Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1349 Countermeasures

Yuan Jin'er nodded thoughtfully.

The next day, when three white armors appeared in Yanhuangzong's camp, the expressions of the strong men of the Five Elements group suddenly changed.


They smelled a terrible breath on these strong men.


"These three legions are all emperors."

"30 emperors."

"Is this the true background of Yanhuangzong?"

At this time, let alone the five elements camp, even the human race was frightened.

Three legions.

Those with the worst cultivation are all emperors.

Each legion has two deputy heads, and each deputy head is the existence of the fourth level of the emperor's peak.

As for the head of the group, he was not included.

Everyone immediately realized that the legion commander might be the existence of the fifth level, otherwise there would be no reason to be absent on this occasion.


As the three heavenly legions rushed towards the five elements legion, a forbidden weapon appeared in their hands.

The forbidden weapon turned into a hundred thousand arcs and detonated among the group in front.

All of a sudden, tens of millions of monks fell without even screaming, and then the three heavenly legions pierced into the defense line of the five elements legion like a steel knife.

Followed by ten prefecture-level legions.

They are constantly dividing and strangling.

In just one hour, [-] million people fell from the Five Elements Legion.

This made the Five Elements Corps feel a chill.

At the end of the day, the Five Elements Corps counted the casualties, and was shocked to find that 86 billion had fallen.

"Yanhuangzong's Heavenly Legion is too insane."

"Their equipment is also very good. Even if I am two small realms higher than the other party, I have used many methods and only severely injured the other party."

"Who says it's not? Their battle formation is terrible, they cooperate perfectly, and we are not their opponents at all."

"I suddenly felt that victory was a very slim thing."

It has to be said that the appearance of the Heavenly Legion has greatly stimulated the Five Elements Legion.

Because they simply can't take out such a legion.

When the day-level legion appeared the next day, many monks of the Five Elements group were shaking all over their bodies.

No matter how much the senior officials of the five elements group urged, they were still unwilling to fight this legion.

But the sky-level legion is not used to them.

Their job is to get rid of the obstacles ahead.

After the battle ended the next day, the Five Elements Legion did a count, and they were shocked by the number of deaths.

110 billion.

"How to do?"

"We're going to be done if we keep going."

"Morale is pretty low right now."

"I think the only way to get rid of those three legions is to use the elite."

"Use the elite?"

"After pulling out masters from the major legions and gathering an elite group, they will face the heavenly legion head-on."

"Can we just pass by?"

"If you don't just admit defeat, right?"

In the end, they formed a legion overnight, and the configuration of this legion was even more luxurious than that of the sky-level legion.

So the next day when three brand new legions appeared in the Five Elements group, Yan Huangzong's heavenly legion was stunned.

"Is this tit for tat?" the deputy head of the Heavenly Legion sneered.

"Before playing land was not fun, but now it can be used well."

"It's time to let them see our combat effectiveness."

Soon the legions of the two sides collided together.

The other legions all stood on both sides without interfering.

During the battle, neither the Yanhuang Sect nor the Five Elements group used forbidden weapons and so on.

fair battle;

Fight openly and squarely.

But what the five elements group didn't expect was that when the two sides collided, it was one-sided.

That's right.

Leaning to one side.

This made the senior management of the Five Elements Group feel unbelievable.

"Our side is also equipped by the powerful emperors, and the lineup is not inferior to them at all."

"How is this going?"

"The heavenly legion has used the technique of the soul."

"The soul technique made our soldiers lose their combat effectiveness for a short time."

And at this moment, one-fifth of the emperors on their side lost one-fifth, and one-fifth lost their fighting power, and only one-fifth of Bai remained in full bloom.


As a soldier's voice fell, his combat power instantly doubled.

A full doubling of the combat power allowed him to kill the Five Elements family of the same realm with one sword.

The rest of the emperors also used the plus magic.

Of course, except for the fact that the combat effectiveness of the rank of legion commander can be doubled, the combat effectiveness of more than 90.00% of the emperors can only be doubled.

But is doubling already scary?

This can definitely be unexpected.

When the soldiers of the Yanhuangzong stopped, the legion that the Five Elements group worked so hard to put together was almost destroyed.

"Do you want to continue fighting?" Zhao Yang's figure appeared in midair.

"Let's stop fighting." The ancestor of the Jin clan appeared, with a look of helplessness on his face.

Fighting to the present, there is no point in continuing to fight.

"In the future, your human race will also be a part of the Five Elements Continent." The ancestor of the Mu clan sighed softly.

"I hope we can get along amicably in the future." The ancestor of the Shui tribe said in a deep voice.

"Our human race is very peace-loving, and I hope we can get along well with each other in the future." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

After the war on Zhao Yang's side ended, the war on Xuanzong's side also ended.

The difference is that Xuanzong paid a terrible price.

But it is worth it.

Because when the peace covenant was signed, Li, as a representative, also officially signed a copy.

After the covenant was concluded, Xuanzong also officially became a part of the Five Elements Continent.

However, after all, the two sides have just fought, so within ten years, the Human Race Alliance and the Xuanzong Alliance are not allowed to leave the previous area for the time being.

Zhao Yang also recognized this point.

Otherwise, it is entirely possible for the two sides to start a new war.

Next, Zhao Yang, besides comprehending the Dao of Heaven and Earth, is also creating various hole cards for Yanhuangzong.

When the ten-year period came, the human races moved to the Five Elements Continent one after another.

It is true that the Five Elements Race in the Five Elements Continent is very hostile to the human race, but they did not take revenge.

As time went by, there were more and more exchanges between the two parties, and the previous hatred began to fade slightly.

In this way, another ten years passed, and Zhao Yang summoned all the high-level officials over this day.

"I'm going to cross the catastrophe and ascend." Zhao Yang looked around the audience and said softly.

In fact, some high-level officials of Yanhuangzong had already been mentally prepared, but they were still a little moved after hearing these words.

"Sovereign, can't some more time pass?" Xiaomi said with a face full of reluctance.

"Those who should go will have to go after all." Zhao Yang said softly, "After I have mixed results in the upper world, I will protect you at that time." Then Zhao Yang began to explain some things about the sect.

"After I leave, the Suzerain of the Yanhuang Sect will be Lin Caihan."

"In the future, Caihan and other potentials are allowed to ascend one every ten years on the third floor." Zhao Yang said softly, "As for the potentials on the second floor, only one is allowed to ascend every hundred years."

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