.

"It's rare for the younger generation to have this level of cultivation." An old man with a gray beard said, stroking his beard.

This old man is Pei Changchun, the president of the Qi Dao Association.

"That's right, we didn't have this level of cultivation when we were young." An old man in a dark green robe said with bright eyes.

This is Ma Damao, the president of the Dao Association.

Zi Heng was wearing black chain armor. He looked at Zhao Yang for a while, then nodded slightly, "Not bad."

"Can you get him?" Zhao Yang said through voice transmission to the sword body.

"One is fine, but four can't be done." Sword body replied.

"What about you?"

"This kind of small character, you let me take action?" Nine Heavy Sword said angrily.

Zhao Yang fell silent.

It is certainly impossible for him to beat Zi Heng and other four god-level existences now.

"Come and sit." Zi Heng pointed to the seat next to him.

Zi Yuan touched Zhao Yang.

As a result, Zhao Yang turned around and left.

"Where are you going?" Zi Heng shouted with displeasure on his face.

Zhao Yang was too lazy to answer.

"Believe it or not, if I don't nod my head, you don't want to associate with Zi Yuan." Seeing Zhao Yang's non-stop footsteps, Zi Heng squinted his eyes and said.

But what Zi Heng didn't expect was that Zhao Yang didn't even have the intention to stop.

"Do you want to die?" Zi Heng slapped the table and stood up abruptly.

"Father, what are you going to do?" Zi Yuan stopped Zi Heng with both hands.

"Look at that kid's attitude?" Zi Heng said angrily.

"I'm not in a relationship with him." Ziyuan said helplessly.

"You use your relationship to settle Long Jueyu, do you think I don't know?"

"What does that mean?"

"Are you really not a couple?"


Only then did Zi Heng realize that he had made an own mistake.

"But that kid is crazy enough, and he doesn't know how to respect his elders." Zi Heng muttered.

Zi Yuan gave Zi Heng a hard look, and walked towards her private room.

It turned out that Zhao Yang was not there.

When I came to the first floor, I was told that Zhao Yang had already checked out and left.

"This guy is too narrow-minded." Ziyuan stomped her feet.

Let's talk about Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang went all the way back to the Alchemy Association.

The Alchemy Association specially arranged a room for Zhao Yang.

As a third-rank alchemist serving God, Zhao Yang still has his own dedicated courtyard.

After Zhao Yang came to the courtyard, he devoted himself to practicing.

His plan is not to leave the customs until he breaks through.

A year passed quickly.

Zhao Yang did not leave his small courtyard.

Jude Kao ordered the staff of the Alchemy Association not to disturb Zhao Yang after learning that Zhao Yang was practicing in seclusion.

During this period, Ling Han and Zi Yuan came several times, but they were all rejected.

When two years passed, Zhao Yang felt that his accumulation was finally enough.

It was at this time that Zhao Yang placed 300 Yuan Boundary Stones around his body. When the energy in the Boundary Stones was pulled out and entered Zhao Yang's body, he frantically started the Nine Revolutions Tongxuan Gong.

At the same time, Zhao Yang's cultivation was also increasing rapidly.

Two years can change a lot.

On the surface, Ling Han is close to Zhao Yang, but deep down he refuses to admit defeat.

After two years of hard work, Dan Dao's cultivation has improved to a higher level.

What Ling Han is conducting today is the third-rank God of Samurai assessment, and there are quite a few people watching Ling Han's assessment at this time.

"Third rank servant god."

"How many of the younger generation have reached this level?"

"Didn't someone named Zhao Yang achieve it before?"

"That guy seems to have retreated as soon as he came to the Alchemy Association. I don't know if this guy has real talents or learning?"

"I also suspect that there is no one who retreats for two years after coming up?"

Ling Han has accumulated a lot of contacts in the Alchemy Association in the past two years, so that he has many little fans and little girls.

Listening to these guys' discussions, Lu Qianqian felt extremely proud.

This is the man I, Lu Qianqian, chose?

I don't know how much time has passed since the door of the room opened, and Ling Han walked out with a smile on his face.

Everyone's eyes immediately fell on the badge on his chest.

"Third rank servant god."

"Pill Master Ling has broken through to rank three serving the gods."

"Pill Master Ling, I love you."

Ling Han smiled and greeted everyone one by one.

At this moment, Ling Han suddenly saw a familiar figure.

"Zhao Yang."

Zhao Yang stopped involuntarily, "Ling Han, are you...?"

"I am also a third-rank servant now." Ling Han pointed to the badge on his chest and said.

"Congratulations." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

"I'm on an equal footing with you now." Ling Han said happily.

Zhao Yang was noncommittal.


You were not equal back then, and you are not even equal now.

"Where are you going now?"

"I'm going to complete the mission of the sect." Zhao Yang said softly.

"I heard from Vice President Qiu that you served as a lecturer of the Alchemy Association." Ling Han's eyes flashed.


"Can I go and listen?" Ling Han wanted to test Zhao Yang's alchemy level.

"Yes." Zhao Yang said indifferently.

What Zhao Yang didn't know was that his words had stimulated all of Ling Han's little fans and little girls.

"Let Brother Ling listen in?"

"Are you sure you have the qualifications?"

"Are you taking yourself too seriously?"

Seeing those guys slandering him in a hurry, Zhao Yang's face was full of bewilderment and he said, "Ling Han, who are these mad dogs who are biting people?"

Ling Han was a little confused at this moment.

Mad dog?

Zhao Yang scolded a group of people?

"Who the hell are you talking about?" A grumpy teenager pointed at Zhao Yang and cursed.


Zhao Yang slapped him with his hands, half of his face was swollen.

"You are just a ninth-grade door god. Who gave you the courage to yell at me? If you don't know the rules, I don't mind teaching you?"

Zhao Yang's words stunned the men and women present.

"Senior Brother Ling." The man looked at Zhao Yang as if asking for help.

He also didn't expect Zhao Yang to be so unreasonable.

"Zhao Yang is a third-rank god of servants, you can't humiliate him." Ling Han pondered for a while, but said righteously.

He really wanted to protect his little fanboy.

The problem is that Zhao Yang stands on righteousness.

He wants to maintain, and there is no reason.

"Ling Han, for the sake of our being friends, let me advise you that there are some rubbish, so don't teach them." Zhao Yang patted Ling Han on the shoulder, and said earnestly, "For example, these guys, all of them are not good at all. Steady, what can you achieve in the future?"

"Preaching and dispelling doubts is my duty as a lecturer. I don't care what their aptitude is or what their character is. As long as they are willing to follow me, I will teach them all." Ling Han said solemnly.

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