Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1348 Heavenly Legion

The Five Elements group also has groups at the bottom of the box, and these groups are very powerful, and the groups will not easily use them.

But at this time it had to be taken out.

When the Five Elements group brought out the most elite legion, the offensive of the human race was stopped.

Then the two sides began a tug of war.

In fact, it's not just the soldiers on the Human Race side who are desperately fighting, but the Five Elements people are also desperately fighting.

"In one day, the soldiers of the Yanhuangzong lost 200 million, the Qin people lost 200 million, and the major groups of the human race lost 400 million." Lin Caihan's face became pale after counting the data. dignified.

"What about the five elements group?"

"The loss of the Five Elements group is at least three times that of ours."

"Then keep fighting." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice.

Now it is a tug of war, and it will not end in a short time.

Zhao Yang was mentally prepared for this.

the next day!

Day three!

Day [-]!

Even if the Five Elements group has more than 300 billion monks gathered here, it is still difficult for them to penetrate the defense line built by the human race.

The two sides are at a stalemate.

After a month passed like this, the loss of the Five Elements group exceeded tens of billions.


"The human race can't hold on for long."

"Continue to send the legion."

The senior management of the Five Elements Group was aggrieved seeing this scene.

They didn't expect to use so many legions, and they didn't even push forward even a step?

Xuanzong Alliance!

It is very difficult for the Xuanzong Alliance to play the ground.

Even if the Xuanzong Alliance is fighting with their lives, they still lost tens of billions in a month, and their battle lines have been repeatedly compressed.

"Leader, shall we continue?" the ancestor of the Yinglong clan said with a mournful face.

"Where can we retreat?" Li said with a serious face, "We are facing only a few five-element groups here. Do you know that the pressure of the Human Race Alliance is several times that of ours, but they haven't retreated even a step?"

"But we can't fight them." The ancestor of the phoenix clan said helplessly.

"Take human lives, let cannon fodder go, I don't want casualties, I just want to hold the front line." Li Shen said.

After they left, Concubine Jin sighed softly and said, "Xuanzong's soldiers have lost more than a quarter."

This is undoubtedly a terrifying figure.

"Actively help the wounded, and let them go to the battlefield after a little recovery." Li looked at Jin Fei and said, "This is the peak battle and the last battle. As long as we win, the five major ethnic groups will have to accept us in the future."

After a pause, he said leisurely, "We have no way out."

When the battle lasted for three months, the casualties of the Yanhuangzong reached 6000 million, the casualties of the Qin clan reached [-] billion, and the casualties of the various tribes of the human race reached [-] billion.

The casualties of the Five Elements Alliance army reached a terrifying 460 billion.

"The Terran Alliance is too difficult to chew."

"How about we make peace?"

"The human race has lost so many soldiers, I don't believe the human race can hold on."

"Do you know that the Xuanzong Alliance can't hold on any longer?"

"I heard that the territory of the Xuanzong Alliance is less than half of what it was before."

"The Xuanzong Alliance lost more than 600 billion, while the major ethnic groups lost more than 100 billion."

"More than 70.00% of the legions of the five major ethnic groups have been mobilized here, but we are still the first to negotiate peace here?"

"I can't afford to lose this man."

"I can't afford to lose this person."

"Then keep fighting."

The Terran Alliance soon discovered that the Five Elements Alliance's offensive had become more violent.

This made Zhao Yang very confused.

"Don't these guys care about the life and death of the ethnic group?" Zhao Yang asked puzzled.

Fighting until now, do they think there is still a possibility of victory?

At this moment, Tiehan reported that someone from the Xuanzong Alliance was visiting.

The one who came was Li.

Li's breath was unstable at this time.

"You participated in the battle?" Zhao Yang looked at Li in puzzlement.

It stands to reason that Li should not go to the battlefield.

"I helped the wounded." Li explained.

"No wonder, what's the matter?"

"The Xuanzong Alliance can't hold on any longer." Li said with a wry smile, "I'm here on loan this time."

"You Xuanzong Alliance must have hundreds of billions of monks in total, right? Why can't you fight until now?"

"There are a total of 420 billion monks in our Xuanzong Alliance, but all the elites of all races have fallen." Li looked at Zhao Yang and said, "Now we have lost more than two-thirds of the elites, and many The legion has also lost almost half of it."

"In this way, you just keep going." Zhao Yang said after being silent for a while, "Yanhuangzong will launch a general attack soon."

"General attack? You have more than 2000 billion entrenched here? Are you sure you still have the ability to fight back?" Li asked with some doubts.

"You will see it soon." Zhao Yang said lightly.

"We can last for a month with all our strength." Li Shen said.

"It won't take a month." Zhao Yang said seriously.

After nodding his head, he left.

Then Zhao Yang came to the meeting hall, "Tomorrow, the Human Race Alliance will take the initiative to counterattack."

"Actively counterattack?" The suzerains of the various sects of the human race looked at Zhao Yang one after another.

"Yanhuangzong will send out the heaven-level legion tomorrow." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice, "At the same time, more prefecture-level legions will be dispatched. At that time, all ethnic groups must cooperate closely to defeat the five-element legion in the shortest possible time."

All the suzerains of the major sects of the human race were shocked.

Heavenly Legion.

Yanhuangzong still has a hole card now?

"It was rumored before that Yanhuangzong had a heaven-level army, but it has not been confirmed. It turns out that Yanhuangzong really does have one."

"How strong should the Heavenly Legion be?"

"Since the lord has said it, it will definitely change the situation of the battle. I am looking forward to tomorrow's scene."

"Haha, push the five elements group tomorrow."

Just when the patriarchs of the various sects went back to prepare, Lin Caihan asked, "How many heavenly legions will be mobilized tomorrow."

"Three." Zhao Yang replied, "Didn't you mobilize 1000 prefecture-level legions before? Tomorrow, ten prefecture-level legions will be mobilized. Besides, isn't the sword slave asking for a fight? Let the sword slave's [-] million army go too."

"What about the forbidden device?"

"The sky-level legion has two forbidden weapons, and the earth-level legion has one forbidden weapon." Zhao Yang thought for a while and said, "Each level leader has two scrolls, one attack scroll, and one defense scroll."

"With these things, I don't think there is much problem in penetrating the Five Elements group." Lin Caihan is very aware of the combat effectiveness of the Heavenly Legion.

Their fighting power is so strong that it can be called terrifying.

"Husband, I don't understand why you took a strong shot to hurt all ethnic groups without coming up?" Yuan Jin'er asked.

"I can hurt the Five Elements group, but when I leave? They will fight back like crazy." Zhao Yang looked at Yuan Jin'er and said, "Furthermore, if the Five Elements group can't see how powerful we are, then what will happen next?" The fighting between the two sides will not stop, only by making them realize our strength, so that they can coexist peacefully with us."

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