Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1365 He's cheating on you

"What? My boundary stone isn't good?" Zhao Yang's face suddenly darkened.

"Yes." The man took a deep look at Zhao Yang, and then left with several members of the law enforcement team.

Nightingale's eyes were red, "I will pay you back in the future."

"Your most important task right now is to heal your wounds, don't worry about Jieshi." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

Nightingale was very moved.

"By the way, what do you use for cultivation?"

"Boundary stone."

"Do you still have the boundary stone?"

"It's gone." Nightingale said shyly.

In order to pay off her debts, she was already penniless at this time.

"This is for you." Zhao Yang handed Nightingale a universe bag.

Nightingale's divine sense scanned and found that there were five hundred boundary stones in the Qiankun bag.

"I can't."

"If you don't want it, when will your cultivation be upgraded?" Zhao Yang said softly.

After some hesitation, Nightingale took it.

"Thank you."

"Senior Sister Nightingale is a proud girl in my heart."

Nightingale smiled shyly.

Zhao Yang chatted with Nightingale for a while before returning to his room.

He still has a lot to do!

Array Dao and Pill Dao have to be practiced from scratch, which cannot be learned in a short time.

Zhao Yang stayed in the room for half a year until Tian Huada came to him.

"Zhao Yang, that... How many boundary stones do you have?" Hua Dawei asked Zhao Yang a little awkwardly after exchanging greetings for a while.

"what happened?"

"I want to borrow some boundary stones from you."

"How many?"

"Eight hundred."

"So many?" Zhao Yang would not have said such things before, but now he already understands the price of boundary stones.

"I want to buy an advanced pill."

"Do you want to break through to the Ninth Heaven of the Door God Realm?"

"Yeah, I've been stuck in the Eighth Heaven of the Door God Realm for a long time, and I don't want to continue doing nothing like this."

Zhao Yang looked at Hua Da in surprise, "Why do you want to work hard all of a sudden?"

Hua was a little embarrassed and said, "Well... I fell in love with a girl, but she is from the Ninth Heaven, and I don't think I deserve it."

"Well, I should support this kind of thing."

"You have so many?" Hua Da looked at Zhao Yang in surprise.

He didn't expect that Zhao Yang really had so many boundary stones on his body?

"I do have so many boundary stones on me, but do you believe me?" Zhao Yang asked after pondering for a while.

"Believe it." Hua University didn't understand what the relationship between these two things was?

"What level of advanced pill did you buy?"

"Second product."

"Do you know that the advanced pill of the second rank will damage your body, so it may be difficult for you to step into the realm of serving the gods in the future." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice.

"First-rank advanced pills are not available in the training camp."

"Well, you wait for me for three months, and then I will refine it for you." Zhao Yang looked at Hua Da and said.

"Are you an alchemist too?" Hua Dawei looked at Zhao Yang in astonishment.

"Yeah, so what do you choose now? Do you want eight hundred boundary stones, or wait for me for two months."

Hua University thought for a while and said, "I'll wait for two months."

If it is three years, Huada will still consider it, but if it is three months, it can still wait.

"I will not let you down."

"Then I won't disturb your cultivation." Hua said and left.

After Huada left, Zhao Yang set up a restriction in the room and took a hundred boundary stones.

When the hundred boundary stones were ignited, Zhao Yang silently performed the Nine Revolutions Tongxuan Gong.


Energy like a tide flooded Zhao Yang's body.

A month has passed.

Two months have passed.

Three months have passed.

When the stipulated date came, Hua Dao came out of Zhao Yang's room, but when Hua Dao saw the restriction imposed by Zhao Yang, Hua Dao obediently waited outside.

One day, two days, three days.

The gate was not opened until the fourth day.

"It's a little different from what I guessed, I'm sorry." Zhao Yang showed an apologetic look on his face.

"Brother, can you refine advanced pills now?" Hua Da asked hurriedly.

"Yes, but I don't have the ingredients to refine the elixir?"

"The alchemy hall in the training camp can provide it, but..."

"what happened?"

"First, medicinal materials need money; second, the alchemy room also needs to be rented."

"Can't the medicinal materials be rented first?"

"Okay, but if the refinement is useless, you will have to pay the full amount by then."

"Don't worry." Zhao Yang said with a smile, "This kind of thing doesn't exist."

But Hua Da was very disturbed in his heart.

He has no idea.

But it has come to this point, Huada can only bite the bullet and go on.

After arriving at the alchemy room, Zhao Yang filled in the relevant information and received a set of medicinal materials.

"You wait outside." Zhao Yang said after entering an alchemy room.

"You can make alchemy with peace of mind inside, and I will guard it for you." Hua University said solemnly.

There is a disciple in the Alchemy Hall who is Han Qinhu's younger brother, so this younger brother ran all the way to Han Qinhu's courtyard and told Han Qinhu that Zhao Yang wanted to make alchemy.

Han Qinhu immediately brought a group of younger brothers to the alchemy hall.

"Hua Da, did your kid get kicked in the head by a donkey?" Han Qinhu taunted Hua Da when he came to Hua Da.

"What does I want to do, what does it have to do with you?" Hua Da asked with a dark face.

Because Hua Dao intervened in the conflict between Zhao Yang and Han Qinhu, the relationship between the two parties has never been dealt with.

"That kid is only the fifth level of the Door God Realm, do you think he can refine an advanced pill that can step into the ninth level?" Han Qinhu laughed loudly.

Hearing this, Huada's heart sank.


Zhao Yang is only the fifth level of the Door God Realm?

And why didn't I check Zhao Yang's cultivation just now?

Even if Zhao Yang has set foot on the sixth level of the door god realm in three months, is it possible for Zhao Yang to refine the advanced pill that can step on the ninth level?

But how could Huada be cowardly at this time?

"I believe my brother has this strength." Hua said in a cold voice.

Han Qinhu pulled a bench and sat down, "I want to see how your brother refines the advanced pill that can step into the ninth heaven?"

About two hours later, Zhao Yang pushed open the door of the alchemy room, and a foul smell came out immediately.

"Senior Brother Hua, borrow another batch of medicinal materials."

Hua Da's expression changed, he stepped forward and whispered, "Brother, are you sure?"

"The hand was born just now, and some accidents happened." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

"One furnace of medicinal materials costs [-] boundary stones." Hua Da warned.

"It's okay, don't worry." Zhao Yang gave Hua Da a look that I am doing things, you are at ease.

Huada had no choice but to borrow another batch of medicinal materials.

Zhao Yang took the medicinal materials and entered the alchemy room.

"Hua Da, do you believe this kid is not cheating you?" Han Qinhu asked with a smile.

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