Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1357 Nightingale

Half way through the ferry, the boat vibrated.

"What happened?"

"There are fierce beasts in the river, it's okay, this ferry is strong enough." The boy in white comforted.

Zhao Yang finally understood why Yongcheng sent someone to pick them up.

It wasn't long before the ferry arrived there.

The boy in white took them to the novice training camp. After helping them sign up, he helped them get tokens and clothes. "Take the clothes and tokens and go to the yellow-level accommodation area."

"Yellow-level accommodation area?" Nalan Chaoran knew that this type of area was the most rubbish.

"Remember, if there is any news, I will notify you through the token." After saying this, the boy in white took Zhao Yang to the Xuan-level living area.

"The Xuan-level living quarters are qualified for the sixth level of the door god realm and the seventh level of the door god realm. The spiritual power here is at least one level stronger than that of the yellow-level living quarters." The boy in white explained to Zhao Yang, "As for the prefecture-level living quarters, it's not suitable to take you there."

"Senior brother, please worry about it." Zhao Yang said hastily.

"Let's not be so polite." The boy in white said with a smile.

The boy in white brought Zhao Yang to a courtyard.

"In the yellow-level living area, four people live in one courtyard, and in the Xuan-level living area, two people live in one courtyard." The boy in white walked for a while and came to a courtyard. This room is empty, you will live here in the future."

Zhao Yang went in and took a look, it was clean and transparent.

"not bad."

"The Sea of ​​Creation will open tomorrow, and I will take you there then."

"Senior Brother Lao."

"If there's nothing else, I'll go back first."

After the boy in white left, Zhao Yang started tidying up the house.

After tidying up, Zhao Yang lay down on the bed and rested.

During this period of time, Zhao Yang has been busy cultivating, his cultivation base has been promoted from the first level to the fourth level, and his spirit is also in a tense state.

It's time to relax a bit.

Zhao Yang didn't wake up until the middle of the moon. With a wave of his hand, the window opened.

Only then did he discover that a restriction appeared around the courtyard at some point, and the restriction isolated the space from the outside world, which meant that the outside world could not see the inside.

"Who arranged the restriction?" Zhao Yang didn't notice it when he came in before.

However, this is also related to Zhao Yang's array level.

At that time, the pagoda only gave Zhao Yang the formation of the peak of the emperor's realm, and the formation of the gods was only slightly involved.

But now his cultivation has reached the fourth level of the Gate God Realm, and his formation can no longer keep up with his cultivation.

When Zhao Yang pushed open the door and walked outside, he was stunned.

What did he see?

A girl with a graceful figure is dancing under the moon?

"Goddess?" Zhao Yang looked at it with interest.

Soon the girl found Zhao Yang.


Seeing that Zhao Yang was discovered, he walked over gracefully.

"When did you come in?" the girl scolded with a sullen face.

"Hua University sent me here today, and he said this is the accommodation arranged for me by the training camp." Zhao Yang explained.

"Are you sure?" the girl looked at Zhao Yang in surprise and asked.

Zhao Yang pointed to his token, "If you don't believe me, look at my token."

The girl ran over.

It sees the information written on the token.

Xuan level 22 courtyard, Zhao Yang.

"I think you'd better change your residence." The girl said after a while.


"Because you will cause a lot of unnecessary trouble."

"I do not quite understand."

"I have a lot of suitors. If you stay here, those suitors will find fault with you!"

"Can you shoot at will in the training camp?"

"You can't shoot casually in training camp, but every three months you have to challenge, or be challenged once."

"Can you refuse?"


"Can a high-level challenge a low-level one?"

"No, only low-level ones can challenge high-level ones."

"If that's the case, there's nothing to worry about."


"Within the same level, I am not afraid of anyone."

The girl noticed that Zhao Yang's eyes were bright when he said this.

"I don't know if you can do it, but let's get to know each other." The girl stretched out her soft and boneless hands towards Zhao Yang, "Nightingale."

"Zhao Yang." Zhao Yang shook his hand lightly and then let go.

When they came to the chairs in the courtyard, the two sat down.

"Nightingale, how long have you been cultivating here?"

"You want to call Senior Sister?"

"Senior Sister Nightingale."

"I have practiced here for 50 years."

"What about your cultivation?"

"The Door God Realm has reached the seventh level."

"It seems that Senior Sister Nightingale will be able to graduate within 300 years."

"Graduating within 300 years is only qualified, but graduating within [-] years is considered excellent."

"What are the benefits of graduating within a hundred years?"

"Graduating within a hundred years can become the personal guard of the city lord of Yongcheng, and then he can be personally trained by the city lord of Yongcheng." Speaking of this, Nightingale's eyes showed longing.

"Is Senior Sister Nightingale sure?"

"It's hard." Nightingale shook her head and said, "It's not been a day or two since my cultivation has been stuck in the Seventh Heaven, and if I can't break through within ten years, I won't be able to set foot on the Ninth Heaven in the next time. "

"I want to know how to practice here?" Zhao Yang asked the doubts in his heart.

"It is impossible to graduate smoothly by practicing step by step." Nightingale looked at Zhao Yang and said, "You will have to challenge every three months. After you succeed in the challenge, you will get points, and the points can be exchanged for boundary stones."

"How to exchange?"

"In the fourth level, you can get one point for defeating someone of the same level, and you can get ten points if you fight at a higher level and win."

"In the fifth level, you can get three points for defeating those of the same level, and you can get [-] points if you fight at a higher level and win."

"The sixth level can get ten points for defeating the same level, and one hundred points for winning if you fight at a higher level."

Hearing this, Zhao Yang knew the promotion system.

"One hundred of the points can be exchanged for a boundary stone."

Hearing this, Zhao Yang's face turned green.

"One hundred points?" Zhao Yang said speechlessly, "That is to say, every three months, if I succeed in the challenge and be challenged successfully, I can only get eight points a year."


"That is to say, the best state is to get a boundary stone within ten years?"

"It can be understood in this way." Nightingale replied, "Of course you are not right to understand this way, because the heaven and earth here are rich in spiritual power, even if there is no boundary stone, it will take you 20 years to ascend to the fifth heaven." After a pause Nightingale continued, "Look, after you reach the fifth heaven, won't it be much easier to get the boundary stone?"

"It will take three years to win both the challenge and the challenged." Zhao Yang curled his lips.

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