Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1351 Where is this

It was at this time that Zhao Yang felt the call of God.

He didn't leave immediately, but built a talisman in the void.




What caused the Five Elements group to collapse was that Zhao Yang gathered three pieces in a very short period of time.

You must know that under normal circumstances, it would be good to condense one or two pieces.

For example, Xuan, who gathered one back then, used the rest of the time to seal the innate group.

But Zhao Yang followed Wan and gathered three of them.




After Zhao Yang condensed ten pieces, Zhao Yang returned to Yanhuangzong.

"what are you going to do?"

"I want to build a mountain guard formation outside the Yanhuangzong Palace."

"Is there enough time?"

"It should be in time." Zhao Yang said softly.

Zhao Yang only built formations on the side of Yanhuangzong's core building complex.

Not all of them.

As time goes by, the formation takes shape little by little.

After about three hours passed, Zhao Yang stopped, and then Zhao Yang passed the core to Lin Caihan.

"Caihan, I have taught you the core of the formation." Zhao Yang said softly, "If someone attacks in the future and needs to use this formation, Yan Huangzong will find a way to leave here."

After speaking, Zhao Yang felt the monstrous attraction, he no longer resisted, but let that force pull him into a world of nothingness.

After seeing Zhao Yang leave, everyone except the human race breathed a sigh of relief.

The five major ethnic groups have not been doing very well these years, and they have been fearful, for fear that Zhao Yang will make a move.

Now Zhao Yang is finally gone.

But who would have thought that Zhao Yang left ten talismans for Yanhuangzong.

The one talisman that Zhao Yang condensed is equivalent to all of their talismans, so there is no possibility of comparison between the two sides, okay?

"Actually, after Zhao Yang left, our situation became even more dangerous."

"Yeah, Zhao Yang was very polite to our Five Elements group before, and after the conflicts between our two groups these years, he would take the initiative to disintegrate, but God knows whether the Yan Huangzong's enforcers will be like Zhao Yang in the future? "

"What if you encounter someone with a bad temper and directly use the talisman to wipe us out?"

"Order your subordinates not to take the initiative to conflict with the human race. Of course, we can't be too cowardly."

"I believe Zhao Yang's wife will speak well."

Qin Zu's direction.

Qin Zu patted Qin Lie on the shoulder, "Son, the Qin clan will entrust you to you in the future."

"Old Ancestor, you also want to cross the tribulation?" Qin Lie was startled.

"I will cross the catastrophe when your cultivation reaches the fifth level, and I believe that day is not far away." Qin Zu said softly.


The eyes of the figure who watched Zhao Yang leave were full of envy.

"Husband, don't you want to leave too?" Concubine Jin asked in panic.

Concubine Jin was really panicked.

She is afraid.

After Li Ruo left, how could Xuanzong's ministries have the qualifications to compete with the Five Elements group?

In recent years, when Xuanzong's ministries clashed with the Five Elements group, the Five Elements group was very tough, okay?

"Actually, I should have left a long time ago." Li said softly.

"Husband." Jin Fei was startled.

"Just wait until Xuanzong has gained a firm foothold." Li bitterly said.

Li is an egoist.

But he also knew that if he left, God knows what the Five Elements group would do?

Furthermore, the Terran Alliance may not make a move.


Zhao Yang didn't know how long it took to teleport before he finally landed on a piece of land.

What surprised him was that the spiritual power in this place was not as strong as he had imagined, even in places like the Five Elements Continent.

"Is this God?" Zhao Yang was very suspicious.

No matter where you look at it, this is not God, is it?


"We have finally descended to God here?"

"We are saved."

At this moment, several excited voices sounded from a distance, and then Zhao Yang saw some ragged men and women running towards him.

"What's going on?" Zhao Yang was a little confused.

Those men and women ran up to Zhao Yang, looking at him with burning eyes.

"This is God?"

"To be exact, this is God's Domain." An old man said softly.

"Shouldn't God's Realm be full of spiritual power? Why is the spiritual power dry up here?" Zhao Yang asked puzzled.

"We are in a remote area here." The old man replied.

"Why do you call me God?"

"In our eyes, as long as they are gods, they all become gods." The old man replied with some embarrassment.

Zhao Yang followed the old man and his party to their village.

It turned out that their village can be described as incomplete.

"Why are you so poor here?"

"We are native aborigines. We have no talent and cultivation, so we can only plan food in the soil." The old man said here tears fell, "But even so, we are still bullied by fierce beasts."

"Ferocious beast?"

"Fierce beasts come to our village from time to time to wreak havoc. Unfortunately, we are too poor to support God." The old man said sadly. The village has been abducted."

"You mean I help your village fend off the beasts, right?"


"But what's the use of me staying in your village?" Zhao Yang said puzzledly, "I have to go to a place with abundant spiritual power to practice."

"You can't leave this area until your cultivation has reached the Fourth Heaven of Door God Realm." The old man said seriously.


"The only way you want to leave here is to cross the Dadu River, and only if your cultivation has reached the fourth level of the Gate God, you are eligible to leave here by ferry." The old man explained.

"That is to say, I can only leave if I honestly practice in this world to the fourth level of the gate god realm?"

"That's understandable."

"But what if some guy's potential is only second or third level?" Zhao Yang suddenly worried about Lin Caihan and others.

"As long as you have enough faith, no matter how bad your aptitude is, you can reach the fourth level of door god realm." The old man changed his voice when he said this, "As long as God chooses our village, our village More than 800 people will sincerely believe in you."

Just when Zhao Yang was about to say something, there was a roaring sound in the distance.

"The beast."

"The beast is coming."


The people in the village saw this scene and ran away.

Zhao Yang felt the cultivation of that beast.

Door God Realm First Level Heaven.

And still cubs.

Zhao Yang's divine sense turned into a shocking sword that split the beast in half.

These people were frightened by this scene.

In their eyes, the invincible beast was dealt with so easily?

"Long live God."

"Long live God."

"Long live God."

These guys are cheering.

Then they carried the beast over.

"Roast the beast, and have a banquet tonight." The old man said excitedly.

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