"How many will fail?"

"one third."

"That is to say, one third of them will die?"

"First, someone has to fight; second, in this turbulent age, the kindness in human nature will be suppressed. The reason we do this is to save more people." Lin Caihan looked at Qin Lu and said, "We used to Regardless of accepting it indiscriminately, the result is that a quasi-emperor has a despicable character, not to mention harming hundreds of girls, and even thousands of girls died in his hands."

Hearing this, Qin Lu was silent, "After I go back, I will discuss with Qin Zu, and then decide which human races will come."

"Okay, after your side decides, we will send warships to go."

After Qin Lu went back, she narrated the matter to Qin Zu and others.

"Lin Caihan's decision is correct." Qin Lie said in a deep voice, "Recently, the law enforcement team has killed tens of thousands of human races. Those guys think that the end of the world is coming, and they have done too many nasty things."

"Those with good character deserve to live, and those with bad character should be allowed to use their last energy." Qin Ri said lightly.

"You guys confirm the quota, and then notify Yanhuangzong to pick him up." Qin Zu said softly.

"Father, will some of our Qin clan's family members also be transferred?" Qin He asked tentatively.

Qin Zu glared at Qin Hedao, "If the family members of our Qin clan are also transferred, what do you let the monks of the clan think? Even if they want to withdraw, we will be the last ones."

Seeing that Qin Zu was angry, Qin He didn't dare to say anything more.

The news that the Qin Clan was going to transfer tens of billions of people quickly spread throughout the Qin Clan, and the monks in the Qin Clan's residence were eager to go to Yanhuangzong.

Who doesn't know that Yanhuangzong is as strong as gold, and who doesn't know that Zhao Yang is the only one in the world.

Therefore, the leaders of the major human races took action one after another, even Xianting was no exception.

"Qin Lu, we and the Yanhuangzong both came from our homeland. For this relationship, we should be given the quota this time, right?" Huang Qingchan said.

I have to say that Huang Qingchan can't speak very much.

You are clearly begging, but aggressive.


Does Qin Lu owe you anything?

"Since you have such a relationship, you might as well go to Yanhuangzong yourself." Qin Lu said lightly.

Huang Qingchan choked for a moment.

Looking for Yanhuangzong in person?

Are you afraid that you will be rejected?

"That...you also know that with the raging alien star beasts today, we can't leave the Qin clan at all." Huang Qingming said softly.

"It's okay, after the quota is confirmed, Yanhuangzong will come to pick you up, and then you can take the initiative to find them." Qin Lu walked towards the distance after speaking, "I still need to confirm the quota, let's go .”

Huang Qingchan stomped her feet and said angrily, "Hmph, what's so arrogant?"

Huang Qingming quickly covered Huang Qingchan's mouth, "Do you know that she is now at the peak of Emperor Realm?"

Only then did Huang Qingchan realize that Qin Lu and her were not on the same level.

"One look from the peak of the imperial realm can kill us instantly, you know?" Huang Qingming sighed softly when he said this, "What do you think we should do next?"

"The Qin clan can't hold on anymore, otherwise they wouldn't ask Yanhuangzong to help." Huang Qingchan said in a deep voice.

"That's right, there are 800 billion direct descendants and affiliated personnel of the Qin Clan, and 400 billion human races protected by the Qin Clan." Huang Qingming said carefully, "No matter how many resources the Qin Clan has, It is also impossible to shelter so many monks."

"I think Yanhuangzong wants 100 billion because it doesn't want to embarrass the Qin family." Huang Qingchan nodded and said, "This may be our only chance."

"The problem is that Yanhuangzong may not pay attention to us."

"I think the second god general can ask."

Qin Lu's side quickly confirmed the quota of 100 billion, mainly because the Qin family couldn't hold on anymore.

If we can save 100 billion monks, we can also relax a little bit.

Yanhuangzong sent a warship of the fourth level of Zhundi Peak, and it was Zhao Yang's disciple Tie Han who was in charge of this operation.

In addition, there are [-] emperors and [-] quasi-emperors on the battleship.

Qin Lie, Qin Lu, Qin Xuan and other senior officials of the Qin clan are fully responsible for this handover.

"The emperor and quasi-emperor present opened their own small worlds," Tie Han ordered.

Then [-] channels appeared in the audience.

The 100 billion monks entered these passages in order.

After a while, the second god general came in front of Tiehan.

"I am the second general of Xianting." The second general first introduced his identity.

"What's the matter?" Tie Han said lightly.

"Can you take us to Xianting this time?" the second general said softly.

Tie Han looked at Qin Lu beside him and said, "Have you arranged the Immortal Court this time?"

"No." Qin Lu shook her head and said, "These 100 billion monks are all low-strength and weak groups, and the strength of Xianting is not bad among the major forces."

Immediately, Tiehan showed a helpless look on his face, "So sorry."

The second god general sighed softly, turned and left.

"How many monks of the Qin clan need to be transferred?" Tie Han asked after tens of billions of monks entered the small world of the great emperors and quasi-emperors.

"It's hard to say." Qin Lu smiled wryly.

"It's okay."

"There are 800 billion direct descendants and subordinates of the Qin clan, and 400 billion people who have come to defect to the Qin clan." Qin Lu said helplessly, "But the Qin clan wants to protect them all, which is why the Qin clan is about to insist. The reason why you can't live."

Hearing this, Tie Han pondered for a while and said, "Before I came, the suzerain said that the Yanhuang sect will bring 100 billion human races every year in the future."

"Can the Yanhuang Sect hold on?" Qin Lie asked in a deep voice.

Qin Lie has been to Yanhuangzong, so he knows how big Yanhuangzong's territory is?

"Don't worry, Yan Huangzong won't make fun of his own survival." Tie Han said with a smile.

Hearing this, Qin Lie and the others were very happy.

If this is the case, the pressure on the Qin clan can be greatly reduced.

"By the way, the runes of the three formations are almost exhausted." What did Tie Han suddenly think of?

"That's right, the formation has been operating almost continuously for these years." Qin Lie nodded.

Tie Han summoned an avatar of himself, "My level of formation is not as good as that of Master, but there is still no problem in repairing the three formations."

"Thank you." Qin Lie said hastily.

The Qin Clan doesn't have formation masters of this level.

Tie Han took the 100 billion monks to the city built by Yanhuangzong.

In that city Yanhuangzong made a selection.

More than 30 billion monks were selected first, and these monks went to the big world, while the remaining monks needed to be tested and fought.

This made those monks complain.

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