Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1364 Repayment of Debt

Zhao Yang hurriedly pushed the door open and entered.

I saw Nightingale lying on the ground covered in weakness.

Zhao Yang checked Yeying's injuries, only to find that three of her ribs were broken, and her internal organs were also displaced under the strong bombardment.

Zhao Yang hugged Nightingale to the bed, then got up and went to the courtyard.

Only then did he discover that the courtyard was banned by Nightingale.

There are bans in every courtyard.

Zhao Yang didn't understand it before, but after half a month of study, he easily broke the restriction.

He contacted Huada through the token, and Huada hurried over after a while.

"What happened? Let me come in a hurry?" Hua University asked hurriedly.

"Come and take a look." Zhao Yang brought Hua Dao to Nightingale's room.

Hua Da checked Yeying's injury, and said angrily, "Han Qinhu is too much. When I heard that Yeying was injured, I thought it was just a normal injury. Who would have thought that he would strike so hard?"

"Do you have a healing pill?"

"Yes." Hua Dao said as he took out a healing pill and gave it to Nightingale.

"How much is the healing pill?"

"It's too much to tell me that money is too much." Huada insisted on not wanting money.

After a while, Zhao Yang Nightingale woke up leisurely.

When she saw Zhao Yang and Hua Dao next to her, "Thank you."

"I'll be relieved when I wake up, Nightingale, you can rest at ease and recover from your wounds, I'll go first." Hua University wanted to leave knowingly.

"I'll see you off." Zhao Yang got up.

At the door, Hua Dao looked at Zhao Yangdao solemnly, "Han Qinhu has almost reached the peak in the eighth heaven, and he is far from being able to compete with you. I know your potential is terrible, but you are not yet an opponent. Be patient, wait until your strength improves, and then talk about revenge."

Zhao Yang nodded.

After Huada left, Zhao Yang came to Nightingale's room.

Nightingale forced herself to sit up.

"Heal your injuries first, and I will avenge you." Zhao Yang said seriously.

"Han Qinhu is very strong, you are no match for him." Nightingale said hastily.

"I didn't say to deal with Han Qinhu now, give me some more time, and I can seriously injure or even kill him." Zhao Yang said lightly.

"I thought I would be able to compete with Han Qinhu after breaking through. Who would have thought that Han Qinhu would be so strong?" Nightingale said bitterly, "I won't be able to get better in a year or so."

"What about the challenge every three months?"

"After explaining the reason to the training camp, you can wait for the injury to heal before making up."

"Well, then you can heal your wounds in the room during this time." Zhao Yang stood up as he said, "I will go to retreat next time, so I won't be able to visit you."

"Shut up?"

Zhao Yang nodded.

After returning to his room, Zhao Yang placed ten boundary stones around him after setting up warning restrictions around him.

As Zhao Yang performed the nine-turn Tongxuan Gong, the energy from the ten boundary stones was drawn out one by one and poured into Zhao Yang's body.

One day passed.

Two days have passed.

Three days have passed.

Gradually, the divine power in Zhao Yang's body was forcibly dissipated.

His cultivation is constantly declining.

Zhao Yang knew that this was an inevitable result.

At this time, he completely removed the foundation of the original true understanding.

After all the divine power in his body dissipated, a drop of golden liquid began to condense in Zhao Yang's body.

When this drop of golden liquid was completely formed, the first stage of the first round of Zhao Yang's Nine Revolutions Tongxuan Gong was completed.

He could feel the terrifying energy contained in this drop of golden liquid.

But compared with him before, the difference is not a star.

"Don't feel sorry." The voice of the nine heavy swords rang in Zhao Yang's ears, "There are nine basic exercises in this world, and any one of them can be cultivated to the realm of the god king in the future. The problem is you Practice is not the full version."

"Not the full version?"

"The complete version of the nine basic exercises can only be found in ethnic groups with a long history." Jiu Chongjian said with a smile, "But even if it is a complete original true solution, it will only be able to practice to the level of a god-king in the future, and what you practice Nine-turn Tongxuan Gong can be cultivated to be above the god king."

"It took a month to reach the first stage of cultivation, and I have to improve my cultivation to the second stage as soon as possible." Zhao Yang said after thinking about it.

If you don’t cultivate to the second stage, you won’t be able to do it.

At present, Zhao Yang is only invincible at the third level in front of the door god realm, but this kind of invincibility is useful?

The weakest ones in the training camp are all in the fourth level of the door god realm.

Zhao Yang took out thirty boundary stones this time, placed them around him, and then continued to perform the Nine-Turn Tongxuan Gong.

It took Zhao Yang two months to break through to the second stage.

After reaching this stage, Zhao Yang found that his cultivation had directly increased by more than ten times.

"I finally understand why after breaking through to the second stage, I was able to sweep the sixth heaven of the Door God Realm?" Zhao Yang said with emotion.

"You have broken through two stages in a row, and it is not suitable for you to break through again in a short period of time." Nine Heavy Swords warned Zhao Yang.

"The next thing I will do is to learn alchemy and formation." Zhao Yang didn't think about continuing to break through.

Continuous breakthrough, if it affects the foundation, it will be bad.

Furthermore, Zhao Yang did not urgently expect a breakthrough.

He got up and went to Nightingale's room.

Nightingale's face was still a little pale. At this time, she was watering the flowers in the courtyard?

It's a pity that the flower of God withered.

"These divine flowers are no longer worth saving." Zhao Yang said softly after looking at them.

"I know, but I still want to try." Nightingale said with bitterness on her face.

"Are you very concerned about these divine flowers?" Zhao Yanggang said that a few men in golden coats came to the door here.

"Nightingale, should you pay back the loan of Yingshenhua?" a man said in a deep voice, "You've been in arrears for a month."

"Can you slow me down for a while?" Nightingale said with some embarrassment.

Nightingale didn't expect the injury to be so serious?So much so that the God-welcoming flower withered directly.

And Zhao Yang was also in retreat during that time.

"Sorry, if you can't get out the loan today, then you have to go to the mine to mine." The man shook his head and said.

"Mining?" Nightingale's eyes dimmed.

"Come with us." The man said lightly.

When Nightingale was about to turn around, Zhao Yang shouted, "How much is Yingshenhua's loan?"

"For one Yingshenhua Fifty Boundary Stones, Nightingale borrowed a total of four plants, which means two hundred Boundary Stones." The man said.

Zhao Yang threw a Qiankun bag to the man, "There are two hundred boundary stones in the Qiankun bag."

The man froze.

In fact, he was sent by Han Qinhu to torture Nightingale.

But who would have thought that Zhao Yang would give Jieshi instead of Nightingale.

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