Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1376 The Dragon Family's Revenge

Two hours later, Zhao Yang came out of the alchemy room, and Liu Damo and Zi Yuan rushed to greet him.

"What's the matter?" Liu Damo asked.

"For the first time to refine the Boundary Breaking Pill, only the second grade was refined." Zhao Yang said with some regret, "Tang Master Liu, please give me these nine pieces in exchange for boundary stones, and bring me another medicine. By the way, remember to deduct the two medicines as well."

Liu Damo checked and found that Zhao Yang had really refined nine gleaming second-grade pills.

"Wait a moment." Liu Damo left with nine second-grade pills.

"How far has your alchemy reached?"

"It's the third level of the god-serving realm."

"Then what are you doing refining the Breakthrough Pill?"

"This is the first time I have refined the Breakthrough Pill, and I have never refined a higher-level Divine Pill."

"Then how do you say that your alchemy has reached the third level of the god-serving realm?"

"I haven't practiced it before, it doesn't mean it can't be refined."

"Are you so confident?"

Zhao Yang was too lazy to say anything to him.

"With your current alchemy skills, you can join the alchemy hall in Yongcheng."

"Why can't I join the Alchemy Association?"

Ziyuan's eyes flashed, "You want to get rid of the shackles of Yongcheng?"

"Yongcheng is just a small stage, why should I be controlled by others?" Zhao Yang said lightly.

"Yongcheng will give you more."

Zhao Yang smiled without saying a word.

Of course he knew that following Yongcheng would benefit a lot in the early stage.

But in the later stage, if you want to pat your ass and leave, how can there be such a cheap thing?

After a while, Liu Damo came over.

Zhao Yang took the medicinal materials and went to make alchemy.

Two hours later, Zhao Yang came out with a jade bottle in his hand.

"Master Liu, can I ask you a few questions?"

"You said."

"Can I graduate from training camp now?"

"Okay, now your cultivation is already at the level of serving the gods, and you can graduate from the training camp."

"Where do the graduates go?"

"First, Yongcheng will arrange some tasks for you, such as serving as some high-level servants, or you can enter the army as a captain; second, you can also go out on your own, but you need to pay the fee before you go out, after all, the training camp is not Doing charity for nothing.”

"It depends on how much resources you have consumed in the training camp."

"And me?"

"In the past three years, you have not been to the training room of the Zongmen, nor have you practiced the martial arts and supernatural powers provided by the Zongmen, and you have not received any benefits or resources from the Zongmen. The conditions for practice." Liu Damo thought for a while and said, "You will not spend more than a hundred boundary stones."

"You help me sell six first-grade pills." Zhao Yang said after thinking about it.

After Liu Damo sold the six first-grade pills, Zhao Yang handed Liu Damo three hundred boundary stones, "I can't take advantage of the training camp, let alone take advantage of Yongcheng, so I will give you three hundred boundary stones."

"That's too much." Liu Damo said hastily.

"I will stay here for a few more days." Zhao Yang said softly, "This is equivalent to the accommodation fee."

"This... okay." Liu Damo could see that Zhao Yang was not a potential dragon, so he said it smoothly.

"Zhao Yang, I think you should think about it again." Ziyuan said in a deep voice at this time, "If you don't have the protection of Yongcheng, Long Jueyu will definitely trouble you."

"Then kill Long Jueyu."

"You...Aren't you afraid of Yongcheng's revenge?"

"That means you Yongcheng is unreasonable." Zhao Yang said indifferently.

There is another sentence that Zhao Yang did not say, if Yongcheng is unreasonable, then Yongcheng will be overthrown.

Zhao Yang does not have this strength, but Zhao Yang has the means.

Zhao Yangdao hasn't used the skill bestowed by the gods in the pagoda yet.

In addition, Zhao Yang's sword body is now the existence of the sixth heaven of the God-Serving Realm, and don't forget the big brother of the nine-fold sword.

Zhao Yang didn't believe that Jiuzhongjian would ignore him when he was facing a life-and-death crisis.

"It's not because of kindness that Yongcheng has come to where it is today." Liu Damo said lightly at this time.

Zhao Yang understood that Liu Damo was reminding himself.

"Since I dared to kill Longsheng in public, I considered that there is someone behind Longsheng." Zhao Yang said calmly.

Liu Damo's expression changed.

Is there really someone behind Zhao Yang?

"Long Jueyu's matter, I will help you settle it." Ziyuan said after a while.

"Thank you." Zhao Yang looked at Zi Yuan and said.

Although Zhao Yang didn't need Ziyuan's help, he couldn't refuse Ziyuan's kindness.

After Ziyuan left, Zhao Yang came to his courtyard, and there were already a sea of ​​people around his courtyard.

Luoxue stood among the crowd and looked at Zhao Yang with a smile. When she saw Zhao Yang, she walked over bouncing around.


Zhao Yang dragged Luoxue into the courtyard.

Nightingale's eyes dimmed in the courtyard.

"Nightingale, after I leave the training camp, Luoxue will be taken care of by you." Zhao Yang said softly.

"I will." Nightingale said without hesitation.

"Luoxue, you can move your room here later."

"What about you?"

"I'm going to live with Huada." Zhao Yang said and looked at Huada who was standing aside.

"My room is very spacious." Hua Da said with a smile, "And from now on, Luoxue will be my sister. Whoever targets her will target me."

Luoxue's cultivation was too low.

Hua Da knew that Zhao Yang was worried about this.

"This disk is for you." Zhao Yang handed Hua Da a disk and said, "After your goddess is used up, you have to improve yourself as soon as possible."

"Thanks, brother." Hua said excitedly.

After Huada left in a hurry, Zhao Yang brought Luoxue to Nightingale's room.

In the room, Zhao Yang handed Nightingale a formation disk and a magic pill.

"This array can double your cultivation speed." Zhao Yang said softly.

"This..." Nightingale was moved.

"I made this disk array specially for you, you can take it."

"Okay." Nightingale said after thinking about it.

"This Divine Pill is a first-grade Breakthrough Pill that I refined. If you are blocked from breaking through to the God-Serving Realm in the future, you can take this Breakthrough Pill." Zhao Yang pointed at the Divine Pill.

"Is your alchemy so high?"

"It's higher than you think."

"Can you stop the Long family's revenge?"

"I have the trump card, not to mention the Long family, even if it is Yongcheng, I have no fear." When Zhao Yang said this, his face was full of confidence.

Looking at Zhao Yang's expression, Luoxue became infatuated.

Nightingale's beautiful eyes showed a trace of confusion.

"Luoxue, in the future, if you don't understand anything, you can ask Nightingale a lot. From now on, you will treat Nightingale like your own sister, you know?" Zhao Yang immediately changed the subject.

"Yeah." Luoxue nodded obediently.

Looking at Luoxue's pure and flawless eyes, Nightingale seemed to understand why Zhao Yang doted on her so much.


There is such a trace of jealousy.

But Nightingale wouldn't do anything to Luoxue because of this?

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