Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1358 Sea of ​​Creation

"What if you reach the sixth or seventh heaven?" Nightingale smiled slightly, "You must know that the rules are made by the strong, and the weak can only take their share."

Now Zhao Yang finally knew why he was so friendly to him when he gave Hua Da thirty boundary stones?

It turned out that I gave too much.

In the early morning of the next day, Zhao Yang had just woken up and Hua Da hurried over.

"Brother, pack up your things, I'll change your room for you."

"what happened?"

"The grandson who arranged the accommodation tricked me, and even tricked you." Hua Da said angrily, "The nightingale lives next to you. The nightingale is known as a rose with thorns. I don't know how many experts want to go there." Pick. If you live here, you will be implicated."

"It's okay." Unexpectedly, Zhao Yang said these words, "Brother, I like this kind of pressure."


"Senior Brother Hua, I won't make fun of my own life. If it really doesn't work, I'll move later." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

"Forget it, at the worst, I'll help you out." Hua Da thought for a while and said, "Are you ready? I'll take you to the Sea of ​​Creation."

"Ready." Zhao Yang nodded.

"Let's go then."

As for Nalan Chaoran, he didn't have that kind of treatment. He was waiting at the gate of the Sea of ​​Creation early in the morning.

When he saw Hua University, he hurried over to greet him.

"Brother Hua."

Hua Da gave a hum, then walked towards the inside with his arms around Zhao Yang's shoulders.

Nalan followed behind aloofly.

After the deacon of the training camp registered the information of the two, Hua Da said softly, "Don't be afraid after arriving in the Sea of ​​Creation, use your heart to feel it."

After Zhao Yang nodded, he jumped into a channel of the Sea of ​​Creation.

This channel is connected to the sea of ​​creation.

After Zhao Yang jumped into the sea of ​​creation, Zhao Yang felt as if he had returned to the mother's body.

That feeling kept his mind relaxed.

Gradually Zhao Yang was immersed in that state.

The power of good fortune kept rushing towards his body, and gradually his whole body was emitting divine light.

Hua Da waited for half an hour at the passage before he saw Nalan crawling out of it aloofly.


"I don't seem to have changed much." Nalan said sadly.

"It's reasonable that those who came out in half an hour didn't get any luck." Hua Da waved his hand and said, "You can leave now."

Nalan detachedly saluted Hua Da and left.

After an hour passed, Huada was a little excited.

"Almost all those who come out at this time have gained a lot of luck."

After two hours passed, Hua Da was shocked.

"Almost all those who come out at this time have achieved great fortune, and will be [-]% able to step into the realm of serving the gods in the future."

After three hours passed, Hua Da was filled with horror.

"Those who come out at this time will be [-]% able to step into the realm of gods." After realizing this, Hua Da finally understood why Ziyuan valued Zhao Yang so much.

It turned out that Ziyuan knew that Zhao Yang was the existence of good fortune.

Just waiting and waiting, Zhao Yang still hasn't come out.

After four hours passed like this, Hua Da was dumbfounded.

Because this means that Zhao Yang will be able to surpass the realm of gods in the future and become an existence beyond the city lord of Yongcheng.

"Are you going to witness a miracle today?" Hua University murmured.

It's just that after five hours had passed and Zhao Yang hadn't been seen, Shi Huada was in a bad mood.

He felt that something happened to Zhao Yang.

After waiting for another two hours, Hua Da was [-]% sure that something happened to Zhao Yang.

Huada immediately notified the matter to the top management of the training camp.

The high-level officials rushed here and inquired carefully about what happened.

"There have been very few accidents in the Sea of ​​Creation these years. I didn't expect it to happen again today." The person in charge of the training camp said with a sinking face.

"Didn't you say that nothing will happen to the Sea of ​​Creation?" Hua Da asked puzzledly.

"Yes, but there hasn't been a case for many years." The person in charge sighed softly, "Some monks got lost in the sea of ​​good fortune."


"Some say that the Sea of ​​Creation is restless, while others say that the rules are disordered. This kind of situation prevents monks from returning, and if they continue to stay in it, the ending will definitely be bad."

Hua Da felt a little uncomfortable.

He thought Zhao Yang was a good junior, but it was a pity that he died young.

After the senior management left, Hua Dao waited here for another three hours, and then he also left.

There is no possibility.

He felt that it was impossible for Zhao Yang to come out again.

What everyone didn't know was that Zhao Yang was still devouring the power of good fortune in the sea of ​​good fortune.

I don't know how long it has passed, and suddenly a sword fell to his side from a distance.

It was at this moment that Zhao Yang woke up with a start.

He looked at the sword and murmured, "How can there be a sword in the sea of ​​creation?"

As he said this, a mental wave suddenly appeared in his mind.

"Nine heavy swords."

"This sword was originally owned by a peerless swordsman. After the other party fell, it floated into the sea of ​​good fortune."

When Zhao Yang picked up the nine-epee sword, a figure walked into Zhao Yang's sea of ​​consciousness.

The figure sat cross-legged in his sea of ​​consciousness and explained the essence of the sword.

After explaining it once, the figure got up and began to dance the sword.

"This is the imprint left by the master on the divine sword, otherwise you would never be able to learn the master's skills." At this time, the nine-fold sword transmitted a wave of spiritual fluctuations.

"I'm not in the mood to study now." Zhao Yang said hastily.

"After you put away the nine-fold sword, the brand will disappear. Whenever you want to learn it in the future, you can just hold the nine-fold sword." The nine-fold sword once again conveyed a wave of mental fluctuations.

Zhao Yang hastily put the nine-epee sword into his own small world.

"I don't know how long you have been in the Sea of ​​Creation?" Zhao Yang looked around and said softly, "But you gave me a nine-fold sword?"

He was a little dissatisfied.

What about the heaven-defying good fortune?

Where have you been?

Of course, Zhao Yang won't think so in the future when he knows the value of the nine heavy swords?

He felt that his body was no longer absorbing the power of creation. He looked at the passage that was close at hand, and he was hesitating whether to go or not.

And just as he hesitated, he felt a repulsion.

"You said I'll go if you let me go?" Zhao Yang was desperately resisting the force of nature at this time.

In this way, half a quarter of an hour passed, and Zhao Yang saw a piece of golden paper floating towards him.

Zhao Yang's eyes lit up immediately.

That piece of golden paper may have recorded a powerful technique.

Thinking like this, Zhao Yang tried his best to block the force of attraction.

After 2 minutes like this, the golden paper finally floated in front of Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang grabbed the golden paper in his hand.

The paper is empty, nothing.

This made Zhao Yang a little bit pained.

He really wanted to say that I have persisted for so long, did he persist in loneliness?

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