Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1352 Killing the Door God

In the evening, the ferocious beast was roasted and sizzling, and the old man brought the best meat to Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang ate a few mouthfuls.

Found the flavor to be surprisingly good.

"Find me a place, I want to practice here." Zhao Yang looked at the old man and said.

Zhao Yang realized that the spiritual power here is not very good, but the rules here are perfect. In other words, Zhao Yang can improve at will.

"The rules have been prepared for you, Shangshen can go there at any time." The old man hesitated and said, "Shangshen, can you leave a painting?"

"A picture?"

"Use the power of your soul to copy your appearance, and we will paste this picture around the village, so that fierce beasts will not dare to invade."

Zhao Yang seems to understand why this realm is called the door god.

"No problem." Zhao Yang said with a smile, "How many pictures do you need?"

"Fourth deputy."

Zhao Yang asked the old man to bring the paper, and under the anticipation of everyone's eyes, he began to describe it.

And after drawing a picture, Zhao Yang felt weak for a while.

The power of the soul is consumed severely.

"It seems that the second picture will have to wait." Zhao Yang said with some embarrassment.

Originally, he thought of drawing all of them at once.

"God please rest, this kind of thing is not urgent." The old man and others said quickly.

Returning to the prepared room in the village, Zhao Yang set up restrictions around him, and then began to practice silently.

It's just that when I really practice, I feel difficult.

The spiritual power here is not as good as the upper and lower realms, but Zhao Yang has already grown up.

This is equivalent to a fish becoming a dragon, how can it breathe freely in the pond.

Zhao Yang had no choice but to take out the two boundary stones, and he felt a burst of relief.

As the spiritual power continued to pour into his body, Zhao Yang's cultivation was also slowly improving.

The next day Zhao Yang walked out of the courtyard refreshed. There were a few girls in coarse cloth at the gate of the courtyard. These girls were all pretty good looking.

"The patriarch asked me to serve Lord Shangshen."

There was hope and apprehension in the eyes of these girls.

"Go back, I like quietness." Zhao Yang refused.

If she wants these girls to come in, it will cause a lot of trouble in the future.

The old man came not long after the girls left.

"God, are you not satisfied with how many of them? There are some beautiful girls in our village." The old man flattered.

"No need, I came to heaven only to practice." Zhao Yang refused, "And I know what you are worried about, don't worry, I will not leave your village alone."

The old man breathed a sigh of relief.

After Zhao Yang spent several days helping the village paint four paintings, he stopped coming out, but practiced silently in his room.

After three months passed like this, Zhao Yang suddenly felt a painting vibrate.

He walked out of the room.

I saw an elegant figure fighting with Zhao Yang who walked out of the painting.

"Brother Daoist, you just came to God, right?" When the man saw Zhao Yang and retreated hundreds of meters, Zhao Yang, who walked out of the painting, returned to the scroll.

"What advice do you have?" Zhao Yang said lightly.

He smelled a powerful aura from this person.

Zhao Yang realized that the other party had to be at least the second level of the Door God Realm.

But he had nothing to fear.

"How much power of faith can you get in this remote village? Why don't you follow me to our village. I'm not afraid to tell you that there are more than 8000 people in our village."

"Thank you for your kindness, I think it's good to be here."

"When will your cultivation break through here?" The figure said bewitchingly, "When you arrive at our place, not to mention the groups of beauties and several fellow Taoists, then we can communicate together. do what?"

"I'm not interested." Zhao Yang still refused after thinking about it.

"Our village is [-] miles east, you can go anytime." The figure left after speaking.

At this time, the people in the village looked at Zhao Yang nervously.

They were afraid that Zhao Yang would leave.

"You don't need to worry, I won't leave." After appeasing everyone for a while, Zhao Yang returned to the courtyard and continued to practice.

And the two figures approached after the one returned to his place of practice.

"Brother, what about the kid?"

"That kid refused." The figure said with a serious face.

"How about we go straight to the door and kill him?" a man whispered.

"We can't break into the village directly." The figure shook his head and said, "Did you forget this rule?"

"Let's just arrest the people in their village." The second man said.

"We are the door gods. Once we do such a thing, we will be liquidated in the future." The figure refused.

After a while of silence, he said in a deep voice, "Well, I'll invite him again after a while."

Two months later, the man came to the door again.

"What do you want, Your Excellency?" Zhao Yang asked with some annoyance.

He is practicing well.

"The door god nearby has a tea party, I wonder if you are interested, Brother Dao?"

"Tea party?" Zhao Yang looked at the figure in surprise.

"Yes, hundreds of door gods nearby have come to participate. While exchanging cultivation experience, we also exchange news." The figure said with a smile.

Zhao Yang thought about it and felt that it was necessary to take a look.

After all, he knows nothing about God.

"OK, when?"

"The tea party has begun."

"Then let's go."

As he walked, Zhao Yang felt something was wrong.

Why the hell is this getting more and more remote?

"Is it the wrong way?" Zhao Yang looked at the figure and asked.

"Why is it wrong?" the figure said with a smile on his face.

"What are you going to do?" Zhao Yang didn't realize that this guy had bad intentions until now.

"Of course I killed you." A figure came from a distance.

"I have no grievances with the two of you, right?" Zhao Yang asked with a frown.

"It is true that you have no enmity with us, but in this remote village, it is too difficult to improve your cultivation." At this moment, another figure appeared.

"So what are you going to do?" Zhao Yang narrowed his eyes.

"We're going to train you." The figure waved his hand at this point, "You two brothers, kill him."

"Kill me?" Zhao Yang sneered, "I'm afraid you don't have the strength." When the words fell, Zhao Yang's spiritual thoughts diffused towards the surroundings.

Divine thoughts are like knives.

Those two were decapitated without even making a scream.

The figure's face suddenly became ugly.

"You dare to kill my two younger brothers?" He said and rushed towards Zhao Yang.

"Garbage from the second floor of the Door God Realm." Zhao Yang punched him as he spoke.

This fist burst out with a bright light, directly smashing that figure into pieces.

Not to mention that Zhao Yang's potential is stronger than this one, but what he cultivates is the original true solution, which is extremely powerful. How can that one be able to compete?

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