Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1375 Arrival of Ziyuan

Long Zaixing was not annoyed that he shouldn't have provoked Zhao Yang, but rather annoyed that he invited a master from the clan before the start.

"Unfortunately, you were the one who died first." Zhao Yang punched Long Zaixing to pieces at this point.

Seeing this scene, Han Qinhu trembled all over his body.

He didn't expect that after paying such a high price, his backer was still killed by Zhao Yang.

So when Zhao Yang's eyes fell on Han Qinhu, Han Qinhu peed in fright.

Fortunately, Zhao Yang immediately closed his eyes.

No need.

In Zhao Yang's view, Han Qinhu is no longer worthy of his attention.

"Let's chat." Liu Damo waved at Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang left with Liu Damo.

After arriving at Liu Damo's courtyard, Liu Damo stepped back and said solemnly, "I also just learned that Long Zai had an uncle when I was fighting Long Zai, who was in charge of law enforcement history in Yongcheng."

"History of Law Enforcement?"

"The cultivation base of Law Enforcement History must at least be above the Fourth Heavenly Heaven of the God-Serving Realm."

"its not right."

"what happened?"

"How does Ziyuan serve the Third Heaven of the God Realm is the history of law enforcement?"

"Do you know Ziyuan?"


"It would be great if that's the case." What Zhao Yang didn't expect was that Liu Damo said excitedly, "Ziyuan is the daughter of the commander-in-chief of Yongcheng, you know?"

"Great Commander?"

"In terms of position, he is only under the city lord, and he is the second person with real power in Yongcheng." Liu Damo said quickly, "If you know Ziyuan, what kind of revenge are you worried about?"

"I had some misunderstandings with Zi Yuan." Zhao Yang said softly.

"Why do you care about these little misunderstandings in the face of life and death?" Liu Damo said and took out his token to contact Ziyuan.

"It's better not to contact her." In fact, Zhao Yang wanted to say that he could contact her.

Because Zhao Yang discovered something through the battle.

I can easily kill the dragon born in the third level of the God-Serving Realm, so what about facing the existence of the fourth and fifth levels of the God-Serving Realm?

Zhao Yang felt that he was capable of fighting.

"This technique is reputed to be invincible at the same level, but the monks in this realm are too scumbag, you can still go beyond two small realms." The voice of the nine heavy swords rang in Zhao Yang's ears.

Zhao Yang's face turned green immediately.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"I thought you could find out." Nine Heavy Sword said with a smile.

"Can my plus magic still work?"

"Your plus magic has been abolished." Nine Heavy Swords replied, "That's just a superficial magic, how can you add a heaven-defying skill like Jiuzhuan Tongxuan Gong?"

"It seems that I am no match for the Sixth Heaven of the Serving God Realm." Zhao Yang murmured.

"Did you forget your formation?"

Zhao Yang was stunned.

At this time, Liu Damo said with a smile, "Ziyuan replied that he will come soon."

Zhao Yang opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

"You said you have this kind of relationship, what are you doing hiding?"

Zhao Yang smiled wryly.

Not long after, Zi Yuan, dressed in purple, came to Liu Damo's courtyard.

Eyes like autumn water fell on Zhao Yang, "I didn't expect you to be promoted to such a level in such a short time?"

"I didn't expect you to be more beautiful than before in such a short period of time?"

Zi Yuan glared at Zhao Yang and said, "Where's that little girlfriend of yours?"

"What kind of little girlfriend?" Zhao Yang said speechlessly, "I think the girl is lonely and helpless, so I helped her. How did you say she became a little girlfriend?"

"But you shouldn't have given her the boundary stone I gave you." Zi Yuan said angrily.

As soon as Zhao Yang waved his hand, thousands of boundary stones appeared in front of him.

"Actually, when you gave me the boundary stones, I had many boundary stones on me."

"At that time you had just ascended, how could you have a boundary stone on your body?" Ziyuan quickly found a loophole in her words.

Immediately Ziyuan's eyes fell on Liu Damo, "Did you give it to me?"

Liu Damo looked wronged, "What does this have to do with me?"

"What else do you have to explain?" Zi Yuan stared at Zhao Yang.

"I've already explained it to you, do you believe it or not?" Zhao Yang was also a little annoyed.

"You..." Ziyuan's Qianqianyu pointed at Zhao Yang, her eyes were full of anger.

"In the history of Ziyuan's law enforcement, Zhao Yang has been in the training camp for three years, and his cultivation level has been raised from the fourth level of the gate god to the third level of the servant god. , how could there be such an achievement?" Liu Damo said to Ziyuan via voice transmission.

Zi Yuan's pupils shrank.

In three years, he has been promoted from the fourth level of the gate god realm to the third level of the servant god realm!

Has anyone in Yongcheng made such an entry over the years?

"It seems that I have misunderstood you."

Zhao Yang was noncommittal.

"I've already apologized to you."

"You apologized, so I'm going to accept it?" Zhao Yang sneered, "How can there be such a cheap thing?"

"Do you know that Long Zaisheng's uncle is the existence of the fifth heaven in the God-Serving Realm?" Zi Yuan said angrily, "If I don't show up, Long Jueyu will definitely look for you."

"Then let him come." Zhao Yang said as he raised his feet and walked towards the distance.

"This bastard." Zi Yuan stomped her feet.

Seeing this scene, Liu Damo muttered in his heart, how can this be a friend?It looks more like a dispute between lovers.

After thinking about it, Ziyuan still followed behind Zhao Yang, while Liu Damo followed behind Ziyuan.

Besides, Zhao Yang came all the way to the alchemy room.

After Zhao Yang registered his name, he borrowed medicinal materials from the training camp.

"You know how to make alchemy?" Ziyuan came over and asked curiously.

"Can't you?" Zhao Yang glanced at Zi Yuan.

"Can't you talk to me nicely?" Ziyuan was so angry that she wanted to run away.

After Zhao Yang received the medicinal materials handed over by the deacon, he asked, "How many boundary stones are there for the Breaking Realm Pill?"

"One of the three thousand boundary stones."

"What about first-class ones?"

"Eight thousand and one pieces of the first grade."

Zhao Yang nodded and came to an alchemy room.

Ziyuan looked at Liu Damo who rushed over and asked, "Zhao Yang can make alchemy?"

"A year ago, he refined a first-grade advanced pill that can step into the Ninth Heaven of the Door God Realm."

"Who is his teacher?"

"He doesn't have any teachers."

Hearing this, Ziyuan fell silent, and after a while he looked at Liu Damo and said, "Do you think he can refine the Breakthrough Pill?"

"Broken Realm Pill belongs to the God-Serving Pill, but now his cultivation has reached the third level of God-Serving Realm. I think refining Pojing Pill should be a very simple thing?" Liu Damo thought for a while then said.

"Alchemy masters at the level of servant gods are already qualified to enter the eyes of the senior officials of Yongcheng." Zi Yuan said with burning eyes.

Liu Damo wanted to say this, but he might not take the senior officials of Yongcheng seriously.

Of course, Liu Damo would not say such spoiling words.

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